looking for one, who's got one


Pretty much a regular
I just need one winner.

Looking to close a four team parlay ( W Cinci -6.5, W USC 9.5, W BC +7 ) 4 units to win 48 units. I can't even hedge it b/c my max bet is 6 units a strange local that hasn't raised my action for years. I usually bet 1-2 units anyway so never an issue.
I read C-Gold and thought he made alot of good points but having trouble deciding what team to ride.
Tenn has won 8 of last 9 ATS and would be rather be getting than giving.
Reviewing TEN/JAX game from last week now looking for help:peace:
One play?

NO bought down to -3.

The 3.5 doesn't bug me too much, but that's the one I like the most simply based on the line.

I also like some big spreads tomorrow.


And two dogs:

Oh, and if he'll let you go to Monday, Philly -6.5.
Thanks for your input Joe,
no buy downs allowed, Pitt is a team I will look at and so is CHI.

I can't go against my team the Pats for this kind of money but won't go with them either. As for AZ maybe but I just assume put it on a 1:00 start
Your right, Vince Young hasn't been a very good thrower at all, but he is lining up against a Swiss Cheese defense and if he has any lanes at all he is running.

- Tennesse has much better coah
- will have an advantage rushing the ball
- could very well have the better defense
- will have the better special teams

the only real advantage ( granted it is a big one) is Indy's passing attack. In general though, it is harder to execute a pass play ( more things have to go right) than a run play.

I am hoping for some tipped balls, guys falling down on their routes, etc.

even then, there is the possibility of a backdoor cover since Indy is a throwing team.
New Orleans isn't as good on the road, and they are a monsterously huge public play.

Not only that, but the line isn't even -3, it is -3.5 and you will lose juice money even if they do win.
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Cincinnati -7 or Chicago IMO
</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
Thank the politicall incorrect Tony Fungy

2 minutues to go, 1st and 10, they run 3 passes which stop the clock and allow the Titans to get the ball back.

The media won't criticise coach Fungy for that one, because he is a social pioneer blah blah blah

but he was once again outcoached by Jeff Fisher ( like usual)
could be wrong as its happened before, but doesnt Manning get 3 plays from the sidelines, 2 runs and a pass then decides after going to the line 18 times what play to run?

I've heard in each game Ive seen that he does