Lendale White whines after loss.....


Richmond Local TV Legend
IMO, Jets played the perfect game on sunday and exposed the titans.
They showed that while this team is VERY physical and powerful, a quick release and 3 step drop can help neutralize the effectiveness of this defense.
Was very happy, as im sure the 72 dolphins were as well.

But Lendale white wasnt happy, after only getting one carry and playing 3 snaps total..... dont worry lendale, you played the hottest team in the NFL right now:

Tennessee Titans running back LenDale White questioned his lack of playing time in the wake of the Titans first loss of the year to the New York Jets, 34-13.
White told 10 Sports "I only played three plays, so I couldn't really tell you what happened (in the loss to the Jets), I have no idea. I wasn't paying attention so I didn't care."
"I don't know if I had gotten the ball 30 times if we'd have won the game or not," said White. "I would like to be involved more, or if I'm not involved I'd like somebody to tell me what's going on."
"Coming into these games, you expect to get certain carries or certain things going on, or at least that's what they tell you. Then you get in these games and just randomly play three plays," White added. "I wish somebody would let me know what's going on before I go out there."
"I mean three plays, I don't know what you want me to do with three plays. I don't know what three plays is helping me do."
Asked if he had had a conversation with the Titans about the lack of playing time, White responded, "I ain't got no conversation for nobody, you know. I don't care. If they have something to tell me, if they need to tell me I'm not going to play then they should tell me, you know?"
What is he talking about? He should thank Fisher for not throwing him out there to meet Jenkins and Co.!
Lendale White had more donuts then carries yesterday. That fat fuck needs to get in shape. But congrats on the win Cap. I don't know if the Jets are good enough to win it all but in the AFC, they have as good a shot as anybody.
Not really sure how this thead got led into a personal attack between you two, but both take it off the site or something. I'm deleting your comments, so end it all right there please.

Not really sure how this thead got led into a personal attack between you two, but both take it off the site or something. I'm deleting your comments, so end it all right there please.


he "wasn't paying attention"....well that explains a lot then lendale. why would you want to put a guy out there that is disinterested and he's already shown it can affect him by the lack of concentration on that dropped pass
How awesome would a NYJ/Dallas superbowl be from just reading this thread. :cheers:

I could take the Jets in the Super Bowl as I always liked the Jets.But Dallas boooooooooo. I hate the cowboys. And the cowboys have to get to the playoffs 1st...lol.

Jets packers super bowl. Would be the most entertaining Super Bowl ever lol. Anyways White has somewhat of a point. You have to pound the ball. Him getting 3 carries is unacceptable.
Jets packers super bowl. Would be the most entertaining Super Bowl ever lol. Anyways White has somewhat of a point. You have to pound the ball. Him getting 3 carries is unacceptable.

you really gotta see his interview on TV... watch SC or espn-news

thats the reason why i started this thread, saw that clip first

he really accented the part about "i dont care" and this and that, was just carrying himself like hes the hottest shit on the block

frankly, i dont think he has ever proven himself as an established back.

he was a "system" back at USC with leinart at QB and reggie bush as the other back.... and now at tenny he has been behind one of the best OL's in the country

lendale white, you aint hot shit in the NFL yet bro. you gotta earn it:tiphat:
he "wasn't paying attention"....well that explains a lot then lendale. why would you want to put a guy out there that is disinterested and he's already shown it can affect him by the lack of concentration on that dropped pass


and the interview and his facial expressions/tone of his voice really showed this... potrayed it better then this article could

he carried himself with the most apathetic attitude and really made it look like he didnt give a shit

he said "i dont care" at least 3x.

im with you, if he doesnt care, why should he be taking snaps? someone with that attitude is obviously not going to give 110% out there
we wanted to go out and spend this offseason... and dropping vilma let us do just that

dont get me wrong, the man is a warrior. and he had been the cornerstone of our defense the last couple years, mainly because he was all we had,

but he freed up a lot of cap room and allowed us to make a lot of acquisitions in the offseason... i think it worked out well for both teams
we wanted to go out and spend this offseason... and dropping vilma let us do just that

dont get me wrong, the man is a warrior. and he had been the cornerstone of our defense the last couple years, mainly because he was all we had,

but he freed up a lot of cap room and allowed us to make a lot of acquisitions in the offseason... i think it worked out well for both teams

No doubt. I love watching Vilma play. Infact when the Jets drafted him I was praying the Saints would take him. Vilma has heart which seems to be a rare trait these days in sports.

