Kevin Kolb...

What does that say about Mcnabb?

Why did they reach that much?

They now have Mcnabb, Holcomb, Feely and Kolb. Somebody should tell fat ass andy reid that you can only play 1 quarterback at a time.
coulda got him in the third or 4th, but i DO love that they landed Hunt in the third, he SHOULDA went in the second
Hunt is a good complimentary back for Westbrook. A big brusier who could pick up first downs, and eventually become a contributer ( like Brandon Jacobs for the Giants)
Kevin Kolb - You have got to be kidding me...I dont care if hes the next fuckin Joe Montana, you coulda had this guy with definitely your next 2nd round, most likely your first 3rd rounder and probably your second 3rd from that standpoint, horrible pick...on top of what this does for McNabbs psyche...I hate it

ND Def. End - I know nothing about this guy. I know Notre Dames defense sucks though. And I know that I read that this guy is very vulnerable against the run. Awesome. I also know that Charles Johnson was still on the board. Dont like this pick either.

Nebraska LB - This pick pissed me off. If your gonna draft a linebacker, why not sit there at 26 and take Posluszny? Apparently this guys big and talented, but injury prone. Didnt we take that guy last year?

Tony Hunt - First of all, full disclosure - Im a PSU alum. I LOVE this pick. It almost makes up for the 11 hours of boredom and frustration they put me through before they made the pick. Hes the perfect compliment for Westbrook and hes totally underrated. This guy can tote the rock. Love it.

So i guess the secondary isnt that big an issue? Woulda liked to have seen them take Weddle or Hoouston instead of Kolb. But what the hell do I know? Last year I loved their draft and it turned out that they got very very little contribution from the class as a whole.

Another thing - the Eagles always point to New England as a reason they dont need elite wide receivers and as a model to follow as far a running a franchise going. What are they going to do now? Randy Moss? Stallworth? Wes Walker? Kelley Washington? All in one offseason??? I tell you what, as long as Brady doesnt get hurt, I dont see the Patriots hardly having to break a sweat to win the Super Bowl...what an offseason.

(The Birds cant give up a fourth for Moss? Really? He wouldnt have helped? He wouldnt have played hard for McNabb and Reid? Really??)
I missed this post last night, Smoke, but you're right on.

I feel pretty much exactly the same way with these picks. I'm not even a PSU guy and I like Hunt a lot.

But the first three picks make me want to throw things through a wall.
You know what else sucks?

They got absolutely fleeced on thier trade down

New England trades their first round pick for SF's '08 First Rounder and a fourth rounder (that they turn into Randy Moss)

Dallas trades their first rounder for Clevelands '08 First Rounder (which damn well could be top 5) and a second rounder

And then dallas turns around and trades that second rounder and a third and a fifth to the Eagles for their first rounder??

So basically the Cowboys give up a third and a fifth to move down four spots and still get the guy they wanted and on top of that they get a potential top 5 pick next year?!?!

What the fuck is that?!???!?
Not the best weekend for the Birds front office...

(insert obligatory/semi-offensive 'Andy Reid musta got into his son's stash' joke here)

At least they cut the Bow Tie today...
As a Dallas guy I can't believe they pulled that trade in the first round. In essence all Dallas did was trade their 3rd and 5th for a possible top 10 pick next year....Wow. On top of that the still get their guy in Anthony Spencer, who could haunt Philly in the future. What was Philly thinking?

However I do think if one of those safties (Nelson, Griffen, Meriweather) was still available then the Eagles would have never traded. I dont know why the eagles didnt take someone who could contribute this season.

Regarding Kolb, I do think the eagles reached on this guy. He is a good prospect and will fit in with the WC offense but I thought he could be had later in the draft.
Everything was wrong with that draft excluding the name "Tony" and the name "Hunt."

First, you don't trade with Dallas unless it absolutely benefits both teams--which, in this case, it didn't.

Beyond that, even if you don't have a starting QB, which you do, you don't reach like that with your first overall pick in the draft. You don't select a guy who may never even play for your team because he's so far back on the depth chart.

Especially if you have pressing needs, especially if you are a contender.

Ooh, I'm so upset about this Birds' draft.
The one thing I will say, if you were reading the local press before the draft they even tipped their hand on this, is that the Eagles are going to be active in looking for undrafted free agents.

Now, why they feel like they can sift through the rubble of guys that didn't get drafted--and waste picks during the draft--to find starters I have no idea, but that is something they do look to do.

Not that this makes the weekend any more successful.
I absolutely love this kid Kolb! I love this draft, too!

EAGLES baby!

Youre literally the FIRST person Ive heard say that

Another thing that rubs me the wrong way...apparently Jeff Lurie was the guy who was negotiating the trade? What the fuck does this guy know about trading draft picks? Obviously not much...
I absolutely love this kid Kolb! I love this draft, too!

On a scale of 1 to 10, B., how high were you when you wrote this. You can be honest, you're amongst friends.

I'm with you, Smoke, Jeff Lurie is NOT Jerry Jones (and I mean that as a compliment), there is no earthly way he should be negotiating trades. That's what Banner and Andy are for.

