Lets go fellas, theres football to handicap

There's the rosters...just to hard to insert images with how awkwardly large the graphics are.

Will try to throw the coaching staff in here if I can this morning also.
Childress quit atlanta like 2 weeks ago as head coach

They could be in some turmoil

Baby rodgers is trash too, heavy lean on orlando

Update. Just looked at Orlando's roster, heavy lean evaporated
Childress quit atlanta like 2 weeks ago as head coach

They could be in some turmoil

Baby rodgers is trash too, heavy lean on orlando

Update. Just looked at Orlando's roster, heavy lean evaporated

This is another CFLleague-- Im going to dominate this league like never seen before- Follow me on twitter
And players get paid more based on live prop bets being placed on them during the games. I think it’s MGM who has partnered with the league for the app where you can place the wagers (in certain states, of course). Initially, every player makes the same amount of money, but they can get bonuses for play as well as having prop bets placed on them.
There are no team owners, the league itself runs every team. I don’t think there’s going to be a yearly draft or anything, and it sounds as if team rosters will be “moved around” in order to ensure competitiveness. That is quite the difference from how we’re used to sports leagues running, should be interesting.
One thing I found interesting (with an eye on the NFL and college football) is no kickoffs, as there are no kickers since you have to go for 2 after every TD. I say that because many think that would never happen in the NFL because how do you come back at the end of a game without being able to do an onside kick. Well, the AAF is giving the team the ball at their own 35 and giving them one play to get a first down at the 45 in lieu of an onside kick...not a horrible idea. You essentially get a 4th and 10 at your own 35. Interested to see how it works out, and wonder if there are any time restrictions as to when you can opt to do that (meaning is it limited to the 4th quarter?).
gotta think converting a 4th and 10 is much easier than recovering an onside kick. not sure I like that rule. like the XFL years back, I will watch opening night. hopefully unlike the XFL, this will give me reason to watch again after opening night
anyone know how he qbs are gonna work? does each team have a starter and the other 2 are backups or are they gonna be playing everyone?
I don't see any correlation between this and XFL, it's basically a developmental league for the NFL and has plenty of ties to the NFL. That said it's not interesting to me at all, might try to go to a game if I'm bored after CBB season but timeout from football is what makes the Fall so great to me. Don't need the overkill.

Go HotShots I guess
Probably would take both dogs ml tomorrow if I had to bet. Don’t think anyone really knows what to expect, including the books
gotta think converting a 4th and 10 is much easier than recovering an onside kick. not sure I like that rule. like the XFL years back, I will watch opening night. hopefully unlike the XFL, this will give me reason to watch again after opening night

I’m not sure I like the rule either, but I’ve been wondering what football would do without kickoffs in the onside kick situation. If you can’t figure that out, you can’t abolish kicking altogether in your game or there is no chance for a team to come back late down 2 or more scores. I’m curious to see how it works out.
I love that rule, it should be easier than the onside kick...the onside kick was basically extinct this year. It's worthless. This makes a million times more sense to me.

Want the ball, stop em on 4th and 10. Seems legit.
Gonna roll with orlando here. atlanta seems like a hot mess. matt fucking simms is playing qb. hes beyond terrible. they also don't have a coaching staff that inspires much confidence and vick is going to have to show me he has a clue how to be an OC before i have any faith in him. orlandos defense played real well in their one preseason game, i think they eat all day vs Simms. This one should be 23-9 ish; at leat upon first glance Atlanta may be one of the worst teams in this league
SD +4.5 BIG.
ATL +5 small

i feel like this game is a toss up so taking points seems smart. hard to bet on that qb tho, SD got screwed when Josh Johnson made it to the NFL he was their number one pick, now they are rollig with that old ASU qb who is no bueno
Wow, there has actually been crazy steam on this atlanta/orlando game. sharps all over orlando, im glad i got it when I did, its up to -7 now.

remember though, 7 is not a key number anymore since they have to go for 2 every time
FGs are allowed, just not in overtime. No blitzing; can rush only 5 at most. 35-second clock. Can do onside "conversion" fourth-and-12 from own 28, in last five minutes or when down by 17. Found these on Covers:

