Louisville vs. Kentucky


Pretty much a regular
The battle for the Bluegrass, the Brawl for the Governors Cup, The.......well you get the picture. There is no doubt about it, these teams hate each other, always have, and always will. No love lost here as the Cards and Cats square off in their yearly meeting.

Lets take a look at the matchup:

Louisville is coming off of a dissapointing win against MTSU. Yeah, they won by 16, but the defense in the first half of that game looked nothing short of awful. In all fairness though, they did seem to get things fixed a bit in the 2nd half, and with the exception of one really bad play that went for a TD, looked a ton better.

The Louisville secondary took a huge hit this week as it was announced that starting safety (and last years Freshman All-American) Latarrius Thomas will miss the rest of the season with a torn ACL.

I expect to see two players a lot more this week, and they are Brandon Heath (Safety) and Willie Williams (LB) And yes, it is "That Willie Williams" the former All American and Miami Hurricane.

Kentucky has looked impressive in their first two games of the year, and also boast one of the best offenses in the country. They have a great QB, and two very impressive WR's to go along with their quick tailback Rafael Little.

Here is something that I am fairly certain of. The Louisville defense has been holding back over the first two games. Why does this defense look nothing like the defense from last season? We have the same D-Coordinator in Cassity, have pretty much the same amount of talent (Although losing Okoye did hurt), and are playing in the same scheme. The difference has been the play calling on defense. We have seen next to no blitzing, and some very interesting personnel decisions as to who is on the field and when. I expect both of those things to change this week, and expect a lot of pressure to be applied to Woodson of UK. I expect a defense in this game that looks nothing like the defense from the first two. Are the going to shut Kentucky out? Hell no. But it wouldnt shock me one bit if UK scored less in this game than MTSU did last week against the Cards.

The offenses are both fantastic, and this one should see its fair share of points. The defenses are both nothing spectacular, which should say even more about the total amount of points in this one. Where I believe Louisville has the big edge is in special teams. UofL has two very fast kick returners in Spillman and Guy (Who already have 1 kick return TD, and another one called back on a BS penalty), and the Lou Groza award winning kicker Art Carmody.

Lets take a look at the series. Louisville is 7-1 in the last 8 games, including 4-0 in the last 4, and 4-0 in Lexington, where this weeks game will be played. Louisville's average margin of victory is 17, including 19 in games played in Lexington. Bottom Line, they always get up for the game against Kentucky, and I expect this week to be no different.

Quite possibly the biggest factor? Motivation. Kentucky did this week, what in my opinion is a very stupid thing. They placed 17 billboards of UK football in the Louisville Metro area, including one at the exit the players take to get to the practice facility! If they werent already awake and ready to go for this game, you can bet your ass that will do it! Has anyone ever seen what happens to teams that come to Louisville and stomp on the Cardinal logo at midfield? In case you were wondering, you can ask the 2006 Miami Hurricanes (31-7) or the 2005 Rutgers Scarlet Knights (56-5) Both of those teams got cocky, and they got killed as a result. I expect this little billboard fiasco to do the trick for UK. Simply stupid of them.

Final Score:

Louisville 48, Kentucky 35

The play:

Louisville -6.5 for 1 unit

I will also be back for discussion when the Total number comes out, but I can already tell you that I am thinking Over. If its less than 70, it will probably be a 2 unit play on the Over, if it is less than 63, I might even bump it up to 3 units. There will be a lot of points here. Two top 10 offenses going up against two average defenses = A Lot Of Points, especially in this series where the two teams routinely average over 60 combined points per game when they meet up.

Good Luck to Everyone this week!

Officially laying off the Total unless something drastic changes. Opened up at 72, and within 20 seconds was at 76! While I still think the over will win this one, it is too close for me to touch. My suggestion again, play Louisville -6.5, and lay off the total.

Really liking your angle here, WEBB. Was leaning to Louisville...and you just may have just convinced me to squeeze the trigger.

GL this week! :cheers:
I am listening - and hearing you this week.

Interesting on the billboards, I am sure the UK Coaching staff is happy with that Booster.
Whoever did that is a moron. Thats all UK needed to do against a team they struggle against every year. Get them good and pissed and ready for another ass kicking!

