Kevin Curtis goes to the Eagles

Yep, is reporting it as well. Good signing for them. Hopefully he has what it takes to compete in a tough NFC east division, i would like to see him pan out.
wow, way overrated and overpaid imo.

Hunt....I agree that its a steep that basically what happened here? I was under impression he was a lock for here till late last week when I read one of Joe's Eagles threads.
Yeah, Curtis was playing games with agents and visiting other teams so they said fuck you, and I'm glad they did becasue that is way too much money for a #2 WR.

THe lions don't need another WR unless it is CJ.
He should have been a lock for the Lions. He was theirs to lose, really, and him leaving Detroit without a deal was what caused him to fire his agent.

From there I have no idea what happened. I do know Andy recruited him pretty hard and it seems to have paid off.

Is he overpaid? Well, his deal looks a lot like Stallworth's from what I've seen. With that in mind, he's two years older, but not two years of NFL wear on his body, he was doing a mormon mission. In the NFL he doesn't have the injury history Stallworth has had so, really, I kind of think they're about the same.

The question is, how long does he stay fast. That's something you never know.

But just from a feel-good, PR standpoint, this is a great move for the Eagles. They needed the appearance of progress and of not just sitting on their hands.
Good thoughts Joe.

IMO, your better off w/o Donte. He had one year. That was a contract year. The Eagles would have regreted that for awhile.
I don't think he was playing games with agents, I think his agent was focusing on Brady Quinn and ignoring him so he fired the guy.

Tough to blame him because if you're being blown off by your agent on the first few days when free agency starts, you're not being represented right.

Today's Thursday, he had to wait five (business, I believe) days after firing the last guy before he could move forward with a new one. That was Monday. Four days to a new deal? I think that's fair.
Good point, BAR, it was a contract year for Donte and let's not kid ourselves, for 98% of these guys it's all about money. Jeff Garcia can say he was willing to take less money all he wants, but when his choices come down to Oakland and TB that rings incredibly hollow.

I don't fault these guys, NFL contracts aren't guaranteed, so they have to get their money. Many fans just don't get that so they think teams are cheap and players are greedy. But that's only true to a point.
I do think it is a decent signing from the eagles part in that they need a WR, but the Lions do not, there was no point to overspend for a WR they do not need.
GREAT signing for Philly for marketing, fan-base, obviously WR hole to fill, speed upgrade, great for the system, Mormon connection. I love this signing.
Good point, BAR, it was a contract year for Donte and let's not kid ourselves, for 98% of these guys it's all about money.

I am going to disagree here with you joe. I don't think that many care that much about money. I think it's something more around 25 or 30 percent. I think there are two catergories of players i think it is players that want to be part of something aka be on a contender's team. I think the other type of player is one that he will play. I think too many fans have the misconception that players are selfish and greedy. I disagree with that assumption because while it is the fans that buy the tickets, i don't think it is fair for the players to watch out for the fans all the time. They have to look at their own self interests more often than not because they only have a finite amount of time to earn as a professional football player.
I'm not saying they're all greedy, FG. I think people might believe that, but what I'm saying is that these guys, in many cases, are just making the best business decisions they can. It just so happens that their business is their own body.

People are ripping Lance Briggs right now, doing the "shut up and play" thing, but the truth is, if Briggs signs the Bears' deal and gets injured this year, he's basically s**t out of luck. The guy's gone to two Pro Bowls, he wants to be rewarded with some guaranteed money for not getting any until now. Some see that as him being greedy, I see that as him trying to work the best financial deal he can in a completely uncertain industry.

I don't call many of these guys greedy, not at all. The only ones who are greedy to me are guys who have millions and fight for more at the cost of the rest of their team. Say if Manning held out for more money. That guy is already being taken care of in a big way, same with a McNabb. Any more money to their already big salaries would take money away from the guys around them. That, to me, is greedy.

But normal guys, guys like Dominic Rhodes or even Garcia, hell, this may be the only chance they will ever have in their lives to get a contract like the one they got so they have to maximize that. That's what they have to do.

I do think other factors come into play, and for players good enough to have their choice that money perhaps isn't 90-something percent of their reasoning, but for the majority of guys, I think it is, and really, I'm fine with that because that's the way their industry is.
I'm not saying they're all greedy, FG. I think people might believe that, but what I'm saying is that these guys, in many cases, are just making the best business decisions they can. It just so happens that their business is their own body.

People are ripping Lance Briggs right now, doing the "shut up and play" thing, but the truth is, if Briggs signs the Bears' deal and gets injured this year, he's basically s**t out of luck. The guy's gone to two Pro Bowls, he wants to be rewarded with some guaranteed money for not getting any until now. Some see that as him being greedy, I see that as him trying to work the best financial deal he can in a completely uncertain industry.

I don't call many of these guys greedy, not at all. The only ones who are greedy to me are guys who have millions and fight for more at the cost of the rest of their team. Say if Manning held out for more money. That guy is already being taken care of in a big way, same with a McNabb. Any more money to their already big salaries would take money away from the guys around them. That, to me, is greedy.

But normal guys, guys like Dominic Rhodes or even Garcia, hell, this may be the only chance they will ever have in their lives to get a contract like the one they got so they have to maximize that. That's what they have to do.

I do think other factors come into play, and for players good enough to have their choice that money perhaps isn't 90-something percent of their reasoning, but for the majority of guys, I think it is, and really, I'm fine with that because that's the way their industry is.

Well now that you put it like that, i agree with you. I don't think those players you have mentioned up above should bitch and complain about their situation.

Also, i have much more respect for tom brady now because i heard he gave up 10 million of his own money to let the organization get more weapons to make the patriots a better team. Not to often you hear about guys that have a shitload of talent willing to take one for the team.