The AAF will resemble traditional American football but there are some differences to NFL rules, most of which are aimed at speeding up the game:
  • No kickoffs! The team that gets the ball simply starts on its own 25.
  • That also means no onside kicks. Teams can instead try an “onside conversion”, meaning they must convert a fourth-and-12 from its own 28-yard line to keep the ball. Teams can only try an onside conversion inside of five minutes remaining in the game, or if they are trailing by 17 or more.
  • No point-after attempts. Teams must go for two every time.
  • Field goals are permitted, but not in overtime.
  • The addition of the “SkyJudge” referee, whose job it is to use real-time technology to correct missed calls that concern player safety and to correct pass interference calls inside of five minutes remaining in the fourth quarter.
  • Coach’s challenges: Each team gets two for the game. No additional challenges for getting one right.
  • Overtime rules: Each team gets the ball once and its first-and-goal from the 10. You must score a touchdown and go for two. Games can end in ties.
  • No blitzing! No more than five players can rush on passing plays and those rushers can only line up from a position no more than two yards outside the widest offensive lineman and more than five yards from the line of scrammage. This is what the league is calling the "defensive pressure box." So what does this mean? No delayed blitzes. No corner blitzes. Basically no exotic blitzes. And the punishment for illegal blitzing is severe: a 15-yard illegal defense penalty.
  • A 35-second play clock, as opposed to the NFL's 40-second play clock.
Singletary coaches Memphis, so they are expected to be outcoached at every turn. Lots of Alabama and Auburn players on Birmingham. Arizona supposed to be league fav, Salt Lake also getting good reviews.
Singletary coaches Memphis, so they are expected to be outcoached at every turn. Lots of Alabama and Auburn players on Birmingham. Arizona supposed to be league fav, Salt Lake also getting good reviews.

i could be way off but i dont really see anything to be psyched about with Arizona. I do like Salt Lake. Birmingham is my sleeper team to keep an eye on; really like their QB Luis Perez; if this league graduates one guy who ends up being something in the NFL, i would not be shocked if it is him. Just needs reps bc he did not play QB until college. Yes you read that correctly.
piggybacking off that, I have picked birmingham as the team i will root for in this league. TRich, Luis Perez, Chris Davis (guy from auburn who ran back the kick 6), even nick novak kicking haha

hot take: this league is going to be fun
Gonna roll with orlando here. atlanta seems like a hot mess. matt fucking simms is playing qb. hes beyond terrible. they also don't have a coaching staff that inspires much confidence and vick is going to have to show me he has a clue how to be an OC before i have any faith in him. orlandos defense played real well in their one preseason game, i think they eat all day vs Simms. This one should be 23-9 ish; at leat upon first glance Atlanta may be one of the worst teams in this league
Pretty sure Vick isn’t even OC anymore
Yeah Vick's gonzo, HOTSHOTS ftw

The guy that beat out Trevor K is supposed to legit
i feel like this game is a toss up so taking points seems smart. hard to bet on that qb tho, SD got screwed when Josh Johnson made it to the NFL he was their number one pick, now they are rollig with that old ASU qb who is no bueno

I bought off that ATL play.. team is a mess already.
Still really liking SD though.
And for the record, to the point of the title of the thread...

There is football to cap. It starts back up Tuesday and is on TNT, get on it. Champions League and College Hoops, no better time of year!
CBB just doesn't have enough regular season value. Tonights Duke-Virginia games has little impact on anything. Soccer could bring more reason to watch and that statement alone tells me we need more.
Wow, there has actually been crazy steam on this atlanta/orlando game. sharps all over orlando, im glad i got it when I did, its up to -7 now.

remember though, 7 is not a key number anymore since they have to go for 2 every time

Still kinda key, it's hard to say with it being a new league

But going for 2 percentage makes it so the average score per td is still 7ish

I think nfl gets like 60% so if you had to go 2 every time, average td is 7.2 exp

College seems to be low 40s
Lower scores imo because every kickoff starts at the 25. Not sure how it compares to CFB or NFL but no chance once you give it up to flip field position ever