Lamar Odom Drug Abuse Allegations


Pretty much a regular
Amid speculation that Khloé Kardashian Odom and Lamar Odom are having marital issues, Odom is now under fire from reports that claim he has been abusing drugs.

In the first report over the weekend, unnamed sources told TMZ that Odom, 32, has been using "hardcore recreational drugs" for the past two years and went to rehab last August. The report claims Odom stayed clean for the duration of the basketball season but started using drugs again once his run with the Clippers ended.

Reps for Odom and the Clippers have not returned PEOPLE's multiple requests for comment. A rep for Kardashian Odom declined to comment.

A source close to the couple tells PEOPLE that Karshadian Odom has been struggling to help her husband. "It's a really hard time for Khloé," the source says. "She's kept this secret for almost two years trying to save Lamar and their marriage."

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The 29-year-old "recently came clean and [her family] has been trying to help since," the source says.

Another source who has known Odom for years says the couple have clashed over his partying: "Lamar genuinely doesn't think he has a problem – it's all 'work hard then party hard' with him until it goes off the rails. They really do love each other. But she really feels that this problem is out of control, and she's hurt that he won't get help."

The couple has not been spotted together in public since June 2, and neither has commented on the status of their marriage, even following reports of infidelity allegations (which Odom has denied). On Thursday, Kardashian Odom was photographed looking unhappy and not wearing her wedding ring for a trip to the gym. On Aug. 25, she Tweeted, "Really hard to sit here and listen to people talk s--- about my family . . . I'm too protective for this s---!"

"It's absolutely heartbreaking for her," the source close to the couple says of their struggles. "This is such a heavy load." [h=4]Odom's Past Problems[/h]This is not the first time Odom has faced drug accusations. He was suspended in 2001 when he violated NBA drug policy twice in eight months. He admitted at the time to smoking marijuana, telling reporters: "I hope everyone doesn't pass judgment on my mistake. I've made a couple and I may make a couple again, but
hopefully they won't be as big as this one … This will never happen again."

His close friend and former coach Jerry Degregorio has said: "Lamar, in crisis situations, he has a tendency to want to get away and hide. He just wants to go away and hide and be by himself."

In 2012, Odom disappeared from the Dallas Mavericks for 10 days amid reports his father was ill. "It was really personal and it was something I had to tend to," he said when he returned. "There are times when we have to fix what is going on off the basketball court in order to fix what's going on on the court."

Sources say Kardashian Odom, whom he wed in 2009, has been a supportive influence. "Khloé is so insanely protective over Lamar," says another source close to the family. "Whatever they're going through in their relationship is taking a back seat to getting him better, I can tell you that."
Not that I don't think Lamar is capable of being a crackhead cause I do....but lets not rule this out as the Kardashian clan PR machine dragging his name down as payback since it's been rumored he's been sneaking around on that ogre wife of his
lol Hunt.

Interesting subject...good point by CAPital though...definitely food for thought.
Lamar smokes rock?

for real?

I'm going to have to doubt it, until I hear something more substantive than a TMZ report that was most likely started by Khloe and her family. I don't doubt that Odom could be off smoking weed, or even doing some lines of coke, I just have a hard time believing that he's smoking crack rocks. They alluded to him having had a crack problem for the past 3 years now. How many dudes you know that can smoke crack, then just stop to play some NBA ball for a few months, then start up again with the crack; and repeat the cycle for a few years?

As Cap said, this whole thing is very shady, and most likely just a ploy by the most annoying family in America and their fat son, errrr daughter Klo-he.
Yea he's been cheating so they paid him and put this story out. I can see it, but its also end of odom.
Yea he's been cheating so they paid him and put this story out. I can see it, but its also end of odom.

It's been said before, but who wouldn't cheat if THAT was your wife? Agree that it's probably the end of Lamar, but his NBA career has essentially been over since the Lakers got rid of him. That literally seemed to crush his soul. Ah well, he had a very nice NBA career and seems like a pretty good dude....sit back and enjoy the rest of your life Lamar.
Agree. Just wouldn't doubt this his stepmonster kris karduhshian the puppetmaster.
Khloe has also come out and said that he does not smoke crack. Sooooo, who started the rumor? The worst mother in the world I'm guessing.
Do you really think that the Kardashian crew would start such a vicious rumor about Lamar?. I have a really hard time believing that. You would really have to be low life scum to do that to someone in your family.
Do you really think that the Kardashian crew would start such a vicious rumor about Lamar?. I have a really hard time believing that. You would really have to be low life scum to do that to someone in your family.

Yes. They are.
Do you really think that the Kardashian crew would start such a vicious rumor about Lamar?. I have a really hard time believing that. You would really have to be low life scum to do that to someone in your family.

