Keeper Fantasy Baseball Question


One of trus baby mommas

This would be year 3 in the league. This off season, 7 of the 12 owners decided to leave the league because of a fight between a couple guys.

Now, the commissioner says there will be no holdovers (we held 10) because there will be 7 new owners.

Basically the league starts over.

I am pissed because I have a lot of good keepers like Trout in year 3 (you get them for 4 years) at $10 contract this year. Same with Lawrie, and Harper.

I held these guys for a season while they were in the minors, got some rewards last year, and was going to crush it these next 2 seasons with them.

There was a proposal of keeping 1 guy but even that seems off the table now.

I think this is fuken crazy. How would you feel?
Sucks but theres not much you can do when 7 guys leave

unless youve got a lot of guys clamoring to get in to pay money to run teams that are probably shitty and they had nothing to do with picking...
I just removed myself from the league. The current vote right now is 4-1 in favor of starting completely over.

Makes a whole lot of sense for me to start a keeper league over with the same commissioner who just fucked the whole league up.
nvm you mean you think i wanna play in a league where you got trout and lawrie to start off your league when i gotta draft fresh lol...

but if you need new people to start a new league...i'd be down.. i don't leave leagues ever
nah man....I've never paid any attention to the minors really...I know it's turning into a part of keeper league ball when you get 3-4 year terms....but this is only my third full year of bases....

I was and still am offering to join if he's breaking his league down however, to start up a NEW keeper league...

smoke, what kind of league do you do with minor league ball?
Yanks runs it. Theres a few guys from here in it

Basically you have a minor league team of 15 guys. Once they 'graduate' to the majors, you can keep them for 4 free years. On top of the 8 regular keepers each year
Hi Smoke, I'd be interested if you're looking for people. I'm in the annual CTG baseball league with you, but would prefer to do a keeper/dynasy format.