Cap i really don't understand how it will work this offseason with Vilma. If we resign him I think yall get a 1st but not really sure how this works out.Do you know the deal.
dont quote me on this.... but like yuo said it was a conditional draft pick

i remmeber it being 4th round, and if yall resign him it becomes 3rd round, BUT IM NOT POSITIVE. i think thats it though

i totally forgot yall play a 4-3..... we switched away from that 2 years ago, thats why his role in our defense diminished a lot. another reason we traded him.
definitely a good move for both teams esp since yall play a 4-3, thats where he can really anchor a defense because he can roam alot more
dont quote me on this.... but like yuo said it was a conditional draft pick

i remmeber it being 4th round, and if yall resign him it becomes 3rd round, BUT IM NOT POSITIVE. i think thats it though

i totally forgot yall play a 4-3..... we switched away from that 2 years ago, thats why his role in our defense diminished a lot. another reason we traded him.
definitely a good move for both teams esp since yall play a 4-3, thats where he can really anchor a defense because he can roam alot more

Alright I thought it was a 1st. I caught the end of the local sports radio talk the other day and never researched what the details were of the trade besides a 4th and a conditional pick.
The Saints gave to the Jets their '08 4th round pick for Vilma. If Vilma plays in 85% or more of the defensive plays, the Saints give up their '09 3rd round pick and if he completes that step and is resigned, the Saints then give up their '09 2nd round pick. With either of these, the Saints will get back their 4th round pick in the form of the Jets '09 4th round pick.
The Saints gave to the Jets their '08 4th round pick for Vilma. If Vilma plays in 85% or more of the defensive plays, the Saints give up their '09 3rd round pick and if he completes that step and is resigned, the Saints then give up their '09 2nd round pick. With either of these, the Saints will get back their 4th round pick in the form of the Jets '09 4th round pick.

Thanks buddy. He will be resigned but I think there is a way around this. Not sure how it would work.I heard somebody talking about it last night at the dome.
IMO, Jets played the perfect game on sunday and exposed the titans.

You're half right. The Jets did play perfect. If being 10-1 is 'exposed' then I hope to see an exposed team every year. I'm still quite certain with all things being equal the Titans are one of the best teams in the NFL. It's all good. Jets needed this game more than the Titans due to the divisional situation both teams are in. Jets had 10 days to prepare.

I'm fairly certain in a rematch the NYJ won't have a 2-1 TOP edge nor will Favre have the luxury of picking on a kick returner masquerading as a cornerback.

I'm not trying to take anything away from NYJ as they were clearly the better team on Sunday, but in the big picture this result was an 'Any Given Sunday' game.

And im not trying to take anything away from yall either MCG.... yall are arguably in the top 3 in the NFL right now.... and definitely top 5. who could have predicted the 10-0 start either?

10-0 start in the NFL is nothing short of spectacular... i guess "exposed" was a little harsh. but they did show the way to beat that pass rush with the 3 step drop and employed a variety of different looks and formations to keep the titans D off balance and guessing..... and to control the time of possession (which is what you guys have been doing to opposing teams and by the 4th quarter the opposing front 4 just wears down)

im not sure i wouldnt rather be you guys then my boys..... championship teams build from the defense up. and you know pretty much week in week out theyre going to do their job and keep the other offense at bay. thats a given, and not really an intangible.

whereas for us, we dont really know what favre will show up. hes been hot but all it takes is the old brett to re-appear for a minute or two and force it into triple coverage in a clutch point of a game....
MCG, did you see the interview?

the main point of this was to say that the way he carried himself was pretty cocky and like he didnt need the rest of the team....

i think its quite the opposite. lendale white is a system back.

from the leinart-reggie bush legendary USC squad... to one of the top OL's in the NFL in tenny.

throw him on detroit and lets see what happens.... he has to prove himself before he can go off acting like adick
MCG, did you see the interview?

the main point of this was to say that the way he carried himself was pretty cocky and like he didnt need the rest of the team....

i think its quite the opposite. lendale white is a system back.

from the leinart-reggie bush legendary USC squad... to one of the top OL's in the NFL in tenny.

throw him on detroit and lets see what happens.... he has to prove himself before he can go off acting like adick

Definitely a bit disconcerting after one bad game and it shows how little logic a lot of these guys use. He should have been smart enough to realize that given the game circumstances the Titans were in that running the football was not the way to go. And frankly I don't remember the Titans having the ball for three plays, so he probably did well.:36_11_6:

Speaking of USC, and I love the way that program is run, how many of their offensive guys have turned into pumpkins once they got to the NFL? Seems like almost all of them.