Lol dude surely you're not that naive. They are the fucking Kardashians....of course they are capable of that shit
Naive that you wouldn't think the Kardashians are capable of starting that rumor. They pimped their daughter out in a sex tape with Ray j to get fame for fucks sake lol. I'd say they are capable of spreading some rumors to TMZ that Lamar is a crackhead. Look at what they did to Kris Hump
The Kardashian moto....any publicity(bad or good, even about family) is good publicity as long they keep their name in the spotlight. They making millions upon millions for that shit. I mean hell, according the TMZ they Lamar and that ogre are split right now and if the divorce goes through they have an iron clad prenup to protect that ogre's money from Lamar lol. Think about that one for a sec. They got so much money they are afraid an nba baller for more than decade is gonna take HER money. They print money off this stuff bruh
I can't believe I'm arguing about this, lol. Not being naive, just think your "theory" has holes in it.

So are we going with the assumption that it is highly likely he is not smoking crack?

If so , lets think about this from a practical standpoint. If they have an iron clad prenup, what is the benefit of them starting a rumor like this? Wow, a NBA player had an affair, big shocker. However if they start a rumor like this that is not true , against guy who most people like, this could be crushing to them.

I'll admit if I'm wrong, but sounds to me like he is a crackhead
Like I said earlier he might very well be addicted to some drugs. Totally feasible to me but it's also completely feasible that the Kardashians would run to TMZ with this shit. I know to stand up people like you and me it seems insane but these aren't normal people man. TMZ and other outlets are who made these fuckers. When it comes to the Kardashian clan it's like watching a really good sci-fy or action movie, you gotta suspend disbelief and just accept that these people are media whore monsters. Look at how they are already pimping out their underage daughter Kylie or Kendall whoever
Crack doubtful btw. I find it extremely insane that the dude has a crack problem but has no problem putting it down for 6-7 months to play in the association then pick it right back up. I've read from other places it's pills which seem WAY more likely...if he is indeed addicted to something
Let's put it this way Braves...which do you think it is more likely. From a practical standpoint. Lamar is smoking rocks and then somehow able to put it down to go play pro ball for a half a year and then pick up the rocks again or do you think it's more likely the Kardashians who pimped their own daughters tape of getting stuffed by an R&B singer to get fame, called up their contacts at TMZ and spread some of these rumors?
Besides heroin, I think you can actually tone down your use especially if you have distractions like a NBA career. But honestly he hasn't been worth a shit the last two year, so he was probably still a recreational user. Heroin, because of the extreme dope sickness , you can't just turn that off.

So to answer your question, I think Lamar has a drug problem, because mainly I don't see the upside for them to spread this rumor.
Lakers and Clips essentially both have held their last roster spot for him ( looks like clips will fill that with Antwan). They were waiting on Lamar. It can't be that hard of a decision, something is up with the dude.
Besides heroin, I think you can actually tone down your use especially if you have distractions like a NBA career. But honestly he hasn't been worth a shit the last two year, so he was probably still a recreational user. Heroin, because of the extreme dope sickness , you can't just turn that off.

So to answer your question, I think Lamar has a drug problem, because mainly I don't see the upside for them to spread this rumor.

There doesn't need to be an upside for that catastrophe of a family to start a rumor. They don't think that far in advance, they are simply worried about protecting their "image." It's much better for them to say Lamar has a drug problem, than it is to admit that Lamar cheated on the Ogre because she looks like a man, and he finally came to the realization that he was married to "that."
Hillbilly heroin it looks like...with a Ambien chaser

smoking the oxy on foil....leaving residue in hotels during the season is a no no Lamar
Lamar Odom was deep into drugs while he was playing for the Dallas Mavericks and there is evidence he was doing the exact same thing while playing for the Lakers ... TMZ has learned.

Sources connected to a Westin hotel in Memphis tell TMZ ... in March of 2012, shortly before Lamar was cut from the Mavs, he stayed in one of the guest rooms while his team was in town playing the Grizzlies.

Our sources say when Lamar left, hotel employees found major carpet damage ... including quarter-sized burn marks. The damage was so bad, the hotel had to replace the carpeting in the room.

Our sources say hotel employees also found white powder on the desk blotter and the room reeked of noxious smoke. Our sources say it was obvious there was serious drug use going on in the hotel room.

The Westin is one of numerous hotels where NBA players stay when they're on the road. TMZ has contacted a number of these hotels in various cities. We've learned from several hotel employees ... they had complained about the state of the rooms when Lamar left -- similar to what happened in Memphis -- and this was while he was playing for the Lakers.

Our sources say no one on the Mavs knew Lamar was a substance abuser while he was on the team, but everyone knew something was seriously wrong with him.

We're told that during at least part of the time he was playing for the Mavs, Lamar was smoking Oxycontin and cocaine.

Odom's problems were so severe, he was cut from the Mavs mid-season and paid in full just so he would go away.

TMZ broke the story ... the drug use escalated to crack -- and we're told Lamar's level of crack use is now alarming and life-threatening.

