Kentucky Derby pick 4, and maybe a baseball game or 2, maybe


Pretty much a regular
Been getting my ass kicked, won't even recap yesterday's debacle. Anyway spent all morning on this pick 4 at Churchill. Let's see how this goes. Guess I will get right to it, and put up the pick 4.

Churchill Downs race 8

$1 pick 4


Guess here are some of my thoughts on these horses, on some of my long shots I have in there. This first race I think the 6, craftsman has a shot at 12-1. He ran pretty well in Ireland last year, and those are tougher turf horses there usually. He seems to be getting better we'll see I guess.

The 9th race the next one. I think the 3 horse has a good shot at 15-1 Broadway Empire, coming from Turf Paradise, ha, this is probably a reach. He looks pretty fast to me, we'll see what he can do. He did hang in there with goldencents for a while last year in the Breeders Cup before falling apart. The 8 horse Falling Sky is 10-1, and he ran 2 real nice races then fell apart last time out. Probably just bounced off 2 big efforts, just a little set back. Hopefully he gets it going again today.

The 10th race Wise Dan will probably win the big favorite. But I think Bright Thought has a chance at 20-1 the 2 horse. He has run some big races in the past, and his last one could challenge Wise Dan, or that race back on March 16th when he buried a field at Santa Anita in a grade 2 race.

Cali Chrome looks tough for sure. Thought I would throw in a couple with him, that could surprise a bit. Chitu the 13 horse, is 26-1. Suppose that is a reach, but he is pretty fast maybe he can sit a little behind the speed, and takeover, ha, this is probably not gonna happen, but you never know. He is fast enough to run with these at least. My other horse is probably a lot more likely to win here, the 20 horse Wicked Strong, at 7-1 odds. He has a real nice pedigree, was reading up on those this morning. So he should be happy to go 1 mile and a quarter.

And added a trifecta box, a big one, probably pretty stupid. Just gonna lose both these bets I'm sure and drop 114 bucks on the horses, oh well, givin it a shot.

$1 trifecta box 4,5,12,13,20 so that set me back 60 bucks

Ha a 5 horse tri box, that is a great idea. Guess if I do hit it, should pay big no matter what. Well if the 5 wins Cali Chrome, then it won't probably pay real huge then, but if I can get any of my other ones to win it will be enormous I'm sure.

May take a look at some baseball. Although I'm a bit afraid now.
That trifecta box is for the Derby of course, gonna see I may add a small trifecta on this race coming up here.
Added on Churchill race 8

$2 tri key 10/6,8,11

I think the 10 should win here, but if the 6 upsets him I'm okay with that, for my pick 4. Figure 6 probably won't win, so not keying the 6, thought about boxing the 6,10,11, but I'm afraid the 8 will beat my 6 horse. Or the other one I don't want in there that could is the damn 3, that fucker better not win, and end my pick 4 right away. I'm sure he will, lol, there goes the pick 4 in the first race ha.
Yeah if your thinking about betting any of these horses I have, then you probably need to reevaluate your picks, ha, for sure.
Yep, there goes the pick 4, wasn't even close of course. Well I'm gonna hit a big winner here with my Turf Paradise horse Broadway Empire on top at 15-1, ha, I'm gonna key him, that's probably retarded. Maybe I will box some instead.
Grey Goose always advertises during horse racing. Probably cuz they know people watching have money for it, since you can't be broke and betting this crap. It's fucking impossible to win, ha. Gonna give it another shot here with a trifecta.
Race 9 Churchill

.50 tri box 2,3,4,8

You shouldn't have more than 1 of these horses in your bet probably, lol. I'm sure 3 of em will suck ass.
Yeah that sucked, got 3rd, 4th, and I don't know where the hell the 4 and 8 finished, way back on those. May have a baseball game, thinking it over.
Yeah gorgolon, that was bad. Oh well, movin on. Got my 20-1 bomb in the next race to upset Wise Dan, gotta think over the trifecta. Probably should just bet a win on Bright Thought the 2 horse.

Adding baseball, uh oh

Brewers at Reds -1 +105, risking 952.38 to win 1000

Cueto has been dealing, no doubt he will pitch well. Guess with my luck lately he will get hurt probably, lol. Gallardo has had some trouble with these Reds bats in his career. Looked at the lineup the Reds are running out there tonight and they are a combined .318 hitting vs Gallardo, and most of em have quite a few at bats, they know him well, and hit him well. Lot of extra base hits too and homers. Sounds good with Cueto going to me.
Damn near everybody is over .300 against him too, so it's not just a couple guys hitting him. It's funny cuz everybody is hitting about .300 to .350 against him. Except Votto is like .270 I think.
No that was last race Kj, took a Turf Paradise horse, he got 4th. This race the 2 horse has been running at Santa Anita.