How about this, according to the Denver Post, the Broncos tried to trade for Ryan Moats.

1. What the f**k?

2. I like Moatsy, but, um, do that s**t.
What use do we have for Moats now...The kid is apparently dumb as a brick anyway why not get something for him
I hadn't heard he was dumb as a brick, but he was drafted for one reason and one reason only, to replace B-West if we couldn't re-sign him.

Now, with 36 signed long-term, and Buck back there, the only thing Moats does is add depth--which you just added to with Tony Hunt who is, arguably, much better than Moats.

So, I agree, get something for him if you can. It's not like you got much else over the weekend.
You know, Smoke, I so badly want McDougle to make it, just because it would be such a great story--and the fact that we don't really need another Miami tragedy taking away from the Birds. But I don't know if it's going to happen.

It also didn't make me very pleased to see us draft yet another D-lineman. I don't care who the guy is or what round he was from, just seeing "DE" come across the crawl made me cringe.
do you know who was drafted immediately after McDougle?

Troy Polamalu

Hed look pretty good lined up next to Dawk, eh?
do you know who was drafted immediately after McDougle?

Troy Polamalu

Hed look pretty good lined up next to Dawk, eh?

I didn't know that. And now that I do I'd sort of like to turn back time.

Please never mention that fact again, Smoke. Thank you.
I absolutely love this kid Kolb! I love this draft, too!

On a scale of 1 to 10, B., how high were you when you wrote this. You can be honest, you're amongst friends.

I'm with you, Smoke, Jeff Lurie is NOT Jerry Jones (and I mean that as a compliment), there is no earthly way he should be negotiating trades. That's what Banner and Andy are for.



Basically, McNabb has had 3 injuries I think. All 3 fairly serious. He's 30 years old. Hell, we don't even know how he will be after this ACL injury! In this system, "it takes a QB about 3yrs to be fully ready". That's the words of McNabb and Favre. So, you're looking at Kolb to be the Eagles starter in 3 maybe even 4yrs. At that time, McNabb will be 33 or 34! And what if McNabb gets hurt again? And he doesn't fully recover? You guys content w/ AJ Feely?

The reason I sometimes dislike Eagles fans is they are never content. Everyone bitched at not signing Garcia back, now we get a young QB for insurance, and everyone bitches AGAIN.

Also, on Kolb...His stock rose late. Many had Kolb ranked AHEAD of Quinn. Most had him ranked right up there with that "other tier" of QBs. If the Eagles had waited, Kolb may have been gone, because I believe 2 QBs were taken right after the Eagles picked.

Did you know?

The Ravens had a pick in the 20s in round 1. They actually considered taking Kevin Kolb with their pick!
Also, Kolb is very mature. Hes married. His interviews have be outstanding. The system he came from was a shot-gun system, but it employed some west coast philosophy.
Another thing is...

If you think about it, Kolb is a value pick. The Browns gave up all that shit to pick Quinn, and Kolb could end up better than Quinn. The Eagles were actually able to trade DOWN, accumulate some picks, and they still got their guy.
We don't know whats going on behind the scenes. They may still have hope that he could be a return man.
My cousin works for the Birds and he told me the biggest reason that they arent high on Moats is because he cant read a playbook and if you add in the fact that he cant hold onto the football it dosent make for a good combo
My cousin works for the Birds and he told me the biggest reason that they arent high on Moats is because he cant read a playbook and if you add in the fact that he cant hold onto the football it dosent make for a good combo

Yea I heard that, too. I'm just trying to think of a reason they didn't trade him. It seems like a no-brainer to trade him now w/ Hunt in the mix. I guess maybe if Buck gets hurt again, and Hunt doesnt pick up the system quickly, Moats would step in the back-up role by default.
The Ravens had a pick in the 20s in round 1. They actually considered taking Kevin Kolb with their pick!

That's because Steve McNair is a hit and a half away from dying on the football field.

I give Andy the benefit of the doubt on QBs, but let's be honest Klob would have likely been there with their number two, maybe even number three pick.

And looking four years out is fine, I love the Hasslebeck idea of grooming a guy. But the Eagles have immediate needs and if you're going to do that Hasselbeck thing, you do that with later round picks, not with your first pick in the draft.

the biggest reason that they arent high on Moats is because he cant read a playbook

If you make it to the NFL and can't read a playbook, you're pretty talented, you're also living on borrowed time, but you're pretty talented.
Looking at the Eagles roster, the only "immediate" need IMO would be in the secondary. But if Considine can play, they will be ok. Also, Mickell will see some time in the nickel/dime packages. They still have their Nickel corner, William James. And that pick, the secondary players were slim to none. Chris Houston was available, but Im hearing he isn't good in zone coverage, and likely wouldn't be able to step right in and play. The Browns took a really good CB, but he is a rapist. There wasn't much out there.

You can argue that Philly coulda took Leonard with their 1st pick, but like I said, Kolb's stock rose on draft day. He likely would have be GONE by the time the Eagles picked again.