KJ NBA Playoffs Round 2


Bump. Set. Shuma!
+1.55 Xmas Day
+10.39 MLK Day

2017 Playoffs

Round 1: +20.19
Round 2: -60.07

Toronto to win the East +750
825 Washington Series +145 2*
501 Washington Series +275 (0-1)
823 Houston Series +205 2*
823 Houston Series +250 1.5* (2-3)


735 Wizards ML +160


723 1h Raps/Cavs o104.5 -110 2*
723 Raps/Cavs o208 -110 1.5*
2845 Irving o2.5 3ptrs +125 2*
2837 DeRozan o7.5 FTs made -140
2747 DeRozan o26.5 pts -120
2791 Love o28.5 pts/reb -110 2*
725 Rox ML +195
725 Rockets +6 -120
2913 Harden o9.5 FTs made +115 2*
2917 Kawhi o7.5 FTs made -125
2873 L Williams o16.5 pts +100


501 1h Wiz/Celts o110.5 -110
501 Wizards +5.5 -115 3*
501 Wizards ML +170
501 1H Wizards ML +155
501 1Q Wizards ML +135
501 2h Wiz/Celtics u107.5 -115 2*
2553 Beal o2.5 3ptrs -130 2*
2555 Wall o5.5 FTs made -120
2535 Beal o24.5 pts -110 2*
2531 Wall o24.5 pts -120
2539 Gortat o10.5 reb -120 1.5*
503 1h Jazz/Warriors o101 -105 2*
2573 G Hill o23.5 pts/reb/ast +105
504 1Q Warriors tt o28 -125 2*
503 2h Jazz tt u51 -115 4*


731 Raptors +7.5 -110 2*
2653 DeRozan o7.5 FTs made -125 2*
2613 DeRozan o26.5 pts -120
2618 Lowry u19.5 pts +100 2*
2627 Ibaka o21 pts/reb -130 2*
733 1h Rox/Spurs o110 -115 3*
733 1h Rockets tt o53.5 -115 2*
733 Rockets tt o105.5 -125 2*
2719 Harden o9.5 FTs made +120 2*
2727 Kawhi o7.5 FTs made -140 1.5*
2695 Kawhi o29.5 pts -120
2689 Lou o14.5 pts -120 2*


506 1Q Wizards tt o28.5 -115 3*
506 1H Wizards tt o55.5 -115 2*
2866 1h Beal o11.5 pts -120 2*
2793 Beal o2.5 3ptrs -130 3*
2771 Beal o24.5 pts -125 4*
2777 Gortat o10.5 reb -145 2*

508 1Q Warriors tt o27.5 -115 2*
508 1H Warriors -8.5 -110 1.5*

2673 Joe Johnson o13 pts -110 1.5*
507 2h Jazz/Warriors u106 -110 3*


736 Raptors ML +130
735 1h Browns/Raptors o109 -105 2*
735 1Q Cavs/Raps o54 -115
2894 DeRozan o6.5 FTs made -130 2*
738 Rockets -4.5 -110 2*
738 1Q Rockets tt o27.5 -115 2*
738 1h Rockets -2.5 -105


509 1h Warriors/Jazz o104.5 -115 2*
509 1Q Warriors tt o27 -115 2*
509 1Q Warriors/Jazz o52.5 -115 2*
509 1H Warriors ML -150


701 1Q Warriors/Jazz o53 -110 4*
701 1Q Warriors tt o28 -115 2*

701 1H Warriors -4 -120 2*
702 2h Jazz tt u50 -115 2*


707 Rockets +5.5 -115


519 1Q Wizards +1 -110 3*
519 1H Wizards +2.5 -118 2*
519 1H Wizards tt o54.5 -125 2*
519 1H Wizards ML +145
2629 Beal o2.5 3ptrs -115 2*
2599 Beal o22.5 pts -140 2*
2607 Porter o23.5 pts/reb +110 2*
519 Wizards ML +160 1.5*


523 Spurs tt u102.5 -115 4*


715 Wizards +5 -109 4*
715 1h Wiz/Celts u107 -115 2*
716 1h Celts tt u55 -115
715 1q Wiz/Celts u53.5 -115[SUB][SUP]<strike></strike>[/SUP][/SUB][SUB][SUP]<strike>

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825 Washington Series +145 2*
823 Houston Series +205 2*


735 Wizards ML +160
721 1h Jazz +2 -110 2*
(moved to round 1 thread)


723 1h Raps/Cavs o104.5 -110 2*
723 Raps/Cavs o208 -110 1.5*
725 Rox ML +195
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thanks man

Thought I'd be scaling back in round two but I actually like three of the four dogs (hint, none involve Utah or Clips)

So we get this...Cleveland should handle Toronto, but a game here or there could make it interesting at least, and I just think Washington is better over the long haul than Boston at doing the same game...Wash should score down low at will. Funny considering the last series where they were outplayed by a tremendous amount. Funny how matchups work.

