K Hunt Interview


Fly, Eagles, Fly!
What did you all think of the interview w/K Hunt on ESPN football countdown this AM? Obviously he messed up in a big way and w/the strong stance the NFL is taking against DV, he's going to pay a price. My wife was asking me if I thought he'd play in the NFL again and I said yes, for sure.. as long as he comes out and immediately expresses remorse and owns up to what he's done... things that Ray Rice and others haven't immediately done. Wanted to know what you all thought of the interview and how quickly he is back on another team. I also wonder if there's a chance he returns to KC after it's all said and done?
To me it looked like he was coached on what to say. Better than not saying anything I guess.

But no way he comes back to KC. Another team will pick him up though. Sucks for him though cause he was in the perfect spot.
Def not back to kc. Not just for what happened but bc they asked him about the incident and he wasn’t honest about everything that happened. My guess is he gets a 2nd chance. The Ray Rice situation was different. The video was worse imo and Rice was on the tail end of his career so the risk vs reward for a team to pick him up just wasn’t there. This is only Hunt’s 2nd year in the league, and he hasn’t even entered the prime of his career yet and has put up monster numbers. He will get a 2nd chance on a team that feels strongly about being about to rehab players w off the field issues. NE comes to mind.

The interview in itself was what I expected. He had things he wanted to get out there,but what he had to saw was scripted to a degree only to get info out there but not say much else.
i see what he was trying to do with that interview but he sounded terrible and not at all genuine. like his team coached to to repeat the same 3 phrases over and over regardless of what the question was. I really hope that he is exhibit a of a guy being blackballed from the league in his prime for DV; it is so so so easy to not hit women, if these guys are gonna put their career on the line because they cant control their violence, then they deserve what is coming to him.

having said that, I am sure a team will give him a second chance, its not like he did something unredeemable like kneeling during a song.
Words are pointless--

Its about actions--

Of course he is full of shit-- A public relations firm coached him what to say-

This entire scandal stinks like crap to me--

The issue is not that a man hit a woman, which is a NO NO in life and society-- Part of being the stronger sex is to protect the women not beat them--

However since America is in a state of delusion, America does not care about the victim or HUNT's action--


Because its ONLY ABOUT PERCEPTION WORDS CAN FIX THE INCIDENT-- words are pointless--- Actions are what counts

Sorry is just a word-- A 5 letter word- means nothing--- The actions are what matters.

The things that HUNT are saying are not compatible with his PATHETIC ACTIONS--

HE is trying to sound like Ghandi's son in the interview while we clearly saw he is a uncivilized brawler.
He got let go because he lied to the organization. Not what he did to her. Truth seems to always show up

which is ridiculous--

So if he told the truth they would have retained him?

Can he beat someone unsconscious and just tell the team the truth? and be retained?

The point is the delusion i speak off-- The incident is the assault-- who cares if he lied about it--

The point is he hit a woman-- thats why he should be released--- I dont believe only because he lied to the team
Had he told the truth Sammy they'd have addressed it appropriately, he'd have served his suspension and likely be playing this weekend. That he lied, now they have to play much more clean up for having let him play to this point. It would have been water under the bridge by now in a season which they are competing for a championship, but now they're dealing with all of it in December.

He doesn't lie, he's still on the team, gets rightfully booed by anyone who doesn't bleed arrowhead red
Had he told the truth Sammy they'd have addressed it appropriately, he'd have served his suspension and likely be playing this weekend. That he lied, now they have to play much more clean up for having let him play to this point. It would have been water under the bridge by now in a season which they are competing for a championship, but now they're dealing with all of it in December.

He doesn't lie, he's still on the team, gets rightfully booed by anyone who doesn't bleed arrowhead red

Yeah you are right-- Like Zeke-- get investigated maybe suspended--

lying makes it worse
Players should weight the risk of going out during careers--

Why not just save money and party after retirement?

Its not worth it with all the cell cameras and haters out there-- NOt to mention BIG BROTHER TMZ-- Are they part of the CIA? How do they get their hands on every video tape that the NFL could not?
To me it looked like he was coached on what to say. Better than not saying anything I guess.

But no way he comes back to KC. Another team will pick him up though. Sucks for him though cause he was in the perfect spot.