Bright Thought baby, the 2 horse 20-1 gonna take down Wise Dan ya, mothafucka.
I'm using these new pace figures at predicteform. com. So far it isn't going well, was hoping they could help a ***** out, not looking that way. Well maybe I'm not looking at em right, I think I am. Looks like they like the 2 horse a bunch in this 10th race.
I tried to read through their descriptions about what they mean, but it was a lengthy fuckin book, ha. I was speed reading that shit this morning. Don't know if I got it all, the info you need, I'm maybe doing it wrong, well I was drinking a little vodka while doing it.
Who is this fucking flamer they have on. Like anybody watching horse racing wants to here from this flaming Yag guy, ha.
Churchill race 10

$1 tri key 2/1,3,4,5

Well, we'll see what happens. Hope the 2 runs a big one. Looks possible to me, don't know I guess.

Horse boy Johnny ha, that guy is a real flamer. 1000 buck drink, whoa, not gonna do that.
Shit, that 2 horse quit like a pig in the stretch. I'm gonna go out to the track with my brother and bet the Derby, he doesn't have an online book, so I'm gonna go out there with him to the OTB. I may add on the Angels later, not sure on that.
It's pretty fucking funny, I say oh yeah think I will quit for a few days until next week since I'm getting my ass kicked. Then my crackhead ass is right back at it the next day, ha, no, not quitting. Well especially when I'm drinking all day, then there is no chance of any hesitation about anything I like, I'm doing it. Including the black chick at the track, ha, I'm sure she would go for a fat old guy.
Who u got in derby?

I havent bet in a while, but Im betting today for Derby and might make some mlb and nba plays later.

Got Astros right now as well
Added on another

LA at Marlins team total runs over 4, +100, and -105, cuz only 500 at a time was allowed, so 1025 to win 1000

The Marlins are raking right now, and against pitchers that are on fire at the moment. Maholm, fuck he isn't any good, doubt he is the one to slow the roll.

Gonna go to the track here in a bit, but adding one more. Got to get in.
I don't know yet about the Angels. Got to look more into it. May add it, not sure.

That 13 horse, that would be crazy if he won, would take some real luck, but by how fast he ran he is as fast as anybody in here, so we'll see. 26-1 on him.

Heading to the OTB with my brother now.
Adding one on, so far things are looking bad, Brewers got a run, fuck, I don't know maybe this is February all over again. I'm making good picks, but not winning. Fucking fluke ass performances keep happening. Probably Gallardo will kick ass now, with his .318 batting average allowed to the Reds lineup and numerous bombs and doubles, and Cueto going ha, oh well. It is what it is, sometimes you can't buy a win.

Texas at Angels under 8.5, -115, risking 1150 to win 1000

Harrison is I think good enough he won't get ripped here. Well he had a real nice year in 2012, was out injured last year. Figure he will do okay, even though the Angels have serious sticks. Richards I am all about him right now, he is putting it together finally, he always had the stuff, now he is getting command. Shit he throws fuckin 95, or higher, he can hit 98 or so sometimes. Kind of doubt they get to 9 runs, unless Harrison has a bad one, don't think that will happen. His rehab starts were good, and his 1st start was real good. I thought about taking the Angels, but I'm not sure, Harrison could duel with Richards I think. The under is probably better.

Lost on the Derby, got 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 9th. So no luck there, didn't have commanding curve the 17 horse.
Guess all my hopes in life are pinned on my nephew making the NFL or the MLB, ha, well guess I get an inheritance when my parents die, but they aren't that old, and I'm sure with my family history they will live to be 100 or so, one of em anyway. Come on nephew do it buddy, ha, it is stupid I even think about it. Well since my brother's wife is half black and has all that talent in her family I think about it. I have 2 chances in my nephew's pedigree, talking about him like a horse. Well he has great grandpa that was a ***** leagues hall of famer, and then his grandpa was a DT for the Huskers starting, until he had a career ending injury, cuz back then they couldn't always fix it right. He had to quit playing. Fuck he can't move to well now.
Fuck my brother doesn't add anything to the athletic talent. Well he could have played D-2 football, but he quit playing cuz he got concussed on the line once. Is a big motherfucker 6 foot 4 and 300 about, guess adds more size to my nephew's pedigree, ha, he is a big kid, everybody always says what, he is only 2, what a big kid. I am posting about shit that won't happen, lol, I can always hope my nephew makes it big, and helps out his worthless uncle. He does like me at least, gets all fired up when I come over, so sure he would kick me some money if he made it big.
Pretty fucking stupid to even post that, or think about it really. But it is my thread, so I'll fucking do what I want, lol. I like to dream about getting paid.
Damn it I wish I had a half black chick to bone. Well my brothers wife is kind of a bigger chick, cuz of the DT for the Huskers thing for a dad, but she is cute in the face. Would like to cram her for sure. Fuck if it's dark meat I'm all in on that shit for sure.

