Large Bet tonight for myself


dirty hippie fuckslave
I dont know why I tell anyone here cuz i lose when i do.. but fuck it cuz im drunk as piss...

SD Pads @ ARiz Dbacks

UNDER 9.5 3-LARGE:smiley_acbe:

As always good luck when this loses... i just got paid today so i dont fucking care :cheers:
BAR what do you look like??????????????? soooo mystgerious... ... i got fuckin 3K tonight biznatch.... i hope i didnt jinx anyone but if i do. then im sorry.if it loses then ill just blame fondy nick and ill never posta gain ever!
BAR what do you look like??????????????? soooo mystgerious... ... i got fuckin 3K tonight biznatch.... i hope i didnt jinx anyone but if i do. then im sorry.if it loses then ill just blame fondy nick and ill never posta gain ever!

8 runs scored in this game with two outs.........tough to swallow for us.

Lets bounce back