Fuck Mark Davis and that dumb and dumber haircut he rocks. He doesn't give a shit about fans in the Bay Area. He just wants to save a dime and move somewhere where he won't have to dish out money out of his own pocket. What is this? Corporate welfare? Mark Davis is worth a half billion dollars wtf. Las Vegas is basically giving Mark Davis, who's rich as fuck, more money. Unbelievable.
I'll always be a Raider fan. Wherever they call home. Sucks though leaving just as they're getting their shit together after 13 years of sucking ass. The Raiders organization wins in the end. They got fans already in the LA area. The Bay Area. And are going to have a ton more in LV now. Their merchandise will always sell. They're the winners in all of this.
And poor Oakland. Raiders going to leave. The Warriors are going to SF in 2018. They'll be left with the A's and I doubt they stay now. It's gonna be a war zone soon there.