Woooo Reds are spanking that shit now. The stats are holding up looks like, fuck I was thinking, I'll be damned the stats are wrong again for me. Do my homework and it just doesn't happen, ha.
Marlins are cranking it up now, boom, shot to the wall. 2 runs on the board, here we go, the Marlins are serious this year, ha, didn't expect that, but go with it. Well when they are at home, they just tear shit up. Damn it got thrown out at 3rd. Oh well, sure the over 4 won't be a problem.
Yeah gorgolon, the Reds are cranking it up now. Hopefully they will get a few more here. Doesn't look like they will this inning. That fucking Marlins game I should have bet the game over, not just Marlins over. Turner is sucking ass for the Marlins. I wasn't sure if he would do okay or not. Oh well, still think the Marlins are gonna get more runs.
Boom Ozuna, with a blast, man that guy is kicking ass right now, whoa. Winner there with the Marlins over the total, and the Reds are looking good. Tuck gonna get back on track niggaz, hell yeah, well I kind of figured if I was a bit more careful and just kept with my regular capping it would work out.
Probably should not fire off so many picks in a day. Should be a bit more conservative like today. Didn't see anything early that looked great and laid off. Less plays may be a good thing.
I will tell ya what, that Richards is a beast for the Angels. He used to not be able to figure out where anything was going, was just wild. He has it figured out now. That guy is one to ride, with the under or betting the Angels. I'm gonna look at tomorrow now. Since I have to work in the morning, better look at em now.
Ha, gorgolon, I don't think they will, I am so popular, yeah right, nobody reads my bullshit. Well, they could kick me off cuz of that I guess. It is funny cuz ***** is blocked, but niggaz isn't.
The moderators probably are thinking this Tuck guy is a real problem, real high maintenance ha. Steed at least likes me somewhat, so that will keep me in the game, well he checks in from time to time, and he is a CTG partner. Well Al is my homie too, from back on covers. Don't think he would be in favor of running me.
Gonna look at tomorrow's baseball now. Gonna try and come up with 4 games or so. This Texas at Angels game is getting close. Well the under is in question now.
Fuck I think steed and Al, and maybe a couple others run this site, so hope they wouldn't run me, cuz I like to have somebody to talk to when I'm drunk like now, shit I guess most of the time I'm just talking to myself.

Well shit, looks like my under may be in trouble on that Angel game, will need some shut down innings now.
Richards just booted a grounder, great. I'm in serious trouble now on the under 8.5 in that one. Oh fucking well, 2-1 is okay, but my horse losses cut into those baseball winnings. The horses I am terrible, don't know why I bother with em.
Probably a bunch of people are pissed at me now, cuz of my hot streak, and then my losing streak here. Well that is how it goes with me. I don't know I mean when I'm drunk all the time sometimes I can reel off like 6 good months in a row, but shit can go wrong at any point. I'm hoping to not let that shit happen here, had a couple bad days, but think I can get it back on track. Fuck your guess is as good as mine, as to how this shit will go here coming up.

Damn it, the Angels are gonna score some more looks like. Harrison will have to get out of this or I'm done on the under.
Fuck the Angels game is going over. So 2-1 on the day I guess. Minus the horse losses. Won a little I guess. Would take some crazy pitching to get this to go under now.
Oh fuck haha, Fernandez vs Fife, with how the Marlins are swinging it. Shit I may have to put like 3 k on that one. Thinking it over, man that is a serious mismatch there. How much do I wanna put on it, ummm, not sure.
Shit, I am just unloading on Miami tomorrow. 5 dimes is letting me get in a little, guess I will put up what lines I get and what I get in. Fucking Fife, who sucked in the minors, against the big dog Fernandez, that is gonna be an ass kicking.
It is 500 at a time there with 5 dimes. Slowly working my way to 3 k, think I will settle on that. Miami -1.5 for 3 k, ha, that fife guy is terrible, and what the hell chance does he have against this team that is hitting so well right now.
It is slow going getting down 3 k at 5 dimes for me, ha, they are probably gonna move the line somewhat they usually do. Fuck they better move it a shit load, cuz the Marlins are gonna win about 10-1 tomorrow.