Poorly coached if at all, it was so cringe worthy. Anyone can see right through it, I really struggle to see how the interview helped him.
Redskins in the rehab business will pick him up and room him with Reuben Foster. AP can lead the group discussions.....
Now there’s reports of another male victim that Hunt beat up. So a third incident. SMH.

He might sit a year after the NFL is done with him.
Story dropped today he was apparently involved in another incident in January in KC...nightclub brawl

Another report while in college at Toledo Hunt was linked to a mysterious figure named Bar and they were known to brawl at Detroit night clubs.
What a fucking loser. Eight years is too light in my opinion especially when she had a restraining order already on him.
Yet it's 8 more years than some fucking loser named Hardy that legitimately beat a woman to within minutes of death but...cash
Yet it's 8 more years than some fucking loser named Hardy that legitimately beat a woman to within minutes of death but...cash

And Hardy signed with the UFC and they put Hardy on the same UFc card that the woman who was beaten up by her husband.
I know Hunt is asking for a second chance but should he be granted one?

According to the Sammy Review on the Hunt case I feel the verdict is NO- Kick Hunt out of the NFL

The old jump on the sword routine that HUNT tried by immediately going on TV and acting remorsefully was pathetic.

IF it was one isolated incident, it can be explained as a lapse in judgement.

But when there are 3 different videos surfacing of HUNT fighting or being a cause of the disturbance.

Hunt is hanging around punks in a night club, he deserves to be kicked out--

If you want to go out, you have to enough brains to know how to go out and have fun without brawling and being in crowded places frequented by 21-25 year old punks.

Kick em out
And Hardy signed with the UFC and they put Hardy on the same UFc card that the woman who was beaten up by her husband.

That cunt fuck Dana White will always try to do anything for a buck. I hope this piece of shit episode backfires on this roid induced egghead and starts the process of making him irrelevant. Bout time the court of public opinion who do actually enjoy MMA to a degree stand up to this. There will be plenty of fucking losers who can't wait for this shit. Time to weed them out. This isn't sport, it's criminal, it's neglect and it's complicit. Far as I'm concerned, Dana is an accessory.

That cunt fuck Dana White will always try to do anything for a buck. I hope this piece of shit episode backfires on this roid induced egghead and starts the process of making him irrelevant. Bout time the court of public opinion who do actually enjoy MMA to a degree stand up to this. There will be plenty of fucking losers who can't wait for this shit. Time to weed them out. This isn't sport, it's criminal, it's neglect and it's complicit. Far as I'm concerned, Dana is an accessory.

Ufc a league I used to respect for putting on entertaining martial arts performances has degraded to a money hungry pay per view obsessed company. They are in the greed era and setting up money fights.

That cunt fuck Dana White will always try to do anything for a buck. I hope this piece of shit episode backfires on this roid induced egghead and starts the process of making him irrelevant. Bout time the court of public opinion who do actually enjoy MMA to a degree stand up to this. There will be plenty of fucking losers who can't wait for this shit. Time to weed them out. This isn't sport, it's criminal, it's neglect and it's complicit. Far as I'm concerned, Dana is an accessory.

I’m kind of surprised how this sport is legal. With all the concussion research and Cte you woukd think limits would be placed on competition?
I believe Kareem Hunt definite asset for the nfl and for the chiefs.

However the nfl shouldn’t just consider a players punishment by his importance.

The nfl should have a minimum behaviour acceptable player policy. Meaning there is a certain threshold of behaviour like being a gangster brawling like hunt etc you cannot play in the nfl
Nfl should consider character. In an image conscious era the nfl is aware they don’t want their teams associated with criminals etc violence gangs etc. Instead of taking a player on the team who is crazy maybe they should disallow those extremely talented but misbehaved players from the league. Citing they fail to meet the minimum acceptable behaviour player policy
Extremely talented players who are prone to criminal acts are very bad for the nfl. If the nfl were smarter they would weed out these loose cannons from the league like they did to kapernick. Less damage would be done to the nfl brand.

Instead of these risky players they would just employ a well behaved young player entering the league.

Either this or the teams are going to have baby sit their players. Make sure they monitor their night life. Monitor their partying.
It’s a worth while investment and likely necessary with all the cameras in society. The players run into trouble the security can quickly intervene and help the players.
Yeah. After watching it again, Hunt did not SEEM overly remorseful and SEEMED very awkward, rehearsed, and robotic.