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Zeke has signed an extension.

A good move IMO. He is a solid coach and drafts well. His downfall is personel moves other than drafting. He was given a team with a huge deficit and slowely and surely is getting them out.

Yopur thoughts?
I like it. His biggest problem to date was trying to always make a splash and grab a headline. Same deal in every sport you have to build a team not an lineup of all star names who dont fit.....NYK for the most part has played well if Marbury played liked this all season and they didnt have so many nagging injuries they would be interesting...
I don't mind it as a fan, but I am surprised by it.

I am midly suprised. This franchise needs stability and it is starting to garner that.

He built that Indiana team as a coach.

He is one of the top 10 drafting GM's of thew last 11 years.

He simply doesn't cut it trying to make a splash as someone said(i.e Franchise, Steph, etc). A lot of that is the town he GM's in. Their is no room for rebuilding there.
Quote from Isaiah - 'New York, Welcome to the Playoffs'...Jackoff...Like we've never been there...We wound up getting smacked in the 1st round...
I don't mind it. Like you said, on the bench he's not a bad coach. He just needs a good GM with him.

Jesus, don't tell me your a Knicks fan!?!?

The Knicks are gonna miss Crawford down the stretch. Zeke has finally gotten Curry to play ball, and that helped his cause IMO.
Curry a fat boy too lazy to get in shape or he could be a beast
Zeke has signed an extension.

A good move IMO. He is a solid coach and drafts well. His downfall is personel moves other than drafting. He was given a team with a huge deficit and slowely and surely is getting them out.

Yopur thoughts?

As a coach, no problem, I think the guy has proven to do a good job. From a player acquistion standpoint, you're right, he does draft well, but because of his large contract mistakes, I would consider bringing in somebody to work with him - maybe not take all the power, but perhaps just somebody to help out with the homework in crunching the numbers, helping him make more informed decisions.
I like Isiah as a coach. I think he draws up great late game offensive sets. I can't totally agree about his drafting. You think Balkman was a good choice? What did Damon Stoudamire ever end up doing in his career? He does get his team to play motivated at times and I love the fact that he knows how to win along with his sidekick assistant Mark Aquire. To even be in contention for the playoffs with this team with no clear cut leader is astonishing in my opinion. Isiah terrible GM, great coach.

He was great in Indiana IMO. That team had Reggie, O'Neal, and a bunch of stiffs.
balkman = good pick

I am mistaken on this statement earlier about Balkman if this pick was indeed the 20th in the draft. I had thought for some reason that it was a top 10 pick. According to my internet search, Balkman was taken 20th via Denver. Is this correct? If so then yes I agree it was a good pick.
Balkman was not a good pick, simply because Balkman wasn't suppossed to be drafted.. at the very least he should have traded down. It just wasn't good value
I think it is a bad move because how many more drafts is it going to take Zeke to realize that Isiah is not the right man for the job.
I am mistaken on this statement earlier about Balkman if this pick was indeed the 20th in the draft. I had thought for some reason that it was a top 10 pick. According to my internet search, Balkman was taken 20th via Denver. Is this correct? If so then yes I agree it was a good pick.

Top 10? No. Balkman went 20 when Marcus Williams was still available. With Stephon getting hurt yet again and Crawford missing the rest of the season, having a real PG would certainly help. I agree that Balkman brings the intangibles to the team, but he would have most certainly been there when Isaiah drafted Mardy Collins to fill that backup PG position.