Man, the entire f**king board was on the Giants

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Wish I would have been able to see that before now. Didn't have Internet access in Vegas over the weekend.

I'm not going to say congrats to each of you individually, just congrats to you all overall.

Nice job.
Yeah, I had the Giants, too, to win the first half. They dominate all but 15 seconds, and I still can't win.

I'm in your camp, joe.

And, as far as that full circle thing goes, the SB needed the Giants (who have already lost a close one to the Pats this season, just like the Pats had lost a close one to Saint Louis in that year's regular season) for the upset to occur =)
And, as far as that full circle thing goes, the SB needed the Giants (who have already lost a close one to the Pats this season, just like the Pats had lost a close one to Saint Louis in that year's regular season) for the upset to occur

Right, which I was all about, only I had the Packers doing it. Frankly, I shouldn't even bet the SB, because I've bet against the Giants for three weeks and they've taken what started as a bad January and they (along with the Colts last week) have buried me.

It's extremely depressing.
"Man, the entire f**king board was on the Giants "

Does that mean we have a very smart board? hehe :cheers:
patriots this time around i think will be ready for the giants and have a lot of information to prepare with.
Well, based on the fact that I think the Patriots shove both feet and a midget up the ass of the Giants, I just bet NY.

I've been so wrong on this team, so incredibly wrong throughout the playoffs that at this point I just put a token bet on them so if they do lose by 30 in a game that's not that close their ass raping of me can be complete, I can call it a bad playoffs and move on. And if they win I can just laugh about it because I obviously didn't understand this team one bit.
Well, based on the fact that I think the Patriots shove both feet and a midget up the ass of the Giants, I just bet NY.

I've been so wrong on this team, so incredibly wrong throughout the playoffs that at this point I just put a token bet on them so if they do lose by 30 in a game that's not that close their ass raping of me can be complete, I can call it a bad playoffs and move on. And if they win I can just laugh about it because I obviously didn't understand this team one bit.

Joe, if SD had been able to convert atleast 2 of those 3 fucking fieldgoals in the first half into TD's, New England would have been eliminated too. They got lucky...AGAIN....LOL
Joe, if SD had been able to convert atleast 2 of those 3 fucking fieldgoals in the first half into TD's, New England would have been eliminated too. They got lucky...AGAIN....LOL <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

SD was the one thing I did right today. Them and the 2nd half under really balanced out what GB just did to me.

Here's the one good thing about the NFL, you can't just blindly play the conspiracy angle. That angle nets you things like Indy vs NE for the AFC Championship or NE vs GB in the SB. Not so fast.

Which isn't why I bet the Packers, but I figured it would help. I mostly figured their defense would show up against an offense I consider overrated. But apparently I'm wrong about NY's offense.
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I mostly figured their defense would show up against an offense I consider overrated. But apparently I'm wrong about NY's offense.

Plaxico Burress..that was the difference tonight. Combined with a few good throws from Eli. Gotta hand it to the kid. He didnt choke at all tonight.
I'm still wondering why GB abandoned the run from the start. And why they never doubled Plexico. I really hate the GB gameplan. Grant 29 yards? Compared to 130 rushing yards by the NY backs. Give me a fucking break. No wonder they couldnt convert 3rd downs, the defense could sell out on the pass.
As a Redskins fan, I'm supposed to hate these guys. And I've never liked Eli either, but I did find myself pulling for this team.

Just as in the Indy game last week, the calls all went the way of the Packers. There were a handful of calls that could have, and frankly should have decided the outcome of this game. I still didn't see the personal foul they called on Madison in the second half to keep a drive alive. GReen Bay would have kicked a FG, but instead they were able to get a first down and score. Also there was no holding on the run for a TD that was called back at the end of the game. To have bad calls decide the outcome of what will go down as one of the best playoff games in the past 20 years would have been unfortunate. It was fitting as hell to see the Giants prevail tonight. Congrats to the fans, and the guys that made money on it.

And my big bet was the Favre prop for under 248 passing yards. Had 236 for the game and was sure I was a gonner when they won the OT coin toss. The ending couldn't have been better for me.
I should have taken that also but I felt the gambling gods would flag me for greed. I have to brag a little here About 6 weeks ago I bet the Giants at 18-1 to win the nfc. As this game grew closer the odds decreased some but it was still good value so I continued to throw money on this nfc bet when at all possible. Both the Giants and I are sharing a deliriously happy Sunday after this extraordinary game. So glad to hear that most CTG people had the G-men in some winning fashion.:tiphat::36_11_6::cheers::smiley_acbe:
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I should have taken that also but I felt the gambling gods would flag me for greed. I have to brag a little here About 6 weeks ago I bet the Giants at 18-1 to win the nfc. As this game grew closer the odds decreased some but it was still good value so I continued to throw money on this nfc bet when at all possible. Both the Giants and I are sharing a deliriously happy Sunday after this extraordinary game. So glad to hear that most CTG people had the G=men in some winning fashion.:tiphat::36_11_6::cheers::smiley_acbe:

