Just some inside info


Chill Winstonnn!
Some Titans buddies and myself are taking this into our own hands. We're going to the Ravens hotel on Friday night. We just found out where they're staying and we're going to do whatever it takes to make sure the fucking Rats get no sleep. We're going to honk horns. We're going to pay random street musicians to play loud music in the parking lot.

Do with the info whatever you want, but at least I warned you guys.
Some Titans buddies and myself are taking this into our own hands. We're going to the Ravens hotel on Friday night. We just found out where they're staying and we're going to do whatever it takes to make sure the fucking Rats get no sleep. We're going to honk horns. We're going to pay random street musicians to play loud music in the parking lot.

Do with the info whatever you want, but at least I warned you guys.

Amateurs! Ask the Rays how they liked their stay at the Hotel DuPont during Game 5.....

Amateurs! Ask the Rays how they liked their stay at the Hotel DuPont during Game 5.....

Nobody does it like the 'Illadelph. Nobody.
In all seriousness, must be nice to live in a city that has a team in playoff contention.

Here, we just honk at police.
Supposedly a group of wiseguys employed a group of hot hookers who would frequent hotel lounges of teams the wiseguys would fade the next day.. Doubt its true but remember reading about it a few years ago...

Good luck in your task.. I am guessing you and your friends will be the only ones tired the next day:popcorn:lol
watch out for ray ray and his gun he might shoot ya with and still play on gameday....lol..

enjoy man, but i'm sure security and police will be called on your ass. keep up updated if anything happens worth mentioning, or else we will just assume you went to jail.
Make sure you take pics....tagged pics of course

Then post them up on MySpace and Facebook so you're really easy to identify and arrest.

That's how they do it at FSU.
If you actually have found the right hotel that's pretty cool.

I remember when they were filming The Dark Knight in Chicago they called it "Rory's First Kiss." Took quite a while before people caught on to it.
watch out for ray ray and his gun he might shoot ya with and still play on gameday....lol..

enjoy man, but i'm sure security and police will be called on your ass. keep up updated if anything happens worth mentioning, or else we will just assume you went to jail.

It'll all be worth it. I went on the radio today and promoted where the Ravens are staying on the highest rated station in Nashville. Lots of people know about this. It's gonna be great.

If I get arrested, I will smile and hope I'm being interviewed by some news guy. An iconic shot. Parents have already promised to bail me out, but I doubt anything will happen.
Haha, good stuff. Now your gonna see some Ravens fans try and get Kerry Collins to the nearest bar knowing damn well he's still probably a drunk.