From what I can tell early on, the public is ALL OVER NYG spread. Probably applies to their ML, as well.
At least "for now," the Patriots are getting some relief. There is no question in my mind that Vegas will fuck over the public on this game, and if the public loads up on NE later on (cause of the inevitable he said/she said Super Bowl crap hype), then I recommend that everyone on this board absolutely unload on NYG ATS and throw what's left on their ML.
As BC has stated before (and I agree), the karmic circle from the 2001 season's Super Bowl could be about to be completed. All that needs to occur is for the yahoo public to pile on New England, and then all the stars would be aligned.
No pressure whatsoever on NYG........all 100% of it sits squarely on New England.
I am sure being around Hoodie and Brady the next 2 weeks will be a barrel of fun. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!