Late christmas gift $$ over sd/den $$

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gambler4Life
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I sure hope you inside info is reliable....just added alittle extra on it.....:cheers:
you must be from covers... i have a friend that knows jay cutler that said he wants the game. You should go all on denver :popcorn:
You & me both....damn could have really cleaned house on this game. :smiley_acbe: thanks for the heads up!!!!!:cheers:
How do u know i'm NEW in here ??? True? Wat if i'm undercover? check w fondy or betcrimes for poster ip address b4 u speak, son.

Ur welcome, Hater.
Phoso, not sure why you created the alias to make a thread like this, but with the previous warnings you have received and now creating a new name to cause trouble, it is pretty apparent that you are of no positive value to this site. Both names and the IP have been banned.