Speaking of which...I think Houston is such a mismatch for aging SAS that it's silly, and at some point I might question that, but this is the perfect pickoff spot for Mike D to take these guys down. Spurs need to be precise every night imo to keep this series close. And they're just over the hill at the precise positions. Houston should just let Kawhi go for 45 every night and they will win pretty quickly imo. LA needs a MONSTER series for Spurs.
501 Washington Series +275 (0-1)


725 Rockets +6 -120


503 1h Jazz/Warriors o101 -105 2*
Thx Met, BOL to you as well

2845 Irving o2.5 3ptrs +125 2*
2837 DeRozan o7.5 FTs made -140
2747 DeRozan o26.5 pts -120
2791 Love o28.5 pts/reb -110 2*
2913 Harden o9.5 FTs made +115 2*
2917 Kawhi o7.5 FTs made -125
2873 L Williams o16.5 pts +100

501 1h Wiz/Celts o110.5 -110


731 Raptors +7.5 -110 2*

Only reason I'm taking Toronto now is the 7.5, honestly I can probably wait it out but want that number. Highly doubt they win the game and banking on Lowry showing up again is a gamble, DeMar has now seen the double team and I guess I'm banking on him figuring out (like it seemed in the 2h) to not dribble into it all the f'n time. Another gamble: expecting Casey to adjust and not set DeRozan up like that all the time on those high pick n rolls. Amazing it took a full half to figure that out, but it's the NBA...where amazing happens.
Wise, Met :beer4:

501 Wizards +5.5 -115 3*
2553 Beal o2.5 3ptrs -130 2*
2555 Wall o5.5 FTs made -120
2535 Beal o24.5 pts -110 2*
2531 Wall o24.5 pts -120
2539 Gortat o10.5 reb -120 1.5*
Hard to figure stats in the later game, no doubt GSW could run away and kill it all. Will try one prop.

2573 G Hill o23.5 pts/reb/ast +105
504 1Q Warriors tt o28 -125 2*
Lloyd, Teets :beer4:

Gonna play around with this one, strictly a play against the emotion of last game...not concerned that the Bullets won't score here

501 1H Wizards ML +155
501 1Q Wizards ML +135
501 2h Wiz/Celtics u107.5 -115 2*

Gonna have to eat a couple prop bets but dog/under works for me
Of course it's gone to shit after that first game. Hope this gets to shut down mode.

503 2h Jazz tt u51 -115 4*
2653 DeRozan o7.5 FTs made -125 2*
2613 DeRozan o26.5 pts -120
2618 Lowry u19.5 pts +100 2*
2627 Ibaka o21 pts/reb -130 2*
Have decided the overreaction hype is just hype, I know what I saw, and it isn't just that game, it goes back much longer than that. They're old and can't keep up with this team. Well, one guy can, but even he was dogged at the end of the game Monday.

733 1h Rox/Spurs o110 -115 3*
733 1h Rockets tt o53.5 -115 2*
733 Rockets tt o105.5 -125 2*
2719 Harden o9.5 FTs made +120 2*
2727 Kawhi o7.5 FTs made -140 1.5*
2695 Kawhi o29.5 pts -120
2689 Lou o14.5 pts -120 2*
Round 2 not so kind so far.


506 1Q Wizards tt o28.5 -115 3*
506 1H Wizards tt o55.5 -115 2*
508 1Q Warriors tt o27.5 -115 2*
508 1H Warriors -8.5 -110 1.5*


736 Raptors ML +130
738 Rockets -4.5 -110 2*
Thanks bud, back to the well with these guys, not really a chase as much as a recovery (hopefully). Beal looked disengaged in game 2 while Wall did all the work, I'm expecting it to be a bit different tonight.

2866 1h Beal o11.5 pts -120 2*
2793 Beal o2.5 3ptrs -130 3*
2771 Beal o24.5 pts -125 4*
2777 Gortat o10.5 reb -145 2*
Good start on the totals..

Cruel on Beal there...just cruel...

And Polish Hammer missed some easy ones...could be in double figures...
I'd call it cruel but even with those quick 7 points it's clear he's got one job, and that's to play smotherball defense on IT and he's done it well tonight. Again there is no movement off the ball on the offensive end, but hard to blame him when he's probably using that to catch his breath. Bad wagers on Brad, maybe he can find a couple late 3s to mitigate the damage.

Not much of anything I trust in GSW game for props but will play on Joe without Hill in there. Number seems low but the old fella could be sitting the 4th as well.

2673 Joe Johnson o13 pts -110 1.5*
Cinco de Mayo

735 1h Browns/Raptors o109 -105 2*
738 1h Rockets -2.5 -105
735 1Q Cavs/Raps o54 -115
2894 DeRozan o6.5 FTs made -130 2*
738 1Q Rockets tt o27.5 -115 2*


509 1h Warriors/Jazz o104.5 -115 2*
Just a fish out of water last couple nights, started with that Wiz meltdown in game 2 and the rolling stone just gathered moss. Not gonna pretend to think I can get it all back this round, so just gonna try to chip away...

509 1Q Warriors tt o27 -115 2*
509 1Q Warriors/Jazz o52.5 -115 2*
509 1H Warriors ML -150
Gonna go down swingin' trying to break the streak


701 1Q Warriors/Jazz o53 -110 4*
701 1Q Warriors tt o28 -115 2*
701 1H Warriors -4 -120 2*
Thx Ret, nice night to finally not get kicked in the dick...taking Rox at this number only, not thrilled with it. Series has been guesswork for me and got the series bet so just want the hook.


707 Rockets +5.5 -115

519 1Q Wizards +1 -110 3*
519 1H Wizards +2.5 -118 2*
519 1H Wizards tt o54.5 -125 2*
519 1H Wizards ML +145
2629 Beal o2.5 3ptrs -115 2*
2599 Beal o22.5 pts -140 2*
2607 Porter o23.5 pts/reb +110 2*
519 Wizards ML +160 1.5*

Let's get this show on the road
Not that I'd redo all those losing wagers, but the sauce kinda made me a little loose with the units. Always fun to wake up to that feeling, and the blowout killed the props too. Shitty night for DC.

823 Houston Series +250 1.5* (2-3)
523 Spurs tt u102.5 -115 4*

This might be 15 points high, hell the whole game could be shit...major props to Houston if they can play their game with the other team missing their guy, can't fall into that trap of keeping it close
Conclusion to a bloody round, finally.

715 Wizards +5 -109 4*
715 1h Wiz/Celts u107 -115 2*
716 1h Celts tt u55 -115
715 1q Wiz/Celts u53.5 -115