KJ Xmas and MLK Day Pro Hoops


Bump. Set. Shuma!
Wonder how many pages down this will be come February..feels like I bet a lot of unders and get my ass kicked. Merry Xmas, happy holidays, etc and here's to getting sauced just to make it through the day :beer4:

501 Celtics tt o106 -115 2*
503 Warriors tt o111.5 -115
8303 Durant -.5 pts vs Lebron +110 .5*
2105 Durant o26.5 pts -110 .5*
2211 Leonard total pts o23.5 -140 4*
507 TWolves +4.5 -110 2*
507 TWolves ML +170
15007 Westbrook to record triple double -115


502 Knicks +3 -110
503 Blazers tt o108 -115 2*
505 1h Sixers/Bucks o104 -110
505 2h Sixers/Bucks o103.5 +100 1.5*
7069 Giannis o5 FT made -130 2*
7047 Giannis o24.5 pts -120
507 Pelicans/Pacers o215 -110 2*
509 Magic/Nuggets o223 -105 3*
509 1h Magic/Nuggets o115.5 -115
511 Hornets +5 -110
511 Hornets tt o105 -115 1.5*
511 1Q Hornets/Celts o54 -110
511 1H Hornets/Celts o108 -110
511 1H Hornets tt o52.5 -115

513 1Q Cavs/Warriors o59.5 -112 2*
513 1H Cavs/Warriors o119 -105 2*
514 1H Warriors tt o62 -115 5*
514 Warriors tt o118 -115
515 1h Jazz tt o50.5 -115
515 2h Jazz tt o56.5 -115 3*
518 1h Clippers tt o57 -115 3*
518 Clippers tt o112.5 -115 2*
518 1h Clippers -4.5 -115 1.5*
7221 Westbrook triple double +125
Last edited:
501 Celtics tt o106 -115 2*
503 Warriors tt o111.5 -115
507 TWolves +4.5 -110 2*
507 TWolves ML +170
Hope so hugh, I don't want to have to put a bunch of unnecessary clicks together to find it.

8303 Durant -.5 pts vs Lebron +110 .5*
2105 Durant o26.5 pts -110 .5*
Figure I can still win my other wagers and have this one hit too

15007 Westbrook to record triple double -115

Gonna guess that turnovers don't count but wonder how that would be graded. But really, I have to think this guy is absolutely amped to get one today and will have plenty of opportunities to do so.
Was waiting for this prop, bummer to see it juiced so high but just gonna go with it.

2211 Leonard total pts o23.5 -140 4*
Found it half way down page 2 hugh, you underestimated this forum by a small amount...in fairness Christmas was only three weeks ago and there were some Gold Bar Selections in between.

I seem to remember giving away plenty of cash on the "early MLK under" concept the last couple years, so going to ditch that idea. You know what that means. But time for part deux of this project. Wish more of these were televised nationally.

502 Knicks +3 -110
503 Blazers tt o108 -115 2*
505 1h Sixers/Bucks o104 -110
507 Pelicans/Pacers o215 -110 2*
Thanks dad, hope you're proud.

7069 Giannis o5 FT made -130 2*
7047 Giannis o24.5 pts -120
509 Magic/Nuggets o223 -105 3*
That fucker had 21 points in the first half and couldn't get those props home before fouling out. Deserved loss after he played 39 minutes yesterday and scored 33, just very unconventional. Ah well...day needs to end with some fireworks, and I don't know what to do with Utah/Phx yet but Clippers will be played in some fashion for sure.

511 1Q Hornets/Celts o54 -110
511 1H Hornets/Celts o108 -110
511 1H Hornets tt o52.5 -115
513 1Q Cavs/Warriors o59.5 -112 2*
513 1H Cavs/Warriors o119 -105 2*
514 1H Warriors tt o62 -115 5*
514 Warriors tt o118 -115
Nothing like having an over and not only watching LeBron dribble 40 times each possession, but then actually needing him to hit a shot at the buzzer. :hang: Fucking obvious.
Mind you I only bet this stuff twice a year during the season and don't even follow, so I'm probably not the one to ask. Obviously I've got the tt for the game and not adding, my thinking was the game in general would be a flowing game, both teams don't play again until Wednesday and haven't played since Friday, thus the feeling both would show and Hornets were capable enough to keep it within a couple possessions. Sorry, I'm not much help in this sport...this is a novelty day for me. GL with it if you play it.
Thx AK, wish they were all that way.

Nice final 3 minutes from the Hornets, really needed those 2 points.

518 1h Clippers tt o57 -115 3*
518 Clippers tt o112.5 -115 2*
518 1h Clippers -4.5 -115 1.5*
7221 Westbrook triple double +125
515 2h Jazz tt o56.5 -115 3*

Think the MC trip catches up to the Suns in the 2h
+1.55 Xmas
+10.39 MLK

Retirement til playoffs, fun couple days...worked for once :beer4: