Let me get this straight about Giambi

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
During the week he comes out and says baseball should apologize to the fans for the steroid era. He says he was wrong for taking "that stuff" or however he phrased it. Basically even if he's simply trying to rebuild his image some more, he seems genuinely interested in helping the image of the game itself as it goes through this ridiculous Barry Bonds record chase.

And for his efforts first MLB says they're going to investigate him and now the Yankees say they're going to look at terminating his contract, again.

Exactly why am I supposed to believe MLB is nothing more than a farce?
Wait, they said they're going to investigate him because he (in)directly admitted he was taking steroids as well? Or ?

Forgive my ignorance, I just started watching baseball 4 years ago, never even knew who Roger Clemens is before then :D.
We've got a real live chicken or the egg debate going on in baseball, JP. I think it's hilarious, really.

Baseball writers can't decide who they want to blame for the steroid era. The owners that turned a blind-eye to blatant cheating, wanting to rebuild baseball after a strike alienated so many fans. Or, the players that were so clearly driven by the need to compete with their homereun hitting peers that seemed to be getting the larger contracts.

I think most want to blame the owners/executives of MLB. And I don't know if I disagree. It seems like they were greedy to begin with, then the players just followed suit. But, then again, that's the way it's always been.
I think it's going to turn out like a firing squad, Dys, everybody shoots, one person has a blank, so nobody is to blame. Because if one person is to blame, they're all to blame.

And that's the reality. They are all to blame. The players who did it--a number, by the way, which I believe is far higher than people think--the owners who 'didn't want to know,' the league who pretended nothing was wrong, and the writers who didn't cover it because, well, nobody wanted it covered.

After all, the owners at the same time were out juicing the balls while their players were juicing themselves.

Everybody's guilty.

The saddest part for me is that the media refused to really step up. I remember selected incidents, like when Rick Reily interviewed Sammy Sosa and asked him to walk across the street and take a steroid test to end all the speculation and Sammy all of the sudden could barely speak English, shriveling up like one of his testicles. And everybody just sort of looked the other way.

Mark McGuire looks like f**king Sylvester Stallone and everybody just short of shrugs it off, even when he refuses to tell the truth under oath in front of congress, even when now he looks like he's 65 after what he did to his body less than 10 years ago.

Barry Bonds' hat size has increased three full f**king sizes for crying out loud during his career. His f**king head.

And what does everybody do, 'weeeeeeeellllll, he's never actually said he did it.'


This sport is a fraud. I wish it wasn't because I see it as 'the' American game. As much as I love football, and although you cannot get any more American than basketball, especially in the cities, baseball just screams America to me and it's turned into this disgusting side show that I find it impossible to believe in. I wish it wasn't so, but that's how I see it any more.
HGH makes your head grow, steroids don't

Right, and just like that s**t he's been putting in his body that's designed for horses and sheep or whatever, it's designed to beat the tests because the tests don't even know what that s**t is.

I give the guy and his chemists points for originality, but it's not as if he's even remotely clean.
HGH makes your head grow, steroids don't

Right, and just like that s**t he's been putting in his body that's designed for horses and sheep or whatever, it's designed to beat the tests because the tests don't even know what that s**t is.

I give the guy and his chemists points for originality, but it's not as if he's even remotely clean.

I'm not saying he is close to clean and I got no clue how much shit he took, I was just saying the only way his hat size or head for that matter can get bigger is from HGH, not steroids and there is no test for HGH because you would be a baseline for the levels that should be in the body prior to usage. As far as the cream, the clear, and the flax seed oil (that is the biggest joke ever, an omega 3 fatty acid? hahaha) ya he took it (steroids), a lot of other people in baseball took it too and sometimes I feel like hes the only 1 with his head on the chopping board and it has to do with the record he is about to break. He was the best player of the steroid era, bottom line. Steroids don't take Barry Noname and make him Barry Bonds though, lets clear that up right now. All of those bums in the minors who got caught last yr, howcome they are not the next Nolan Ryans? No one will ever know how many people were putting shit in their bodies but its a lot higher than a lot of people want to admit or believe... Lets also not forget supplements that were over the counter like 1-AD, M1T, and other forms of testosterone that were available at your local Vitamine Shoppe and were the closest things to steroids one could find yet still legal and def not covered in baseballs anti-doping clause.. And no, I am not taking about the Andro Big Mac tried to use as a scapegoat for steroids, I am talking real supplements that actually work and provide steroid like results.