I initially thought UK may have a chance to keep these in single digits, but after that crap, I am doubting that happens.
great write-up. But I disagree about Louisville's defense...and that loss in the secondary can't help....I think this is quite winnable for Kentucky.

but I may just wait til gameday when the total gets bet up to 96 and take the under...

cus you know this one's going to get stupid high...
I dont think I would chance it and bet the under even if it reaches 96! With these two teams it could end up 65-62!!!

Still think Louisville wins this one and covers, but we will have to wait until Saturday to find out!

I don't think you're acknowledging how much more important this game is to UK and their fan base...

I'd wish you GL, but I really hope you don't hit this bet, haha...
More Important to UK and their fanbase? Are you kidding me?

This game is MUCH more important to UofL, because UofL actually has aspirations of a BCS bowl, and maybe even a National Championship if they can run the table.

Even if UK somehow manages to win this game, there is not a chance in hell that they actually come out of the SEC to play in a BCS bowl. They have quite possibly the best offense in the SEC, but I still highly doubt that they can beat Florida and Tennessee to win the East, and even if they did, I would bet my left testicle that they couldnt beat LSU.

Games only mean more to your team if they can help you get to somewhere important. This game means much more to UofL than it does to UK. UofL loses, the season is already a failure compared to last year. UK loses, they still have a shot to beat either Tennessee or Florida, win more games than last season, and have a better year.

Dont get me wrong Cat fan, I know your fans want this game worse than they wanted to run Tubby out of town, but that doesnt mean that it means more to your team than it does to ours.

Games only mean more to your team if they can help you get to somewhere important.


That's a ridiculous statement. If that were the case, then every time two teams matched up, the game would always mean more to the favorite. That's absolutely absurd.

UK hasn't won this game in 5 years, and they can't stand the fact their little brother has become the king of college football in Kentucky. Now they finally have a team who can compete with the Cards, finally have a chance to earn a little respect, and maybe prove they aren't that far behind U of L. To sit here and say this game means more to Louisville is just laughable - they've dominated this series recently and know they have the better program.

If you don't believe me, you can ask my friend who plays for U of L, who tells me the team just pokes fun at UK and doesn't even consider it a rivalry because the Cats never beat them.
Quite possibly the biggest factor? Motivation. Kentucky did this week, what in my opinion is a very stupid thing. They placed 17 billboards of UK football in the Louisville Metro area, including one at the exit the players take to get to the practice facility! If they werent already awake and ready to go for this game, you can bet your ass that will do it! Has anyone ever seen what happens to teams that come to Louisville and stomp on the Cardinal logo at midfield? In case you were wondering, you can ask the 2006 Miami Hurricanes (31-7) or the 2005 Rutgers Scarlet Knights (56-5) Both of those teams got cocky, and they got killed as a result. I expect this little billboard fiasco to do the trick for UK. Simply stupid of them.

great tidbit
This reminds me of UGA-SC.. SC thinks of UGA as a big game, 2nd behind Clemson, UGA thinks of SC as 5th-6th behind FL, Tenn, Auburn, LSU, maybe Bama
I agree that the billboard thing was stupid, but I'm on Kentucky +7.5 in this one...I think the last one with the ball wins this one, so I'm taking my chances with the points (that's odd...lol)...
I would not be surprised to see KY win this one.
Granted UL has not blitzed much this year and they do have to get pressure on Woodson. But like you said, they have the same Defensive coordinator and same scheme, so the KY coaches will review film from the past 2+ seasons of the defense. by not blitzing in the first two games, they may have hid a few secrets, but all in all, its going to be the same scheme from previous years.
If KY can keep Woodson from being under pressure, KY will light the scoreboard up.
Ky's defense is weak, dont get me wrong, but the secondary has improved, might be the strongest part of UK defense, and if they could get two or three stops, it could be enough.

KY 45
UL 38
I agree w/ linde hear...the motivation is definetely for the home team here....

R Brooks has this team on the brink and he has the horses this year to compete..
Alright guys, all I am saying is that I expect each and every one of you to line up for your licks after the game this Saturday, just like everyone who didnt listen to me last week had to do.

And no, that comment didnt mean that the game means more to the favorite in every game. Take the Syracuse vs. Illiois game for example. One could argue that the game means more to Syracuse because neither team is going to be playing for a major bowl or anything, but Syracuse is 0-2, playing for their coaches job, and beat Illinois last season at Illinois. You could certainly argue that they need that game more than Illinois.

