
As a guy that used to rag on him a lot, I can admit I was wrong - particularly back in the Heat days before he had a ring.

Agree that his comments regarding the roster made me roll my eyes a week or two ago, but when you're one of the three or four best players in league history that baggage is well worth it.
I def agree he is worth the baggage , just the whole thing with Barkley, man you can't let people know that gets to you
What Lebron said about Charles was a result of a lot of frustration from being criticized over the years.... it comes with the territory of being who Lebron is.... he had to have all those things he said about Charles in the back of his mind for a while and he just had enough....

Charles is just doing his job... I have no problem with what Charles said.... he just has the balls to say what everyone already is thinking. It's who he is and I am not sure how much of what he says is scripted before the game.... He is the reason the TNT show is so popular...

Lebron is the defacto coach & GM wherever he is employed but especially in Cleveland... its just the way it is... he has ways of dealing with his frustrations through his bitching every single season.

Lebron saying that players were buddy buddy years ago is just wrong. Yes players would be friendly on the court and whatnot but they wouldnt plan to form superteams together.... unless i am mistaken?
Lebron's pretty moody and has rabbit ears. But Barkley's been crawling up his ass for 10 years. I'm sure Lebron won't make a habit of it, he almost never reacts to stuff like that. He's frustrated, his team's playing like garbage, he's turning the ball over, he's playing too many minutes. Barkley's great, he's a character, but he's a clown. I don't think it was such a bad look to call out Chuck. About time, really.
James is a diva. But Barkley's a hypocrite - Imagine how Barkley the commentator would be killing Barkley the player if he was playing today.
i thought what lebron said about charles was hilariously true, and I don't really like Lebron and do like Charles.
Cramps is in full Diva-mode right now and showing cracks.

His response to Chuck was petty and childish. Dude crossed the line with a personal attack.

Yeah it was true but he should have slayed Chuck using 'ships and rings, not spitting on kids and Vegas etc.

Most gifted dude on a basketball court but also a coddled little spoilt brat. Cramps needs to harden up.

Chuck paid to offer straight-up, honest opinions hence his popularity.

Play hard, use your abilities and gifts, quit crying and win Cramps. That will shut everybody up.

Fucker didn't want to pass the ball to 2 playmakers in Wiggins and Waiters.
i thought what lebron said about charles was hilariously true, and I don't really like Lebron and do like Charles.

True. Yes.

But lets not act like Lebron is the greatest role model. He's probably a much better person than Charles... but that's like 99% of people... and I dont see what that has to do with anything that Charles was talking about. LBJ is just deflecting all the criticism and spinning it to criticize Barkley's character. It's weak and stupid to do so.
Ad hominem attack by a dude who proclaims to be the better person.

Dude is the epitome of the athlete-troll.

Where's Larry, btw. We roasting one of his 'boys'.
Disagree about all the constant dislike for Lebron, top five to ten player in history of Nba when all said and done....Barkley is great for entertainment purposes but not for facts.
Hater, King James is correct on everything he said about Barkley and has the right to voice his opinion if Charles (and everyone else) is going to do the same.
Most physically gifted player, no doubt. Best all-round player in the league right now, no doubt.

Love watching this dude play when he's firing and totally respect him as a player.

Cramps paid to play basketball, Chuck paid to make opinions.

Fact he went ad hominem and attacked Chuck on a personal level is beyond weak.

Go out and prove your point on the court, winning is the great silencer in the sports world.

Last I checked Cavs have the highest payroll in the league.
This was clearly a choregraphed response by him and his buddies ( can't say posse)

Funny thing is , I didn't even know about Barkley's comments until Lebron brought them to light.

Lebron has taken a bit of a turn in the last year, not sure what has changed. He clearly has decided to go the Social Justice Warrior route, when he never really was political at all before. Probably something to do about building a legacy

he is a whiny spoiled brat, not sure how anyone can debate that
Ad hominem attack by a dude who proclaims to be the better person.

Dude is the epitome of the athlete-troll.

Where's Larry, btw. We roasting one of his 'boys'.

How is Bron one of my "boys?" I like him, sure...but I'm like Chuck bro, a straight shooter...so even if he is one of my boys I have no problems calling a spade a spade. Bron is a bitch much more often than he's not. This isn't a secret though, so it really shouldn't surprise anyone.
Most physically gifted player, no doubt. Best all-round player in the league right now, no doubt.

Love watching this dude play when he's firing and totally respect him as a player.

Cramps paid to play basketball, Chuck paid to make opinions.

Fact he went ad hominem and attacked Chuck on a personal level is beyond weak.

Go out and prove your point on the court, winning is the great silencer in the sports world.

Last I checked Cavs have the highest payroll in the league.

This was clearly a choregraphed response by him and his buddies ( can't say posse)

Funny thing is , I didn't even know about Barkley's comments until Lebron brought them to light.

Lebron has taken a bit of a turn in the last year, not sure what has changed. He clearly has decided to go the Social Justice Warrior route, when he never really was political at all before. Probably something to do about building a legacy

he is a whiny spoiled brat, not sure how anyone can debate that


And exactly.
What changed was he realised he will never win another 'ship and catch the 'ghost' aka MJ.

No more rings, no more MVP's.

Dude is scared of the Dubs, period.

Last season's 'amazing' Finals victory was his last gift from the league.
His seasons are dwindling down and he knows he doesn't have much more time. That's why he is so adamant on the personnel.

Idk why people think they can try to justify him being in the top 5 all time. 7-9
James is a diva. But Barkley's a hypocrite - Imagine how Barkley the commentator would be killing Barkley the player if he was playing today.

This is the best point in the whole thread...he would criticize Barkley the player incessantly