Late Hit on QB Kemp - Tulane vs Houston


Montezuma Mesa Survivor
What do you guys think? Did he hear the whistle? I agree with Doug Flutie...if he didn't hear the whistle, why does he just pop him and stop? He would be running thru and tackling him. Cheap shot, IMO...guy should be suspended.

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Sorry guys...I'm no RJ, so embedding a video is something I have little to no experience in doing.

He barely hit him, IMO.

Just because he doesn't drink milk, he breaks a bone.

He heard the whistle, he pulled up. The kid doesn't break a collar bone, we never hear about this.

Doesn't make it right, but that's how I see it.
the way it looked to me makes me think he heard it ... but the qb should know int hat situation to spike the ball. you see the qb's in the pros do it ... they learned from experience ...
He barely hit him, IMO.

Just because he doesn't drink milk, he breaks a bone.

He heard the whistle, he pulled up. The kid doesn't break a collar bone, we never hear about this.

Doesn't make it right, but that's how I see it.

I can't believe you're putting this on the QB...unreal. The guy who made the hit should be suspended, period. The other defender clearly held up in front of the QB, yet the other guy kept going. It was a deliberate, cheap shot...and his collar bone was broken clean thru in two different's agonizing. I don't care how strong your bones are...your collar bone is extremely vulnerable, and is one of the weaker bones in your body when hit directly...nothing the QB could have done.

Watch it again...and then again...he NAILS the QB...puts all of his weight into him.

Did you play organized football, hoop?

His apology was a huge disgraceful lie too. He said he thought he was still being blocked. LOL Yeah, check out the replay of that tackle "blocking" him.

I'm not really sure what the policy is in regard to a collegiate player being suspended for a personal foul. Does anyone have any idea? When was the last time it happened? I don't know if the NCAA allows leniency because they figure they aren't pro athletes and thus make mistakes or what exactly. Boise State has had a few guys this year who should have been suspended. This particular version of the Broncos plays cheap football and thus I find myself rooting against them and hope only Utah gets a BCS bid.
He barely hit him, IMO.

Just because he doesn't drink milk, he breaks a bone.

He heard the whistle, he pulled up. The kid doesn't break a collar bone, we never hear about this.

Doesn't make it right, but that's how I see it.

Which angle is the one where "he pulled up"? Are you serious?
nail on the head...flutie, garf, vk, and aztec :shake:

dude knew exactly what he was doing. bottom line...even if u don't hear the whistle, you notice your surroundings & can figure things out. but the giveaway is he didn't wrap up/tackle, than went running off w/out looking for a loose ball. shows his only intent was to lay a shot...not to play the game, as he's been taught.

btw...the tulane teammates should be ashamed of themselves as well. you cannot let something like that happen w/out taking revenge...which is why i love hockey so much. someone pulls some punk ass move like that, it gets dealt with.
nail on the head...flutie, garf, vk, and aztec :shake:

dude knew exactly what he was doing. bottom line...even if u don't hear the whistle, you notice your surroundings & can figure things out. but the giveaway is he didn't wrap up/tackle, than went running off w/out looking for a loose ball. shows his only intent was to lay a shot...not to play the game, as he's been taught.

btw...the tulane teammates should be ashamed of themselves as well. you cannot let something like that happen w/out taking revenge...which is why i love hockey so much. someone pulls some punk ass move like that, it gets dealt with.

Amen to that bro. A few of his teammates were really pissed off, as you can tell from the video. One guy even ran over and gave him a shove/yelled at him. The refs ran in and broke up the scuffle that would have undoubtedly followed. But I agree...can't believe more wasn't done on the part of his teammates to get some sort of revenge. Especially the O-Lineman.
Which angle is the one where "he pulled up"? Are you serious?

The fact he hit him chest to chest.

If he would have speared him, then he would have been going full bore. But he didn't. He just ran him over, and hit him in the numbers with his chest/hands.

It was a cheap shot. Absolutely. Dick head move.

But like I said, he doesn't break a bone, we never hear about it. Just another 15yd personal foul.

And no, I didn't play any organized football. I was too big to play Midgets, or what ever you play in 6th grade, and my high school didn't have a team.
I get what you're sayin, hoop. Still, this isn't something that happens every day. That shit happens in the NFL, and the defender is not only suspended, but fined...severely.

Yet in this instance, this kid issues some bullshit, insincere apology (after he ended Kemp's season with a blatantly obvious cheap shot), and all is forgotten? Just seems unfair to me.