I'm not lining up for shit...I didn't say I favor UK vs the spread in this game..

But u're billboard motivation doesn't outweight futility motivation for UK, IMO.
Little Brother, lol, now thats funny. Spoken like a true UK fan.

I would like to ask your friend who plays for UofL, what is his name and phone number?

If you think for one second that this team doesnt consider that a rivalry, and doesnt take this game serious, you are kidding yourself.

All they have to do for motivation is look at the Billboards, and remember what "almost" happened in Lexington 2 years ago when they became too overconfident and didnt take UK seriously.

If you are betting your money on UofL not taking this seriously, I would suggest you not even make a wager on the game, and run in the other direction.

Im not one of these fans who always thinks my team is going to win just because they are "my team" I look at everything, spend hours disecting the Louisville games every week, and I promise you that if I think we are going to lose or not cover, I will most certainly say it. I thought we wouldnt cover last week, and told everyone to lay off of it, and was right. This week, I think we will win and cover, and we will see how it plays out.

Believe me, I am not saying that Kentucky does not have a chance to win this game. They most certainly do. I am saying that I dont think they will win this game, and think they will lose by at least a TD. UofL has slightly more talent on Offense, slightly less talent on Defense, and a lot more talent on Special Teams. History and Motivation from stupid UK boosters say that UofL will win and cover.

I think the two DT losses for UK are going to play a factor, bigtime...moreso than the safety for U of L, although that hurts..

If UK is going to win, they have to pressure Brohm...and have to stop Allen...

340 yds rushing to Kent and now two DT short, makes me think that's a big problem..

I have the over, so I hope it is..lol.
If they gave up 340 yards rushing to Kent, they may have some trouble with Allen, who is coming off of a school record 275 yards rushing in the last game.
I love it Webb.

And no where can we get info like "They placed 17 billboards of UK football in the Louisville Metro area, including one at the exit the players take to get to the practice facility!" anywhere else.

You also caught my eye lat week, when you said the defensive play calling was very conservative against the 2 garbage teams, not giving anything up on film. I think them giving up 43 to MTSU hurts KY significantly here. They say to them selves "this scrub team put up how many? We'll double that."

GL dude.
the majority of Kent states rushing came from a scrambling QB.
They will have problems with allen, but brohm is not going to be a scrambling threat.
I would hope not. I dont want Brohm scrambling around! I want him in the pocket, throwing rockets to Douglas and Urutia!
I'm sitting here watching the news and saw that Tropical Storm Humberto just formed off the coast of Galveston and was shown to be moving to the Northeast through Memphis at 1:00 on Friday afternoon.

If it holds that path, this will dump a whole ton of water on kentucky overnight on Friday. (I have no idea where Lexington is in the state, though).

Just an FYI on the weather.
The forecast looks pretty clear for gametime Saturday.........but then again, there is a reason that I call them weather guessers!!!
I have no opinion whatsoever on the side in this game. Made it 7.5. Not interested in either. But every sucker in the world is going to have OVER and I'll be there with them. Anything less than 80 is a steal in my opinion. BW is going to bet the UNDER so it will come down to 75 or so (from the 77 you see now).... Who gets the ball last could well win/cover....
Like I said, I think it will be OVER the total, I am just not interested in playing it at that number.

Good Luck all the same.
Webb I like your argument for Louisville and respect your opinion very much on your Cards. I have seen both Louisville games this year and watched both the Thursday night affairs surrounded by huge Louisville fans and they all tell me the same thing. There is absolutely no pressure on the QB from their D, they didn't record a sack in the 1st 2 games against two powerhouses. Now I am not saying UK has a great offensive line by any means but it is adequate and if they can keep Andre Woodson upright and off the turf Louisville will not stop the Cats.
Everything I have been hearing all week from the Kentucky players is that its not extra motivation because its Louisville but my guess is they wanna try and downplay it. Its just the next game on the schedule.....well bs these seniors have been pounded for three years by the Cards and there is no doubt it will be emotional and meaningful on both sidelines so hard to find an edge there. I do know one thing, this is one of the toughest tickets in town and there won't be as much red in Commonwealth this time around the fans should have no problem making this atmosphere electric.

