Kevin McHale...

Dude is beyond brutal. Got schooled by Terry Stotts last postseason which says a lot considering Stotts is brutal himself. He obviously never learned anything from that.

Any other Western contender would have annihilated the Clippers in Game 1 and possibly Game 2 given the circumstances.

Tonight proved Game 1 wasn't an anomaly, Rockets won Game 2 purely through league intervention. Coach and team are out of their depth.

Last night the Rockets had 32 extra free-throw attempts, were +14 on the boards, +10 on 2nd chance points and still didn't cover a single-digit spread.

That's beyond brutal right there.
Is it on him or on Morey? This is the only club in the league (maybe Kings as well) that have GM (or in Kings case - owner) dictate the style of play instead of the coach.
You can see very very very clearly that Rockets follow Morey strategy to the full. McHale probably not the greatest basketball coach in history, since he wasn't that great in Minny as well, but I think that it's more of a F grade for Morey's strategy. This is where the theory and real life don't always get along.
I also think that absence of Beverly is kind of important, because Terry and Brewer shouldn't be together on the floor I think (also because it's hard to tell them apart sometimes on TV :) ) and because Beverly could defend, could shoot three pointer, could dribble, could pass - without him, you got Terry as starting PG...
I also think that this team has freakish number of great athletes, but really low on good shooters.
Harden and Ariza are the only two good shooters from behind the arc, but everyone is shooting there from behind the arc - that's not good.
Dwight needs Orlando style - four good shooters around him.
Brewer, Smith, Jones, Terry at his age, Prigioni - they all can hit occasional three pointer, but no way that they are consistent enough to really rely upon or rivals not trying to gamble a bit.
Not sure, or care if the GM is micro-managing. It shouldn't happen but maybe it does. I have seen enough 'regular season' substitution patterns etc and just don't trust adjustments, nothing. He is awful.
No argument there. I said so when he replaced Adelman, that he is far from being an elite coach.
But, I think that Rockets have more fundamental problem and that's GM and the way he believes basketball should be played.
Didn't see last night's game and in the past not a fan of his but he did an outstanding job this season and in fact did a better job than Popovich. McHale got them to 56 wins or two more than last season despite only getting 75 games combined from his starting center and starting power forward, managed to integrate Josh Smith into the lineup and be productive, his team jumped from 12th to 8th in defensive efficiency, and the Rockets never had a 3+ game losing streak this season, something that had never been accomplished in team history. 56 wins with Trevor Ariza as his 2nd best player which leads to me believing that Harden was robbed of the MVP as Curry has much more talent around him.
Didn't see last night's game and in the past not a fan of his but he did an outstanding job this season and in fact did a better job than Popovich. McHale got them to 56 wins or two more than last season despite only getting 75 games combined from his starting center and starting power forward, managed to integrate Josh Smith into the lineup and be productive, his team jumped from 12th to 8th in defensive efficiency, and the Rockets never had a 3+ game losing streak this season, something that had never been accomplished in team history. 56 wins with Trevor Ariza as his 2nd best player which leads to me believing that Harden was robbed of the MVP as Curry has much more talent around him.

agree with all of this...

As far as the playoffs go, havent had a chance to watch their games (but lost $ on game 1) he is certainly getting ripped apart by the folks in twittersphere.....
followed mchales career and he was a dynamite low post offensive player and when he put his mind to it (rarely) he would shut his opponent down completely with his defense....but he was known as this carefree guy who didn't work real hard and just kinda took life as it came to him and tried to have a good time....constant talker....larry was pissed at him all the time for not working hard enough....would even call him out in the papers and then kevin would try hard for a couple games....translate that into a head coaching job and he probably doesn't put the effort into getting the most out of his team and it shows with this houston team....if you want to be successful at the pro level work ethic is a must and i just don't believe kevin is wired that .02
Coaches job is to not only coach his team but motivate them, he has done neither in this series.

Rockets as good as done with a weakened roster. Team needs Beverly and Demon real bad.
some dumb luck found him today..... more about what he didnt do (pee his pants) than what he did do..
Josh Smith! Dude got lucky. He walked off the court today like he won the title.

Kerr will take him to school.
Rox won but McHale is still brutal. Not trying to be stubborn...

That being said, his best move this series was not trying to force Harden back into Game 6...that was very good..
Rox won but McHale is still brutal. Not trying to be stubborn...

That being said, his best move this series was not trying to force Harden back into Game 6...that was very good..

hello BAR
thanks man :shake:

cant sleep, one of those nights for me
Disagree on Kerr. He made the adjustments in the low post needed to limit zbo. Memphis had no half court game after game 3.

Hes only learned from some of the best in the business in Phil and pop.
Disagree on Kerr. He made the adjustments in the low post needed to limit zbo. Memphis had no half court game after game 3.

Hes only learned from some of the best in the business in Phil and pop.

Pop yes,, phil... No
Kerr isn't a good coach. Anyone holding a clipboard would be in the same spot as Kerr. This guy was a tnt announcer, and now I'm to believe he's a great coach who in his first year is going to come out of the booth and just win a title huh?

Not saying he is a great coach....

Regarding the underline above... wasn't their coach from last year an announcer and held a clip board... don't think he got them to this same spot last year....
obviously this warriors team is in the peak of this core as a team. They have shot the ball much more consistent this year than last year, that to me is a seasoning and it's just a year where the shots have been falling, hence the peak. Zero to do with any coaching.

