LOU HC-Kragthorpe

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Don't know if you guys are following this situation or not, but LOU defintely is the shadiest team I have ever seen in CFB.

Yes, I will lose this game tonight, unfortunate because I will probably have both of the baseball games picked correctly, but someone should maybe teach an ethics class to this HC.

You see everyweek there is an injury report thats released, which gives detailed information on who is Q,P, and D. Problem is the star WR on LOU was listed as P, which means he will most likely play (Douglas). Also, Urrutia is out and he wasn't even listed on the injury report.

Total BS, I am done with LOU for the rest of the season. They have lost all credibility with me. I would like to see the HC canned and the program fined about 1M. Also, would like to see some of the point shaved games investigated in this total corrupt program.

Corrupt program? Your fucking nuts. We have a moron for a head coach, and I would also like to see him canned, but your comments go way to fucking far, and your just pissed off because you made the wrong play. If you had read my thread that I write every week on UofL, you would have known not to make a play on this game unless it was the OVER. I can handle you calling the head coach of my program an idiot, but when you cross the line and start calling for the school to be fined, and accuse us of point shaving, thats too fucking far, and you need to just chill the fuck out, PERIOD.
I have evidence that LOU has point shaved and this corrupt program needs to be shutdown so don't tell me they don't shave buddy. You need to chill DAWG
You have evidence? Are you fucking kidding me? Who do you think you are? The FBI of college football? Thats the dumbest thing that I have ever heard! If you had evidence and were anybody significant, I am sure we would hear about it on ESPN. Evidence!.....you just made me laugh so fucking hard I almost pissed myself!
I do have evidence buddy. I have scouts stationed throughout this country, so don't don't me what I know.

I have concrete evidence. Remember the MTSU game LY. My scout knows that LOU intentionally let to kicks run back for TD's. How do you like that brotha
Right, you keep telling yourself that. You dont know shit, because there are people out there much more important that you watching that more closely than you can possibly imagine, and if that shit were going on, we would know about it. Just let it go, and go back to playing D&D in your moms basement.....oh Im sorry, i meant watching the game with all of your college football scout friends, lol.
You don't know shit bro, LOU program is in trouble. Stay tuned...
I really needed this tonight. Its been a bad two days for me with the Cubs, and now this game. All it takes to put a smile back on my face is something as stupid as this!
You don't know shit bro, LOU program is in trouble. Stay tuned...

Doesn't make sense man...Petrino goes to Atlanta, Kragethorpe takes over and replaces a good portion of the football staff but your contention is their is some type of instituitonalized fraud - disinformation / shaving scandal. So therefore it would have to be at the level of AD or so....

What about the MTSU game last year screamed point shaving?
and Louisville lost Key defensive people in the Draft, had one suspended this week, and have numerous injuries on both sides of the ball. But they didn't cover, or win for that matter, because they shave.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Utah played a pretty decent ballgame tonight. I didn't have to ask my "scouts" that, I just watched the television.
mwwebb81, I wasn't trying to say anything about your squad, just pointing out how erroneous the initial post on this topic was.

just wanted to point that out

Don't mind JB; he proved himself an idiot over at the other site and, while it took some time, he's now finally doing it here as well. Trust me...this is typical behavior, though he has outdone himself with his 'evidence' of point shaving...

remember, this is a guy that actually said cleveland had better coaching in the nba finals against san antonio. take it for what it's worth.
my scouts have just informed me of some good news.

.. i just saved a TON of money on my car insurance.

play that for what you will, but they are always pretty reliable.
Slim, I know. That wasnt a response to you, I was just backing up what everyone else was already posting. That the guy who authored the thread is an idiot.
The only "scouts" you have are a couple boy scouts raking up the leaves in your yard, dumbass. You lost the game. It was a bad bet. Deal with it and pick it back up this weekend.
Well...if memory serves me correct, didn't Kolby Smith break a run on the last play of that game so Lville covered at MTSU?
Anyone that lays points with Louisville this year, should have their head checked, which I guess further invalidates these statements. Why would you lay 14.5 with a team that can't play defense. I looked around on the Internet and found Urrutia was out and Douglas was very iffy, making your bet even more dicey. Sorry you lost your bet, and I have been like this before and pissed, but you deserve what you get when you lay 14.5 with the 2007 L'ville Cardinals.