League officials looking at Kobe....AGAIN!


Pretty much a regular

Philly Daily News said:
An elbow thrown at the Sixers' Kyle Korver by the Lakers' Kobe Bryant in the final moments of the first half of Friday night's game is "being looked at" by league officials, an NBA source indicated.

Bryant was coming off a one-game suspension for a blow to the face of Minnesota guard Marko Jaric and had served an earlier one-game suspension for a similar incident with San Antonio guard Manu Ginobli.

In an Associated Press report from Indianapolis Saturday night, Korver said, "I didn't think it was that big a deal. I thought it was an offensive foul. After I saw it on replay, it looked a lot worse than I thought it was during the game. It all happens fast. It's no big deal. It's just part of the game."

He just can't stay out of trouble....
Im not a Kobe guy, but this is getting rediculous

Would they ever dream of even thinking about pulling this shit on MJ??
Smoke..MJ used to slap mofo's..

Shaq once threw a ball from halfcourt right in Chris Dudley's face..and Dudley got a technical..

Weird how uncordial they are with Kobias at times..some warranted..some not
Kobe never went to trial for Rape either

pardon me. Public perception, though, is my point, and there he most assuredly went to trial for rape. MJ walked on water for years. After the lil incident in Colorado, Kobe lost his status as "the next MJ", and I think the media still has their panties in a twist. I think sportswriters and endorsement dealers felt as betrayed by him as his wife must've. They wanted him to be their perfect little posterchild, and they can't forgive him for not meeting their expectations.
I totally agree. Lets not forget that MJ was banished from the league for 18 mos. Thats the worst kept secret ever. His gambling had gotten outta control and thats what forced the sudden retirement in October 1993. Once Stern saw the need for a late-season ratings push in March 1995 he re-instated Jordan and the rest is history.

That is the clearest example of Jordan walking on water vs Kobe...
I totally agree. Lets not forget that MJ was banished from the league for 18 mos. Thats the worst kept secret ever. His gambling had gotten outta control and thats what forced the sudden retirement in October 1993. Once Stern saw the need for a late-season ratings push in March 1995 he re-instated Jordan and the rest is history.

That is the clearest example of Jordan walking on water vs Kobe...

Anyone has MJ's number, invite him here perhaps he can give us some advice on who to bet tonight :D
I WAS WATCHING that game and thought that what he did to korver was obvious and typical kobe.Nobody is out to get him ,its just the opposite
he should of been given multiple game suspension on the last one where he only got one.i was watching daily news live on friday and sonny hill was sticking up so much for kobe it was sickening.

Sony hill started the baker league and works in some capacity for the 6ers
but he attributed the whole kobe situation to being groomed or honing his talents as a youngster in philly and said thats how we played in philly back in the day . what a jackass
I won't open a new topic for this, but what do you guys think about the Artest incident?

Simple. If Artest can perform on the court and take the Kings back to the playoffs, then it won't be a problem. If they keep losing with him in the lineup, then they'll drop him at their earliest inconvenience.

As far as the charge itself, I'll just say that I don't automatically take the woman's side in these things. We don't really know what happened, and I'm not of the opinion that men should be shat on based on being charged.

Whatever happened, it looks to me like Ron himself thinks he did wrong, so that's not a good sign for the charges, but it might be a good sign for his marriage if he's willing to work on the problem (again, whatever it is).

I personally think this incident is one in a string of incidents (such as just deciding to skip the pacers game) that reduce his value tot he Kings.

I WAS WATCHING that game and thought that what he did to korver was obvious and typical kobe.Nobody is out to get him ,its just the opposite

come on...suspension for a non-basketball move when none of the players involved thought there was a problem? Even that elbow on Korver....Kyle just said, "eh...it's part of the game."

I'm relatively new at watching the NBA....but has anyone else ever been suspended for a non-basketball move?
Simple. If Artest can perform on the court and take the Kings back to the playoffs, then it won't be a problem. If they keep losing with him in the lineup, then they'll drop him at their earliest inconvenience.

