KJ Wild Card Weekend

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Bump. Set. Shuma!
Reg Season: -74.20
Playoffs: -19.55 thru Wildcard weekend

102 Chiefs tt o27.5 +100 3*
103 1h Falcons/Rams u24 -110 5*
105 Bills tt o14.5 -125 7*
105 Bills/Jags o40 -110 4*
105 1h Bills tt o7.5 +120 3*
105 1h Bills/Jags o19.5 -120 6* (chase)
105 2h Bills tt o7 -120 6*
105 2h Bills/Jags o19 +107 12*

108 1h Saints tt o14 -105 8*
108 Saints tt o27.5 -110 9*
107 2h Pans/Saints o24 -114 4*
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After a successful regular season, nowhere to go but further down. These games are rank...and line movement between 7.5 and 9.5 is moot, so gonna just let it fly.

102 Chiefs tt o27.5 +100 3*
103 1h Falcons/Rams u24 -110 5*
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Egg that under is not gonna make this a fun one to watch that's for sure
Going to fade this oh so awesome JAX defense, if Tyrod doesn't turn it over this should hit easily. Think this one sees points.

105 Bills tt o14.5 -125 7*
105 Bills/Jags o40 -110 4*
Actually gonna chase this over as well for more

105 1h Bills tt o7.5 +120 3* (chase)
105 1h Bills/Jags o19.5 -120 6* (chase)
Thx twinkie

108 1h Saints tt o14 -105 8* (chase)
108 Saints tt o27.5 -110 5*
had that Atl 1H under as well, scared me at the end.

gl today, but playing 1q U, hope we both it bud
Well that game was a public bloodbath holy shit. Played out like everyone and their mom figured it would. Waste of time and money.


108 Saints tt o27.5 -110 4*