Kostopolous hit - how much time would you give?

bad boarding/charging but it only seems really bad because of todays hockey don't you think ?? I mean back in the day the "victim" here would have been more prepared for the probable incoming hit of some kind. The lack of checking leads to more chioppy games with stickwork and cheapshots imo. prefer the old days where everyonehit each other and guys weren't afraid to drop the gloves.

0 games imo.

i know it was one of your boys , santa .... but a suspension ?
Understand what you're saying Kyle, could Van Ryn put himself in a better position? yes... but the onus has to be on Kotsopolous to let up going into the boards, he was a defenseless skater going into a bad position and he had a long while to avoid the hit and let up. Its like football with the block in the back, if you see the #'s, hands off, only in hockey it ends up in some big injuries. Van Ryn lost a shit load of teeth etc.

The players do need to police themselves, but when they don't the league needs to step in IMO. I mean, I wish Kotsopolous didnt get a game, he would have got what was coming later... he will in the next meeting IMO.
Understand what you're saying Kyle, could Van Ryn put himself in a better position? yes... but the onus has to be on Kotsopolous to let up going into the boards, he was a defenseless skater going into a bad position and he had a long while to avoid the hit and let up. Its like football with the block in the back, if you see the #'s, hands off, only in hockey it ends up in some big injuries. Van Ryn lost a shit load of teeth etc.

The players do need to police themselves, but when they don't the league needs to step in IMO. I mean, I wish Kotsopolous didnt get a game, he would have got what was coming later... he will in the next meeting IMO.

yup .. over in the next game betwen these two willbe a good bet .. lots of penalty minutes and power plays i would imagine.
yup .. over in the next game betwen these two willbe a good bet .. lots of penalty minutes and power plays i would imagine.

Habs couldnt stay out of the box with all their stick work on Saturday night... next one will be worse.

They were going after Grabovsky big time, think he's a diver etc. (which he is, lol)
Also , this reminds me of something i meant to ask you hockey experts ....

i assume goals/minute go up when it is 4-on-4 hockey but have nothing emperical to prove that.

is this true in todays hockey ?
A part of me says its an unfortunate part of the game, but another part says this stuff cant go on- someones going to end up paralyzed one of these days. I think the best solution to all head injuries is to soften the boards and to soften the equipment, the gear these days is insane and a weapon itself.
A part of me says its an unfortunate part of the game, but another part says this stuff cant go on- someones going to end up paralyzed one of these days. I think the best solution to all head injuries is to soften the boards and to soften the equipment, the gear these days is insane and a weapon itself.
Well the ruling is that it's going to be only 3 games, as a leafs fan i'm crying out for me, as a fan of the game i was hoping it would be in the range of 5-7 games.. These hits are getting ridiculous, sure players are putting themselves into these positions, but the players checking, for the most part, have the chance to avoid the hit or ease up.. prime example this year someone trying to ease up would be when the penguins played against the capitals. Malking had Semin lined up for a hit, but had realized he was comign from behind and that Semin was in a vulnerable position, Malkin hit the brakes, but still hit him. It could have been worse for Semin, but he came out without a scratch and a penalty to Malkin...this also reminds me of the hit by torri mitchell on Kurtis foster last year, though not entirely the same, still a dirty hit from behind....that being said the leafs will miss him on the PP that's for sure
come on .... lets just put them all in figure skating outfits .... game has been pussified enough.

not saying this wasn't a tad dirty but i don't like the precedent.

more hitting/checking = better hockey.

realize i am biased to a certain style of play though.
im confused, why cant the boards be softer/rounded off/padded so this kind of shit doesnt happen as much?
more hitting/checking = better hockey.

there are a tonne of great open ice hits in any given day, checks into the board, etc...

body checking is not with your back to the play... IMO anyways

If you watch Rock Em Sock em hockey etc, you will never see Don Cherry put that in his videos.

People say the leagues become saturated and its just unskilled guys putting themselves in the positions to get hit, or guys not being skilled enough to let up, but I can see it.

Players need to take ownership and until they do it wont end.
im confused, why cant the boards be softer/rounded off/padded so this kind of shit doesnt happen as much?
this would effect how the puck reacts off the boards, rounded edges or not, a hit from behind will have the same result, and if there's padding there it affects the path of the puck
come on .... lets just put them all in figure skating outfits .... game has been pussified enough.

not saying this wasn't a tad dirty but i don't like the precedent.

more hitting/checking = better hockey.

realize i am biased to a certain style of play though.

I agree its been sissified but the boards and glass are like cement nowadays. And when I played the only piece of equipment you couldnt bend with your bare hands were the jockstrap and kneepads, now the shoulder pads and elbow pads are like an armour, a jaw cant stand a chance.
i have no problem with softening the boards or the equipment for that matter.

i just dont want to change the game even more in the wrong general direction.

this league had a big chance a few years back to make big waves with problems inthe other leagues and made the mistake of trying tochange the game to draw more fans when the real problem was getting fans to actually see the games ... inwhich case i believe the game would have sold itself.

now they remove the hitting and intensity and i am lucky to catch a game on the outdoor network or wherever it is when i am at home .. have to go to my local book to watch hockey if thats what i want .. just a terrible job by the league imo .. i know i am beating a dead horse on this one as i whine about it all the time ...

so that is why i am extra sensitive to this .. see the same thing happening in nfl too....cant touch the qb , defenseless receivers etc etc
I like Tommy K., he used to be a Penguin--which is generally how I qualify anybody I'm either going to or not going to like, case in point, Steed was never a Penguin.

Anyhoo, I'd have given him five, at least. Not because it was so horrible, but more to send the message. You simply can't do that s**t, and it's one thing if you pull up, but he finished that check, you have to know that's wrong, and if you don't, you need to pay.
You simply can't do that s**t, and it's one thing if you pull up, but he finished that check, you have to know that's wrong, and if you don't, you need to pay.


lots of people pull out in every game... its the finished checks wiuth a guy in a fully prone position that lead to injuries.

more of this file://<EMBED src=http://www.youtube.com/v/ZIh51ZXuKT8&hl=en&fs=1 width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>width="425" height="344">
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and less of that</P>