Keeper help please

Tide High

Just cant decide...

Standard scoring 14 teamer. 4pt pass tds. 2 flex spots

11th pick

Ray rice (1st)
Peyton (5th)

Players kept:
Andre brown
Demaryus thomas

My.pick, if I.dont keep rice will actually be 9th & 14th. If I do, its 13th.

sewms like ray is standard but am really considering peyton. Im basically looking at

Rice and a player like ant brown/bradshaw (late 5th in 14 team keeper)
Peyton and mjd/dez
i dont quite follow
you have the 11th pick

if you dont keep rice you'll get the 9th and 14th
if you keep rice you get the 11th and 13th

I think if you keep rice, anotnio brown easy.
peyton then you can go either way.
sorry, typed on phone shouldn't have.

i am 11 out of 14 in draft order but because of keepers i am actually the 9th overall pick IF i DON'T keep Rice (and DO keep Manning).

if i DO keep Rice I don't have a 1st round pick so my pick is 13th overall (2nd rounder - i have this pick in 2nd round either way).

with the other players i listed, i was just throwing out a scenario.
Yeah, I'm still pretty confused, but I think you're saying that you would be picking 9th overall because there are 2 people in front of you keeping players with their first round pick, correct? Quite honestly, assuming that I understand your draft properly, you'd keep Rice with your first round pick and Manning with your 5th round pick? Well if that is the case, I don't know why you wouldn't keep both, I see value in both, especially Manning in the 5th. In a 14 man league there is no way he makes it that long without getting picked again, and he should be good for 4k and 35TD's this year I would think.
Yeah, I'm still pretty confused, but I think you're saying that you would be picking 9th overall because there are 2 people in front of you keeping players with their first round pick, correct? Quite honestly, assuming that I understand your draft properly, you'd keep Rice with your first round pick and Manning with your 5th round pick? Well if that is the case, I don't know why you wouldn't keep both, I see value in both, especially Manning in the 5th. In a 14 man league there is no way he makes it that long without getting picked again, and he should be good for 4k and 35TD's this year I would think.

i must be the worst communicator. i feel sorry for my coworkers.

its rice or manning. thanks for the input in advance.

others chime in too please
can only keep 1. draft in 7 hours

Another draft that's at least 2 weeks too early. Good luck Tide, hope you draft well. I would keep Rice, but if losing that 1st round pick means that much to you it's best to keep Peyton.
If you keep Peyton you would have 2 picks right? So couldn't you potentially get mjd and Dez? I'd rather have MJD Dez and Peyton than Rice, Bradshaw and the equivalent of a 6th rounder in a 14 team league. Am I reading this correct?
no brainer, you gotta keep Rice IMO.....the QB position will have tons of depth plus you may find a QB that also runs for TD's which will be far more valuable than Peyton who is 1 hit away from retirement. Rice is still a top 5 RB.