Well the team was the top offensive efficiency team in the league both last year and this year. They were 3rd in defensive efficiency last year, and are tops this year. We can probably agree that statistically the team was damn similar last year and this year....what else could it be but coaching? Of course it's coaching that's been the major difference. A case could be made that Green is the difference, but most people think it's been the coach. Mark Jackson didn't have the team the way that Kerr does....they seem to respect him much more and want to play for him more than they did Jackson. I like Mark Jackson too, so I'm not trying to put him down...just telling it like it is.
lmao. Right. This team jacks up 3's all game long. They will give up a 2on1 fast break, easy layup to shoot a 3. The way they play is nothing more than a 3 pt contest. If I was coaching this team, they'd be in the same spot. Kerr is not the difference, curry is. This team is heavily dependent on him to make everything. Believe what you want, but Kerr the announcer guy, isn't the difference.

Whatever style they use on offense seems to be working. You know, since they've led the league in offensive efficiency for 2 years now. You're acting as if they don't play good basketball and just chuck 3's all game hoping they go in.
So now coaching doesn't matter ??

Just stick any guy in a suit with a clipboard in his hands and it's that simple.

And for the record, Golden State was 12th in OE last season and 3rd in DE.

Warriors are night and day better this season.
I'm sorry, they were 12th last yr in offensive efficiency. They were 3rd in defensive efficiency though.

And now, this year, they're first in both. You're right that they are clearly a better team this year.
Kerr isn't a good coach. Anyone holding a clipboard would be in the same spot as Kerr. This guy was a tnt announcer, and now I'm to believe he's a great coach who in his first year is going to come out of the booth and just win a title huh?

Interesting statement. Doesn't come across as merely a clipboard holder
I guess we will have to agree to disagree cali. Their defense sets the tone. Very underrated d Imo.
Kerr is unproven but he seems to know a few things. His adjustments in their most recent series were pretty good. Dubs could have folded after Game 3 given the youth on that roster but they came back stronger. Got to give a little credit when it's due. The Finals against Cleveland will tell us how good he is or how good he can become.
McHale is better than Doc Rivers. Who like all GMs who also coach stink. Relying on his son and big baby to anchor a bench should get him fired as a GM. As a coach his team quit for 5 quarters in close out basketball and never showed up in Game 5. Pathetic. Thibbs and the Big 3 won that 08 ship.
Kerr's adjustments from Game 3 through the end of 6 were amazing. Willing to take chances with aggressive adjustments like putting Bogut on Tony Allen. He's a top coach and his reputation as a top analyst, GM, and championship player for the Bulls and Spurs under Jackson and Pop who are 2/3 greatest all time earn the respect of his players
lmao. Right. This team jacks up 3's all game long. They will give up a 2on1 fast break, easy layup to shoot a 3. The way they play is nothing more than a 3 pt contest. If I was coaching this team, they'd be in the same spot. Kerr is not the difference, curry is. This team is heavily dependent on him to make everything. Believe what you want, but Kerr the announcer guy, isn't the difference.

He's a disciple of the greatest coaches in the past 25 years. He runs a hybrid triangle that pushes the ball. Seems like a perfect system in my opinion in today's NBA. Why do you think Jackson wanted him in NY so bad?
coaches job is to not only coach his team but motivate them, he has done neither in this series.

Rockets as good as done with a weakened roster. Team needs beverly and demon real bad.

tell us another 100 times that houston has no shot...really bassly prediction....g st gavored by 10 game 1 and - 1000 to win the series

Kerr isn't a good coach. Anyone holding a clipboard would be in the same spot as Kerr. This guy was a tnt announcer, and now I'm to believe he's a great coach who in his first year is going to come out of the booth and just win a title huh?

read the SI article and then tell me what you think about kerr
Disagree on Kerr. He made the adjustments in the low post needed to limit zbo. Memphis had no half court game after game 3.

Hes only learned from some of the best in the business in Phil and pop.

agree....very smart....SI did an article on him
cali....i do not like to be argumentative but i have to respectively disagree....the toughest thing for an nba coach to do is to get the players (a bunch of overpaid crybabies who have had everything handed to them their entire lives) to play defense and to play within a team concept on offense....steve kerr has achieved this remarkably and he has done it quickly....of course he has a dynamite don't have the best record without one but when he wins the title (not if,when) then he will be recognized as one of the reasons and rightfully so....and he has the #1 defense in golden state....who ever heard of such a thing and you actually think kerr had nothing to do with it....come on....give the guy some credit
Unbelievable, guy goes 67-15 in his first year coaching, improves team top to bottom and deserves no credit?

Kerr gets zero credit. In fact, he has zero rings if it weren't for Jordan.

Jordan won Kerr those 2 rings in San Antonio ? Remarkable

And before you claim Kerr did nothing to earn those rings in San Antonio as well you might wanna go to youtube and watch game 6 of the Western Conference Finals 2003 when the Spurs were down 15 late in the 3rd and Kerr lead them to a come from behind victory.

And with the 1997 Finals on the line Jordan passed it to Kerr to win the series.
You've watched the game for 40 years?

Most of your opinions on the game aren't objective and have been typically wrong from what I've seen.
You tube..lmao. Hey KID, I watched it live. I'm very aware of Kerr's career. Don't come in here acting like you're gonna teach me something about a league I've watched for 40 years. Kerr is nothing more than a puppet playing HC.

No dog in the fight, but looking forward to the calimike-arizonakid wars.
You tube..lmao. Hey KID, I watched it live. I'm very aware of Kerr's career. Don't come in here acting like you're gonna teach me something about a league I've watched for 40 years. Kerr is nothing more than a puppet playing HC.

Your profile says you were born in 1987, you should update that..