KJ 11/29 Pro Hoops


Bump. Set. Shuma!
+.180 ytd

502 Raps tt o116.5 -115 5*
502 1h Raps -5 -115 2*
506 Lakers -4.5 -115 1.5*

504 Kings +3 -116 2.5*
504 Kings ML +120
Last edited:
502 Raps tt o116.5 -115 5*
502 1h Raps -5 -115 2*
506 Lakers -54.5 -115 1.5*
504 Kings +3 -116 2.5*
504 Kings ML +120

Raps great spot, GSW first of the roadie in which they should take care of business other than this one, could see them mail it in. Nothing alarming in the rear view mirror nor immediate future for Raps. Playing tt because I just don't believe in GSW defense nearly as much w/o Steph.