As far as the charge itself, I'll just say that I don't automatically take the woman's side in these things. We don't really know what happened, and I'm not of the opinion that men should be shat on based on being charged.

Whatever happened, it looks to me like Ron himself thinks he did wrong, so that's not a good sign for the charges, but it might be a good sign for his marriage if he's willing to work on the problem (again, whatever it is).

I personally think this incident is one in a string of incidents (such as just deciding to skip the pacers game) that reduce his value tot he Kings.


provided he really did hit her, there are no sides in this matter. So we can discuss only about that.

When it comes to whether a man has "the right" to hit a woman, this is a no brainer, of course he doesn't. Not only that, but should be charged for it.
provided he really did hit her, there are no sides in this matter. So we can discuss only about that.

When it comes to whether a man has "the right" to hit a woman, this is a no brainer, of course he doesn't. Not only that, but should be charged for it.

Once you get attacked by a crazed bitch with a butcher knife, you might change your tune. All I'm saying is that we don't really know what happened. ...and I can think of several situations where hitting someone (anyone) is not only an option but advisable.
I'm not saying you should roll over and die if a crazy bitch is coming at you with a knife, but we're just guessing now, she did call 911 after all, and you would probably convince me that you're George Michael before convincing me Ron Artest is a good, calm guy.

We can't judge a person by the accusation itself, so they'll put him on trial. Even though we all know how it will end. A few (dozen) hours of charity work, 20 000 USD fine, and that's it.

Btw I'm very protective of women since I'm well aware how they're being treated (in some cases) as I was raised by my mother alone, even though my father was(still is) a (w)(h)ealthy man. If we can call him a man.:smiley_acbe:
I don't know your parents, and I hesitate to make judgment calls.

Laws in the US are being re-written from where women used to be little better than property to now where they almost always get the benefit of the doubt. It is not my intention to convince you that Ron Artest is a good calm guy. It is merely my intention to suggest that we don't know what happened, and just because someone calls 911 in this country does not mean that someone should have done so.

And if someone comes at me with a knife, and I have reason to believe that someone intends to stab me, then I'm going to shoot that someone.
I don't know your parents, and I hesitate to make judgment calls.

Laws in the US are being re-written from where women used to be little better than property to now where they almost always get the benefit of the doubt. It is not my intention to convince you that Ron Artest is a good calm guy. It is merely my intention to suggest that we don't know what happened, and just because someone calls 911 in this country does not mean that someone should have done so.

And if someone comes at me with a knife, and I have reason to believe that someone intends to stab me, then I'm going to shoot that someone.

Of course, but come on. Artest is a beast, how big can this woman be to jeopardize him? While he can hurt her very easily.

But I'm not saying she should be given the luxury of endless trust, just let the police do their job and investigate. What I meant to say is how many sportsmen were actually found guilty?

I just don't like Artest, never liked him.
Of course, but come on. Artest is a beast, how big can this woman be to jeopardize him? While he can hurt her very easily.

But I'm not saying she should be given the luxury of endless trust, just let the police do their job and investigate. What I meant to say is how many sportsmen were actually found guilty?

Weapons equalize in size deficiency. If she got pissed at him for whatever reason while cutting meat with a big cleaver, then he absolutely might find himself in reasonable fear of serious bodily injury or death.

And then God only knows what might go on between them.

I just don't like Artest, never liked him.

