King leaving UH

They obviously can’t replace his explosiveness, but I wonder if there may be some value to an over reaction. Could the next guy operate the passing game and run the offense more efficiently? They still have the skill guys to be dangerous if this doesn’t cause the team to go in the tank.

Is Tune the next guy up?
King obviously not happy in the system, but selfish move imo 4 games in quitting on the rest of your teammates. Bad rule overall....Compare King to Hurts, one did it the right way the other totally selfish.
I forgot that we were at the 4 game threshold and some unhappy players might be seeking to redshirt and transfer. Sounds like QB King and WR Corbin are the only ones making such a move as of right now, or is there anyone else out there doing similar?

Have to think team chemistry and moral takes a big hit, not only are they going through a difficult coaching transition, said transition hasn't gone great and are 1-3 on the year. Now their only real chance of winning games decides to quit, that can only negatively impact the rest of the team I would think. It isn't like they are going from Kelly Bryant to Trevor Lawrence type situation.

I can't remember from last year, how good was Tune?
Houston could turn into quite the fade. With that being said...they play once in like almost a months time.
King is saying he wants to stay in Houston after this year? He said something to the effect that he’s still committed to Houston. Huh?
This is quite the twist. Now, everyone was probably just doing what people do these days, myself included, jumping to conclusions without knowing all the facts. But man, this is a unique situation...are more teams going to start considering this? To have a star player(s) redshirt on purpose so they can return next year, when they are healthy and necessary to the current year's does that go over internally. I can hear Holgerson's gravely voice "yeah well, we need to plan for next year by getting these guys back next year so we'll just have to see what pans out this year, sorry seniors, sorry everyone, we don't care enough about winning this year right now".