Kurt Warner to be named starter...


Assistant to the Traveling Secretary
Source: Cardinals set to name QB Warner as starter

By Chris Mortensen

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Leinart Benched As Cardinals Starting QB
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<!-- template inline -->The Arizona Cardinals are expected to name Kurt Warner as the team's starting quarterback, a team source said Sunday.
Matt Leinart's poor performance Saturday night against the Oakland Raiders probably sealed the decision.
Leinart had three interceptions in the first half and completed just 4 of 12 passes for 24 yards. His passer rating was 2.8. The Cardinals won the game 24-0.
The source said Leinart's training-camp performance has been uneven, and the Cardinals are concerned about his arm strength and consistency.
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Matt Leinart blows.

I think you already knew my feelings on that subject though.

In two years though, him and Nick Lachey will probably have a sick bachelor show on MTV where they can flash all the millions they had from back when they had potential...

On the positive side, more face-time for Brenda Warner.
Makes me reconsider the Cardinal season win total, over.

It's like the Football Gods keep giving with this guy. I thanked him for all the money he made me in his career two years ago.

Now, potentially one more whole year of this guy? Where do I sign up? Tell me they're playing some offensive teams early in the season so I can play some overs.
what the hell is whisenhunt thinking? not so much the decision itself which i apparently d isagree with a lot of you here on, but the timing of the situation. he went on every news show and touted leinart starting despite this and despite that and then the guy has a terrible performance vs a team that will have one of the leagues best pass defenses and you AGAIN reinforce your decision to back leinart and days later name warner your starter?? what does this say to your team months into camp and preseason and weeks before the season starts besides of course that you have no fuckin clue what you're doing?? this guy should be in politics for as much as he changes his mind on shit ...complete jackass in my opinion.
All Warner does is throw TD's.

And hold onto the ball too long, and turn the ball over, and throw INTs. God bless his heart.
Cardinals coach Ken Whisenhunt denies that he has decided to start Kurt Warner over Matt Leinart in Week 1.

ESPN reported otherwise Sunday. "I haven't read the paper today or seen the internet," Whisenhunt said. "Do we have a quarterback? It seems like Chris Mortensen is making the decision on our quarterback. Nothing has changed." He says Leinart's third preseason game meltdown wouldn't be the deciding factor: "One thing I learned from (former Steelers coach) Bill Cowher is, you don’t want to make an emotional decision based on a half of football." While this complicates things for now, we'd still bet on Warner getting the call. Aug. 25 - 2:54 pm et
Whisenhunt is dumb as fuck. Warner was #1 qb since Week 8 on LY.

If Leinart starts this fucks up my Rodgers/Warner quarterback by committee.
Why does Whisenhunt show this loyalty to Leinart? He didnt draft him. He's part of the Dennis Green brigade of nothingness if im not mistaken.

Leinart rather hang out with his groupies in a hot tub than study. He doesnt give a shit about his body either. His chest is that of a 30+ year old who sits at an office and hasn't seen a gym since HS PE.

Warner on the other hand outplayed every qb in league last year. He wants to win, too. Was mad he didn't get his incentives (sp?) in last game last year. 5-3 with Warner LY i think it was. Makes it 3-5 with Matty "I'm a product of the USC System, lets go chill in a hot tub and take photos with my iphone" Leinart.

I'm not even gonna bring up how Whisenhunt terrible at managing the game ingame. Wait i did.

The Desert heat alone can't fuck with peoples minds like this can it? They do play indoors after all.
This sucks now i have no qb2 b/c even Matt Leinart should do well vs Denver in last preseason game. Damn, damn, damn.