Lexi Thompson Penalty

didn't something like this happen in the pga a few years back?

I don't think they should take "call/email in" rule violations.
Imagine if they did it with in other sports?

People calling in holding in football or traveling in basketball
It happened lat year to DJ - but it was the same day penalty so he didn't get the extra 2 for signing a wrong scorecard, he just got the 1. And he still won.

This was total crap and agree that the LGPA should be embarrassed and that they shouldn't take call/email rule violations. The stupid lady after actually asked people to be more timely with calling/emailing in as it sounds like someone was watching on a delay when they emailed to let them know.
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This was handled worse than DJs because the infraction occurred the day before. I don't really have a problem with what happened last year, it's not the first time a player didn't know what his score would be heading to the final hole. Arnie famously had a dispute with a rules official at the Masters.

But once the round is complete the score that day should be locked in, much the way it is in most sports, baseball being the notable exception. UNLESS you have evidence of purposeful cheating.
And I'm not sure if you guys were watching, but Lexi should have pulled the number from the hat. What will the LPGA do about that?
It is a problem with the rule. If it is deemed not intentional cheating, then she shouldn't be penalized for the extra two strokes from turning in an incorrect scorecard. It should be incumbent on the rules people to make any penalties known to the player before completion of the round and submission of the scorecard. A little common sense should have been in order here.

4 strokes for a half inch mistake is ridiculous, particularly since it was levied a day late.
What gets me is. Ok. It is a 2 stroke penalty. IF she knew about it yesterday. She could have accepted it. THEN sign the card AFTER they told her about the penalty. Not give 2 2 stroke penalties.
If that makes sense.
When she was aware of the penalty, then allow her to accept it, then allow her to sign the correct score.
Not after the next round has started. It should be nul n void IMO. (Even though it is a rule) A rule is a rule. However,
This should have been addressed BEFORE the 1st shot of the 4th round.
What kind of grade A douche bag do you have to be to call/email in an infraction while watching TV? Bet that person is a riot at parties
Agree the scorecard penalty was ridiculous. But the whole concept of accepting emails from fans watching on tv is incredibly flawed, whether it's the same day or not. No tour should allow it at all, unless every shot from every golfer is shown on tv, which obviously is impossible
Agree the scorecard penalty was ridiculous. But the whole concept of accepting emails from fans watching on tv is incredibly flawed, whether it's the same day or not. No tour should allow it at all, unless every shot from every golfer is shown on tv, which obviously is impossible

This is the problem to me, they say it saves the integrity of the game to level the playing field. But it does exactly opposite of that as only a select few players have all of their shots even viewed to the masses, to where they can stop, slow-mo, replay, etc...that's not leveling the playing field, it's giving a disadvantage to a select few.

And the scorecard penalty because, for all we know, that person intentionally delayed reporting it (I don't expect that's the case, but they could intentionally wait knowing the ramifications) the whole thing is so messed up. Potentially completely changed a player's career for the bad. That "fan" is despicable.
This is the problem to me, they say it saves the integrity of the game to level the playing field. But it does exactly opposite of that as only a select few players have all of their shots even viewed to the masses, to where they can stop, slow-mo, replay, etc...that's not leveling the playing field, it's giving a disadvantage to a select few.

And the scorecard penalty because, for all we know, that person intentionally delayed reporting it (I don't expect that's the case, but they could intentionally wait knowing the ramifications) the whole thing is so messed up. Potentially completely changed a player's career for the bad. That "fan" is despicable.

Holy crap, this is the best argument you have ever made at ctg. Spot on.
Agree the scorecard penalty was ridiculous. But the whole concept of accepting emails from fans watching on tv is incredibly flawed, whether it's the same day or not. No tour should allow it at all, unless every shot from every golfer is shown on tv, which obviously is impossible

Golf clap
i wish the other chick had got on the green in the playoff and then just whacked her ball 100 yards into the woods. would have been the classiest play ever.
i wish the other chick had got on the green in the playoff and then just whacked her ball 100 yards into the woods. would have been the classiest play ever.

Mrtake and I talked bout this as well. She should have teed up and hit it in the water.
Agree the scorecard penalty was ridiculous. But the whole concept of accepting emails from fans watching on tv is incredibly flawed, whether it's the same day or not. No tour should allow it at all, unless every shot from every golfer is shown on tv, which obviously is impossible
The NFL should do this too. Perhaps they can review emails from the conference title games during the Super Bowl and assess penalties. FFS this fan bullshit is ridiculous. Better players are at a disadvantage because they are shown more on TV too.