Where do you draw the line between fair and unfair and cheater and not a cheater? No one will ever know what people took, how many people were taking stuff, and what exactly they were taking. A batter could have very easily not broken any laws taking 1-AD, gained 10lbs of muscle, and started crushing the ball. That supplement was legal in the US while steroids were illegal but there is no doubt a physical advantage to it. Supplements like 1-AD and Methyl 1-Test are now illegal.
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Yeah, I get that, ETG. He is definitely being made the example of when McGuire really should have been run out of the game if you didn't want hulked up freaks getting into the batter's box.

But everybody was making so much money with McGuire that it was all a giant exercise in looking the other way.

And you're right, he's not the only one. He's just the one who happens to be better than the rest of them and is therefore now about to break another of the game's great records, held by one of the game's greatest players.

So he gets s**t on because, well, he's bending the rules of the game into a pretzel and because he's an a**hole.

Where this whole thing makes me even more upset, frankly, isn't even with Bonds, it's as you say, in the rules themselves. Baseball is making no effort to draw the line, no attempt to clean up the sport.

Sure, they say they now ban steroids, but as you said, it's HGH and other s**t that we don't even know about that these guys are using now. To say these guys all test clean is a joke because half the stuff you can't test for, the other half you barely even know exists.

I think you draw the line on what his hurtful to the person's overall health.

As I said, you look at McGuire now and he looks like he's 65. He's the Lyle Alzado of baseball--without the brain cancer. He's like Brian Bosworth, and you have to keep guys from getting to that point.

Stuff that helps you build muscle naturally is one thing, stuff that helps you heal and prevent long term injury another, but stuff that puts your long-term health at risk for immediate, pronounced short term gain, that stuff needs to be taken out of all sports, period. And those who use things like that, in my book, are cheating the game, themselves, and their fans.
Just look at the pitchers, how many throw 95+ and with nasty slider, and a nasty change-up anymore? about 4, I say 75% of the pitchers were on the stuff more then the position players. My boy played until 04 in the minors for 12 years and he has some interesting stories about whos on and whos not..
I bet he does, Wheeler.

I actually have a friend who played through college as a catcher with some guys who are now in the bigs, he blew out his knee and it ended his career, but his stories are pretty interesting, too.

What's even more interesting is that he absolutely, with no shame whatsoever, says he'd be juiced to the gills if it meant playing in the majors. We've argued about it. And his argument isn't even that so many of the guys in the bigs do it--which he says they do--his argument is that it's so hard to get there, it's such a rare chance, that to him it would be worth shortening his life-expectancy and/or risking health problems down the road.

Personal choice, I suppose.
And another thing . . .

(Like I haven't blathered on enough.)

And another thing, the whole discussion gets me back to the thing that originally got my quills up and that was that MLB is now going after Giambi, not only far too late, but not because he was juiced, but because he dares to say that baseball needs to apologize for sweeping it all under the rug.

Not to get political, but it seems very much like something the current administration would do. "Oh, we should be sorry, no YOU should be sorry and you WILL be sorry."

Bud Selig and the rest of them get a big giant finger from me, and not the foamy kind you buy at the ball park.
just get this straight about him.....its all you need to know..

funny pic and funny photoshop job.. Here is something that is not photoshopped.

This is Greg Valentino, Worlds biggest arms. He used an oil that some bodybuilders use off the top of my head I think its Syntavol or something along those lines.. His arm later exploded.