Let's talk hotdogs...


Fly, Eagles, Fly!
Who y'all got for the most exciting 5 or however many minutes. I have no Fing clue, it is?!! Chestnut to the bank again?
Joey himself said pound the ovah at 74

That 30 for 30 was surprisingly riveting

Peter king stepped in the trash hard haha
I totally cut dipping the food in water to make it slide down easier but i saw some people actually drinking water doesn‘t that just make you feel fuller?
I would definitely barf after 7 in an hour lol. I remember in hs having to eat two burritos then run a mile. Ok didnt have to it was a voluntary competition. That felt horrible tho haha
The water is a lubricant. 70 hotdog buns are pretty rough without water. In addition, the professionals are not hindered by the amount in their stomach in these contests, they are hindered by the clock. In other words, they could eat a lot more than their final tally and the water isn't hurting them physically (It could potentially hurt their time depending on technique). They have to avoid carbonated drinks for obvious reasons but they do sometimes use flavored drinks to mask the flavor of the hotdogs (helps with nauseousness).
The water is a lubricant. 70 hotdog buns are pretty rough without water. In addition, the professionals are not hindered by the amount in their stomach in these contests, they are hindered by the clock. In other words, they could eat a lot more than their final tally and the water isn't hurting them physically (It could potentially hurt their time depending on technique). They have to avoid carbonated drinks for obvious reasons but they do sometimes use flavored drinks to mask the flavor of the hotdogs (helps with nauseousness).
The water is a lubricant. 70 hotdog buns are pretty rough without water. In addition, the professionals are not hindered by the amount in their stomach in these contests, they are hindered by the clock. In other words, they could eat a lot more than their final tally and the water isn't hurting them physically (It could potentially hurt their time depending on technique). They have to avoid carbonated drinks for obvious reasons but they do sometimes use flavored drinks to mask the flavor of the hotdogs (helps with nauseousness).

I read that a lot use crystal light in the water to help with taste of the buns