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Lamar Odom was deep into drugs while he was playing for the Dallas Mavericks and there is evidence he was doing the exact same thing while playing for the Lakers ... TMZ has learned.

Sources connected to a Westin hotel in Memphis tell TMZ ... in March of 2012, shortly before Lamar was cut from the Mavs, he stayed in one of the guest rooms while his team was in town playing the Grizzlies.

Our sources say when Lamar left, hotel employees found major carpet damage ... including quarter-sized burn marks. The damage was so bad, the hotel had to replace the carpeting in the room.

Our sources say hotel employees also found white powder on the desk blotter and the room reeked of noxious smoke. Our sources say it was obvious there was serious drug use going on in the hotel room.

The Westin is one of numerous hotels where NBA players stay when they're on the road. TMZ has contacted a number of these hotels in various cities. We've learned from several hotel employees ... they had complained about the state of the rooms when Lamar left -- similar to what happened in Memphis -- and this was while he was playing for the Lakers.

Our sources say no one on the Mavs knew Lamar was a substance abuser while he was on the team, but everyone knew something was seriously wrong with him.

We're told that during at least part of the time he was playing for the Mavs, Lamar was smoking Oxycontin and cocaine.

Odom's problems were so severe, he was cut from the Mavs mid-season and paid in full just so he would go away.

TMZ broke the story ... the drug use escalated to crack -- and we're told Lamar's level of crack use is now alarming and life-threatening.

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Our sources our sources sources blah blah blah. I'm really not trying to take up for Lamar here but they are dragging his name in the mud without any substantial proof other than "sources". Reading the front page of TMZ you'd think that Kris Jenner wrote all these articles the way they are worded. The whole page is nothing but Lamar missing, crackhead, etc etc etc and Khloe portrayed as just the sweet innocent wife who is trying to help her husband despite his raging drug problem. If anybody in that fam has a raging drug problem my money would be on Scotty D. "Sources" tell me that he is
Normally i would agree that the jenners are feading info to tmz, but Cuban had hinted that there were issues a while back.

But sources insist that [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]the [FONT=inherit !important]Mavs[/FONT][/FONT] gave Lamar the pink slip.[/FONT]
“Too much drama, not enough focus on basketball,” a source close to the situation told us. “He just couldn’t get past all his issues, whatever they may be, and concentrate on playing [FONT=inherit !important][FONT=inherit !important]basketball[/FONT].”[/FONT]
naive about what?

Yes, I would be extremely surprised that they would start a rumor like this.
I could see it

The Mom has a TV show that was suffering and on trial....last episode? She has Kanye on to debut photos of Northwest(the baby)

They will do anything for exposure and money....anything
Not saying Lamar is innocent of using drugs....BUT if it was leaked there aint a doubt where it started
Theres probably a reason no team has signed lamar and why his play has been dogshit the past couple years.
For all of you who don't think it's possible a family would make stuff up like this about Lamar. Exhibit A...

NBA star Rashad McCants says there was nothing real about his stint on former girlfriend Khloe Kardashian’s reality show. The shooting guard said Khloe and sister Kourtney, who claimed he cheated on Khloe, “made the whole thing up.” McCants said a “Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami” episode — where they were seen hacking into McCants’ voice mail and listening to suggestive phone messages apparently left for him by a female fan — was staged. He said the curvy sisters did not have his current phone number and he and Khloe “had already called it quits” in January, before the segment was even taped. Meanwhile, Khloe wasted no time finding herself another NBA star to play ball — she wed the LA Lakers’ Lamar Odom in September, after a month long romance. Not surprisingly, the reality show cameras caught every moment. Reps for E! and Khloe did not return calls or e-mails for comment.
For all of you who don't think it's possible a family would make stuff up like this about Lamar. Exhibit A...

NBA star Rashad McCants says there was nothing real about his stint on former girlfriend Khloe Kardashian’s reality show. The shooting guard said Khloe and sister Kourtney, who claimed he cheated on Khloe, “made the whole thing up.” McCants said a “Kourtney and Khloe Take Miami” episode — where they were seen hacking into McCants’ voice mail and listening to suggestive phone messages apparently left for him by a female fan — was staged. He said the curvy sisters did not have his current phone number and he and Khloe “had already called it quits” in January, before the segment was even taped. Meanwhile, Khloe wasted no time finding herself another NBA star to play ball — she wed the LA Lakers’ Lamar Odom in September, after a month long romance. Not surprisingly, the reality show cameras caught every moment. Reps for E! and Khloe did not return calls or e-mails for comment.
Are you giving us breaking news that reality tv is staged?
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Are you giving us breaking news that reality tv is staged?

Just showing that this isn't the first NBA baller that family has made look like shit for appearance purposes.

However after some of the comments refusing to believe the Kardashians are capable of making up stuff about Lamar, it might well indeed be breaking news to some