KC Big


Moderator (Honorary)
Chiefs built to beat Denver. They know how to control the clock, can run the football and have a qb who plays it safe. Its not the playoffs yet so fat Andy shouldn't blow it for them. Arrowhead will be rocking tonight, and I have KC winning this one by 7+
The line sure says KC. Good luck doggy, I leaned Denver but I'm sitting it out. Hope you cash it.
Tha Boss would like to see ya
Bugsy! Tha Boss would like to see ya...
Gotti! Tha Boss would like to see ya...
Capone! Tha Boss would like to see ya...
Soprano! Tha Boss would like to see ya...

Rolling w you tonight boss. It's your house and we just come to visit. Deliver us from evil and into the money. Let's roll this shit big.
Chiefs not looking good on either side of the ball so far.....The D looks a couple steps slow on every play..ughhh
Rough start for sure Cash, but a nice drive for 6 before half, and holding Denver to 3 on the last drive can hopefully give them some momentum coming out of half. Gotta stop Denver on this initial possession