KJ Pro Buckets 11/13


Bump. Set. Shuma!
+4.775 ytd

504 Nuggs -4.5 -106 3*
504 Nuggs tt o110 -115 1.5*
505 1Q Hawks/Warriors o58.5 -113 3*
505 1H Hawks/Warriors o117 -115 2*
504 Nuggs -4.5 -106 3*
504 Nuggs tt o110 -115 1.5*
505 1Q Hawks/Warriors o58.5 -113 3*
505 1H Hawks/Warriors o117 -115 2*
Whey you posted the over in GS did you notice they had 1 day off and then playing at Houston and then 1 day off and then playing at Dallas and then a b-b at Spurs