And this is what most people likely think about him (me included), and it'll be difficult for him to get a semblance of a fair trial.
Sorry if I can't be on his side or even trust him 0.1% since all I know is this:

  • He was suspended numerous times due flagrant fouls.
  • He was the fight instigator at the Palace during DET-IND match (no, it wasn't the fan, it was ARTEST. The fan isn't paid by the Association, Artest is. The fan would've been banished from the Palace and that's it. Since Artest reacted (and gee, what kind of reaction was that? A well thought, calm reaction, or one of a madman?)
  • He was suspended for game 2 last year against the Spurs for elbowing Manu Ginobili. Kobe's elbows are nothing compared to this.
  • According to a Placer County report obtained by the Sacramento Bee, on January 30, 2007, Animal Services officers issued a "pre-seizure" notice to Artest regarding suspicions that a dog at his home in Loomis was not receiving adequate food. On February 5, officers returned and seized Socks, a black female Great Dane, removing her into protective custody with a local veterinarian. The seizure action cited a law that requires animal caretakers to "provide proper sustenance." Artest later sent an email to the Bee, writing "I'm glad to say all problems are solved now, and I'm looking forward to getting my dog back." The animal remains in custody as of February 7.[2] In a phone conversation with a reporter from local TV news channel CBS13, Artest said he had gotten rid of all his dogs because he wasn't able to take care of them.
  • In regards to medication for his behavior Artest said, "I've never taken medication (to control moods) in my life. Doctors have suggested it and I say, 'OK, give it to me.' But then I go home and I throw it in the garbage."
  • He was warned before about domestic violence issues.

Was all this just a coincidence? I take everything with a grain of salt, so he might be innocent, and all I would like here is that the police and the judicial system does it's work PROPERLY.

Sorry if I think a 6ft7, 260 lb monster (with PRIOR record of violent, psychotic behavior) could easily harm a woman by simply trying to slap her, she would probably bounce off the walls for the next 5 minutes.

If all this is coincidental, then I ask you how come all NBA players aren't troublemakers and have similar pedigree? Ron Artest is a very strange, unpleasant fellow, judging by his behavior, and if a woman called 911 saying he hurt her, I am more keen on trusting her than not.


Objection your honor!

Nothing you mention above is admissible (except her call to 911 about this event) because it doesn't have anything to do with this event. It is prejudiced previous information that indicates nothing about the current event except an alleged "tendency of bad behavior" by Artest. It is not evidence of this crime!

Yes, Artest does have a recurring problem, and as I said above...given his reaction at his press conference, he obviously thinks he did something wrong. I'm not saying he didn't do something criminal (again). I'm saying we don't know what happened, and we shouldn't demonize him based on accusations.

I've been accused of sexual harassment before....by a third party. ...and the chyk I supposedly harassed was a friend of mine and was not only not complaining...I never harassed her. I had to leave a job over that. I wasn't exactly fired...but it became crystal clear very quickly that my presence wasn't appreciated.

Being shat on based on unfounded accusations (which the supposed victim denied) really sucked, and I like to suggest others not do that shitting.

Well I didn't see the press conference, but you say he basically admitted his wrongdoing? SOME wrongdoing at least. Or acted that way.

I never meant to imply he should be found guilty or be considered as guilty, BEFORE the actual process (provided the woman doesn't drop the charges), I'm saying I personally don't like the guy and my rational side tells me not all of this can be coincidental.

I'm sorry you had to go through such charges since I would hate nothing more than such thing to happen to me, and I'm aware there are shitty people in the world (men and women) who would do you harm without even blinking, just because they can.

All I'm saying is Ron Artest doesn't seem to me as a stand up, honest, calm guy.

He may or may not be guilty in this case, and if I were the judge I surely would take a different stance to what I have now, this is my subjective opinion based on previous felonies.

I think that info from county sheriff is pretty credible, perhaps I'm wrong?

one would think.


You still don't know the circumstances of the "visible trauma"...

damnit...MILK going on a bit of a run here...
The fact that she beating the shit out of his hummer with a frying pan when the police arrived makes me think she might have some screws loose. Well that and the fact she's living with Artest.
The fact that she beating the shit out of his hummer with a frying pan when the police arrived makes me think she might have some screws loose. Well that and the fact she's living with Artest.


I reiterate. We have no idea about the circumstances of this event.