KU Football


Not from 63rd
David Beaty will finish out the season as the leader of the Jayhawks but will not return next year.

I realize I’m most likely the only person here that gives a shit about Kansas football but my god did they have something going and that program was gaining serious traction on all fronts during Mangino’s tenure. The 2007-2008 season was nothing less than magical.

So I’m sure we all know why Mangino got fired and then we’ve seen what’s happened to the program since. I think it’s a combination of a few things, first, we are a basketball school and most KU fans/alumni have accepted that with the condition that you win year in and year out, Kansans arent the most confrontational folk out there and don’t put any heat on the athletic department to really make some changes regarding football, finally, most of us just don’t give a shit, it’s almost a running joke with us.

I’m not asking to beat Oklahoma every year, but for fucks sake at least compete with Iowa State and Texas Tech.

KU has improved their facilities from top to bottom and at least give the appearance that they’re trying but I can’t think of a worse team in any of the major conferences.

I was in Lawrence with some friends during the weekend of the Nichols St debacle and it was absolutely heartbreaking. Good on Nichols St though, they played their asses off and deserved that win. I’m ranting and going down the rabbit hole. I’ll stop now.

Rock Chalk Jayhawk
You will not compete with the CLONES! Texas Tech maybe, if Baylor rebuilds after that debacle before KU becomes competitive, no Bueno.
I lost a small fortune betting against that Kansas team with Talib. Mangino was just a great coach. What happened was that he got kicked out for doing what every other major program coach does. They just don't want to sacrifice to win at Kansas like the other P5 do. Everywhere the players become whiny, they start to lose. That isn't how you grow boys into men (by coddling them) or football players.

Sadly, I think this year was a step in the right direction but they obviously are going to hire Les Miles so they just decided to make the announcement of the firing now, so they can pretend to look around for the new hire (interview a minority and all that other stuff) and then announce Les Miles as soon as possible so he can start recruiting. That is the reason for the midseason firing.

Miles becoming coach has to be a -800 or more favorite.
We already went the minority route with Turner Gill aka the “dark ages” (pun somewhat intended).
Do you really think KU will hire Miles? That would make quite the splash in Lawrence. Would KU be willing to pay what Miles will ask for?
Also, fuck Charlie Weiss. I knew that would be a disaster from day 1. He was such a prick in South Bend. He’s an elitist asshole. I’ll never forget being at that basketball game when he got announced as the new HC and they showed him at historic Allen Fieldhouse and he was just sitting there with a cane and couldn’t even stand up for the applause. How do you send a guy like that into a finely tuned athletes home to recruit?
Well, I'm pretty sure Les doesn't want to be done coaching. He is still relevant enough that the hire will be a big deal for KU. What will he want paid? Beggers can't be choosers - but the market for coaching salaries is pretty well established, I don't think they will have to make him x highest paid coach or anything. I'm sure he will be happy and KU can pay him whatever going rate is for established P5 coaches. These P5 programs have so much money from the TV deals that money really shouldn't be a problem. Without knowing the financials at KU, the money comes in by the truck loads at every P5 school. It's just about what they do with it.
I'll have to read into the story here. But I do like that they are having Beaty coach out the season. I mean why not? Let the kids play for him instead of putting some interim in there.
I really do not think Les would be a good move. Obviously a big splash but he doesn't seem like the guy to rebuild a program from scratch at 65. I think they'd be better off with one of these up and coming guys.
I really do not think Les would be a good move. Obviously a big splash but he doesn't seem like the guy to rebuild a program from scratch at 65. I think they'd be better off with one of these up and coming guys.

Only problem is if the up and coming guy has some success, he's highly likely to move on. Even with some success, Les isn't going to an LSU-caliber school again. Much more of a "long" term than a younger coach.
I chuckle when my Longhorn co-workers or friends ridicule Mangino for his weight or whatever, and tell them a statue of him ought to be placed in front of the KU stadium.
Kansas went 12-1 in 2007 and not only went to but won the 2008 Orange Bowl beating Virginia Tech. I'll type it again if need be, but it does (still) take time to register. Todd Reesing will always go down as one of my favorite players - local kid from Austin that seemed to make the right play at the right time, all the time, for that team.
I'll have to read into the story here. But I do like that they are having Beaty coach out the season. I mean why not? Let the kids play for him instead of putting some interim in there.
Why not? Because often the interim turns out to be the "one". Like Danny Ford and Dabo Swinney at Clemson.
Why not? Because often the interim turns out to be the "one". Like Danny Ford and Dabo Swinney at Clemson.

You have a point. Seems like there is urgency to get the right hire this time, promoting an unknown from current staff seems low risk but potentially high reward if it works. With Jeff Long in charge he is going to want to find his version of the right guy.