kidd to chicago ...


Fan Club of any and everyone good!
ive been saying for a long while that the bulls lack a pg. the importance of a pg imo is the most important thing to the game of basketball. he is what runs the show, dictates tempo, leads, he is the coach on the floor, etc.

skiles and kidd once knew each other on a player to player level. this was in phoenix. they did not get along.

paxson a former pg should know the bulls pg situation is a mess. kirk is better suited off the ball.

with skiles now gone and the nets and jason kidd trade talks being talked of more and more could kidd be coming to chicago?

their are no bigs out their on the market really. pau in memhis and JO in Indy is about it. bigs are impossible to find and im not even sure JO fits the up tempo game the bulls played (at least last year that is). im not sure on what the identity of this team is this year.

with kidd leading the way i could see things turn about and us save face on a season full of disappointments, contracts unsigned, trade talks, a fired coach, and questionable gm moves by jon paxson.

im not sure what NJ would want from us but im hoping they take kirk or ben wallace off my hands. one of them has to go. im willing to part ways with ben gordon, as well. also, we have too many 6'7ish players. take one of em too for me.

leave me say ...


and lets try and get up and down the court and run with a coach who is familar with european basketball.

its a mess and this is a rough sketch but thoughts ...
this thing is a complete cluster fuck right now. im not even sure who wants to wear a bulls jersey. why would any coach wanna coach a team like that? i wouldnt.

i dont want van gundy.
Dude no offense but you need an inside scorer MORE than a PG.

You have assembled the least offensive yet athletics bigs in the history of the game. Not sure a big on your team can shoot consistently past 5 feet.

Just my thoughts, adding Jason Kidd (a horrific shooter) to a team loaded with bricklayers would be disaster. He would increase the nasty dunks I can not dispute that.