Lionel Hollins Out As Coach

Maybe their next head coach will let them shoot the ball before the clock hits five or less every once in a while...
Jason Kidd is available.

Where do all these teams expect to find upgrades?

When it's time to go its time to go. Firing of coaches has become more of a "reset" button more than anything else. The grizzlies organization is looking to go younger. That's why they got rid of Yag. They are rebuilding and hoping to make moves to land a big free agent in the upcoming years I suppose? Thinking years down the line
As I said once before the dude's pre, mid and post-game speeches should be accompanied by this...

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Still churns my gut when he said to Frenchie in-game during the series that got him fired, 'Love your game, Mike (Conley) wants to be just like you' or something along those lines.

Dude was too f**king nice in a cut throat industry...
A few thoughts. He wasn't too nice. In fact he could be very abrasive with his players and the media. I liked him as the coach but he's not blameless in this. He didn't want to collaborate with management enough and that was his downfall. For example, he said he would play Ed Davis when he wanted to and didn't care what "they" said. They being management. He was better off with an eccentric, older owner like Michael Heisley and not the younger ownership group that valued analytics and a better working relationship with the coach. So I could see him working well with an owner like Donald Sterling. It looks like Dave Joerger is the frontrunner as the new coach. It's a risky decision to release Hollins and I hope it works out for the Grizz.
He was the opposite of nice. He basically called out the owners and they pulled his card on it....THEN he goes on the radio and says, Well of course I expect to be the coach etc