As far as the gameplan goes when Kentucky is on Defense they have to limit the big plays and make Brohm get out of the pocket and force mistakes. The problem is the guy is deadly accurate and UK will need a turnover or a big play from their D early in the game to provide a spark.
When UK has the ball I really expect them to try and grind it out on the ground, expect a heavy dose of Little but I have also been impressed by what I have seen out of Dixon and Smith so if the O-line can open some holes they should be able to establish the run early in order to open things up. I know I hear a lot of UK fans asking where has Jacob Tamme been early in the season?? The guy has been non-existent for the first two games of the year but the word is they have tons of packages that they have not shown off with him involved in those two games. Joker Phillips has to know his D will not win this game for him so the goal of the offense has to be ball control and keep your D on the sidelines. The screen and draw game should be in full effect which UK has yet to do much of early on as well. If Kentucky is in this game in the 4th quarter I think they shock the world and beat the Cards. For the first time in a long time there is something to get excited about in Lexington before Keeneland and basketball season.

PS also think this one goes under......

Louisville 31
Kentucky 35
UK +7 for a medium bet
UK ml waiting for +250
We will agree to disagree.

If Kentucky is smart in their gameplan, they will stick to short passes and plays where the QB scrambles. Those are the weaknesses of the Louisville defense. I think Little will have a good game rushing, but he is not the difference maker in this one, and the Cards will be able to stop him enough to win this game. If Kentucky has any chance, once again, short passes and QB scrambles.

I dont think that Kentucky is going to get the pressure that they need to slow down Brohm or create mistakes. Lets not forget here, while Kentucky may have a serviceable O-Line, Louisville has one of the better O-Lines that you will find. They have at least 2 players on that line that will be playing in the NFL, possibly more.

And once again, just for good measure, I cant stress enough just how stupid it was for Kentucky Boosters to put those billboards up in Louisville. Simply Stunning........

We will agree to disagree.

And once again, just for good measure, I cant stress enough just how stupid it was for Kentucky Boosters to put those billboards up in Louisville. Simply Stunning........


I agree. That really pisses me off...
Damn, didnt see this thread before making mine, didnt know so many people where on UK, i just dont see it; of course i hope i am wrong.
Article about the billboards....( http://www.kentucky.com/294/story/173314.html )

Honestly, This game is a coin toss. Anything can and will happen in this game. I think people will be surprised as both teams try to establish the run. The problem for Kentucky is Louisville has just dominated them on the ground the last several years. While Brohm won't scramble, Louisville will run with relative ease through the injured Kentucky D. Kentucky's three RB's are better than advertised. They will give Louisville some trouble as well.

Kentucky is planning to disguise coverage and blitz ( http://www.kentucky.com/295/story/175394.html ). With this type of mindset I don't think the 6.5 points mean a lot. If Louisville handles the blitz, they win by double digits going away. If UK can disguise their blitz( see Rutgers, UL game last year) and pressure Brohm, they win outright. I believe both team are hoping for a couple of stops or turnovers. The only value I see is the money line. The over is such a huge public bet and a 6.5 pt spread is meaningless when two teams are going to score so much. I'll take the moneyline odds at 2.5:1 for the home team and hope they don't get burned all day in the blitz.

BOL everyone
I just have a hard time believing Kentucky is THAT much closer in talent to louisville this year than they have been any of the last 3 years... one could argue this is the best louisville team of the last 4 years in certain ways.

Has kentucky really closed the gap that much?

I say no... I think the cards still own the state.. but if there's a time when they could go down to their in-state rival, i guess this would be the time.

I just don't see it.. I think the Cards roll by about 20 here.
Seems like a ton of TV analyst are picking Kentucky..........and I love it! Seems like those guys are wrong A LOT when picking upsets (they were all on TCU over Texas last week) All that does is create a few more things for Kragthorpe to talk about in the locker room before the game! Im sure they are gonna get the ole "Everyone is picking against you" speech!

Sounds like a winner!
I will say that was one of the best college football games of the year. The UK defense made the big plays early, coupled with some Louisville mistakes and that provided the spark for the Cats. Now somebody tell me why Andre Woodson shouldn't be the Heisman frontrunner?? Probally because he plays at Kentucky but I just wanted to congratulate the Cats fans for a monster win and the suffering is finally over. This town is absolutely electric and now we are catching a TD in Fayetteville?? Come on...
Thanks KMACC, it truely was a unbelievable game, i bet my cell phone rang 3 hrs non stop after it was over. from UK and Louisville fans alike.