I so regret not gettin in on any Gmen future bets.
Wow theres not a team I hate more than the Giants and I wish I could punch Eli in his damn pussy. And I will now admit Al Harris is the most overrated CB in the league and the term "shutdown corner" should never be used in the NFL since any WR can take on any CB on any given day. And I have also learned that Plaxico Burress when he wants to be can be a Top 5 WR in this league
I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that Eli is playing in his 1st SB in year 4, while it took big brother 9 seasons to make his 1st appearance.
It must be the D.
As much as I hate to admit it, Eli has arrived. His performance today was very impressive. Sure, Burress made some great catches, but he played mistake free football, and make some big throws in conditions that are tougher than any I've seen since Fouts beard froze in Cincy in the 80's. You've gotta give him some credit for the games he's turned in. Three straight weeks winning on the road, and hasn't thrown an INT this postseason.
I do give him some credit. I hate him more than words can say right now as he just ate up all my profit from the weekend in Vegas. But I do give him credit.

i have always hated eli ever since the draft when he declined the chargers

i hope the public remembers this. eli got plenty of flack for it, and it has now come to fruition. i'm not saying i agree with his actions, but i hope all those who tried rubbing this in his face last year when the chargers went 14-2 remember.
And, as far as that full circle thing goes, the SB needed the Giants (who have already lost a close one to the Pats this season, just like the Pats had lost a close one to Saint Louis in that year's regular season) for the upset to occur =)

bc, if i remember correctly, that regular season loss the pats suffered to the rams in the 2001 season was not close at all. and don't get your hopes up too high, that 2001 sb win was because of belichick's sheer brilliance... i don't give coughlin that much credit
I had the same type of weekend in the divisional round, Joe. But if you're still in Vegas - the night is young, and well - "You've got that going for you, which is nice."
Wish I would have been able to see that before now. Didn't have Internet access in Vegas over the weekend.

I'm not going to say congrats to each of you individually, just congrats to you all overall.

Nice job.

I see someone had too much fun with the midget incall services :tiphat:
The sad thing is that I 'could' have had Internet access for $14.95 a day from my hotel room, I just wouldn't pay it on principle.

Now, of course, come to find out that had I paid it I'd have saved myself well over 10 times that. More, actually.
From what I can tell early on, the public is ALL OVER NYG spread. Probably applies to their ML, as well.

At least "for now," the Patriots are getting some relief. There is no question in my mind that Vegas will fuck over the public on this game, and if the public loads up on NE later on (cause of the inevitable he said/she said Super Bowl crap hype), then I recommend that everyone on this board absolutely unload on NYG ATS and throw what's left on their ML.

As BC has stated before (and I agree), the karmic circle from the 2001 season's Super Bowl could be about to be completed. All that needs to occur is for the yahoo public to pile on New England, and then all the stars would be aligned.

No pressure whatsoever on NYG........all 100% of it sits squarely on New England.

I am sure being around Hoodie and Brady the next 2 weeks will be a barrel of fun. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Obviously, the key in this game will be the line of scrimmage. Everyone and his dog will spend the next 2 weeks with diarrhea at the mouth yapping about Brady, Eli, Plaxico, Moss, Maroney, Jacobs, etc......

No one will talk about the 2 o-lines.

Obviously, the key in this game will be the line of scrimmage. Everyone and his dog will spend the next 2 weeks with diarrhea at the mouth yapping about Brady, Eli, Plaxico, Moss, Maroney, Jacobs, etc......

No one will talk about the 2 o-lines.


not much to say about the two o-lines except they both are GREAT. NYG seems to pull a little better, and NE seems to power and pass block a little better. but both are sound all around.
From what I can tell early on, the public is ALL OVER NYG spread. Probably applies to their ML, as well.

At least "for now," the Patriots are getting some relief. There is no question in my mind that Vegas will fuck over the public on this game, and if the public loads up on NE later on (cause of the inevitable he said/she said Super Bowl crap hype), then I recommend that everyone on this board absolutely unload on NYG ATS and throw what's left on their ML.

As BC has stated before (and I agree), the karmic circle from the 2001 season's Super Bowl could be about to be completed. All that needs to occur is for the yahoo public to pile on New England, and then all the stars would be aligned.

No pressure whatsoever on NYG........all 100% of it sits squarely on New England.

I am sure being around Hoodie and Brady the next 2 weeks will be a barrel of fun. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clay - I think at this point there is so much invested in Pats SB futures, that if the Giants become the more favoured side on the day, it's not going to be nearlty to the degree to nullify all those futures (which of course are tied to the SU result, not the ATS one).
bc, if i remember correctly, that regular season loss the pats suffered to the rams in the 2001 season was not close at all. and don't get your hopes up too high, that 2001 sb win was because of belichick's sheer brilliance... i don't give coughlin that much credit

New England lost 17-24 (10-14 at the half), covered as the Dog

Giants lost 35-38, and led by 12 (28-16) at one point.

I see no reason not *to get hopes up* at all.
btw, here's a laughable entry in a cbs gamelog to their gamecast of the packers/Gints game - obviously made by a Packers fan