Just heard that A.I. is heading to Wolves...

Friend just rung and told me he heard about it...

Cannot confirm or deny just yet...
keep posted...god I hope he goes to Minny. The West playoffs will be the best TV of all time.....:smiley_acbe:
Could be false alarm fellas. I think my pal got his wires crossed. Rushed to type it up without looking into it. Can't find a trace of it on the web...:spank:
Twolves sure do need some scoring they have 20 points in 22 minutes in the 2nd half tonight at San Antonio....:moose: :moose:
This, by the way, is the third Sixer I've loved that the team is going to sort of run off. No wonder I couldn't stick with that team as a kid.

I love AI, I hope he goes to Denver or Minnesota. Minny only because KG is probably my favorite player in the league other than AI. I'd happily be a bandwagon fan of that duo if they could co-exist just because I love their games.

And I'm originally from Denver so, AI and Melo would be fine with me.
Im getting tired of hearing about this guy,he hasnt been in the playoffs in like 3 years. I dont think hes a top 10 player anymore
I'm sort of tired of hearing about how nothing is happening, but I think the guy's the top scorer in the league rignt now, isn't he? Tough to call that guy not a great player.

Not to mention the fact that any year they get to the playoffs he can generally be considered the league MVP because that organization has put jack-s**t around him.
There's always shavlik, but he hasn't "contributed" since he got injured.

Look at it this way...without Iverson, the 76ers are going to have to completely revamp their identity....can it be anything but good for them in the long run?
Joe Public said:
I'm sort of tired of hearing about how nothing is happening, but I think the guy's the top scorer in the league rignt now, isn't he? Tough to call that guy not a great player.

Not to mention the fact that any year they get to the playoffs he can generally be considered the league MVP because that organization has put jack-s**t around him.
Joe you misinterpreted my words.. Hes always been able to score, but has he been able to do it within the flow of the offense? Hes not a point.. and he cant guard the one or 2.. hes a tough piece to plug into a team.

Jack shit?? I mean everytime they brought in a guy like stackhouse or hughes or anyone for that matter what happened?No one could play beside AI.
I would much rather have guys like iggy korver sam dalambert over odom walton and smush parker :shake:
redbearde said:
There's always shavlik, but he hasn't "contributed" since he got injured.

Look at it this way...without Iverson, the 76ers are going to have to completely revamp their identity....can it be anything but good for them in the long run?

Obviously the 76ers arent gonna score as much without ai gone.. thats like saying take away lebron.. or take away melo from the nuggets. The team is built around him, so it will take time. The team wasnt winning with that clown. They cant do much worst.. Build around iggy and dalembert.. :shake:
Chris Webber, at this stage of his career, is a little of both.

Exactly, Hughes, Stack, what have these guys done without AI?

I see what you're saying, abcs, and in part I agree, he has trouble flowing in a set offense, but I think that's in part because for basically ever the guy knows if he doesn't put up 30, they don't win.

That's why I'd love to see him with KG, because after Marbury left, KG has had sort of the same problem. Though, I say you could say they've been cursed for the whole Joe Smith thing.

I think he's hard on coaches, he was hell on Larry Brown, but Brown helped get him to the finals and I think even he will admit that.
I could see him with KG a lot more than i can see him with another wing guy like paul pierce. It is really sad becuz kg is the most gifted all around talent in the league. Either way the guy is a clown, he is a phony just like sammy sosa was. I could caree less about ai. Wherever he goes, yea they might go to the playoffs, but they will be one and done.
I assume you're calling AI the clown, which, you know I can agree to disagree on--and, actually agree to totally understand why you'd say it. But if it's KG I'd be interested to hear why.

I agree with you, however, about Boston. I think that might make AI even more prickly. Stuck somewhere with in the Pierce/Telfair thing they've got there.

I do think, though, wherever he goes the team is going to likely give up enough players that what will remain from a relevant standpoint will likely be the other team's big star and AI. In that case, I don't know why Boston would work, I'm not sure why Sacramento would work, and I really think Indiana would be a recipe for disaster.
No AI is a clown. He always blows off team functions.. and his rap sheet should explain the type of guy he is. He always has excuses to everything as well. Kid has never grown up.Even bitching at things like a dress code. I mean lets be realistic what would ai be doing if he wasnt playing ball?
Im sorry but i think he is the most overrated player in the league.. PERIOD
BTW are you willing to pay about 60 millions for the 3 years remaining with AI.. the guy isnt getting younger and his defense isnt gettin any better
What are we talking about here, A., we're talking about practice. Not a game, not a game, not a game. Practice.

As for the $60 mil., well, whose $60 mil. are we talking about. If it belongs to any Major League Baseball team, what do I care. Stupid sport. If it belongs to the Cleveland Browns, well, maybe I'd spend it, I mean I'm not convinced he could do any worse than Dennis Northcutt did in Pittsburgh last week catching passes.

For the record, though, if it were my $60 mil., I might stay away just because I don't really need a pure shooter in my house. I'd rather have a point guard, they strike me as more tidy. Maybe as if they might even run a vacuum once in a while.

Anyway whats your opinion of frye? You think the Browns take Smith with the pick?
You want to talk about the magnificence that is the Cleveland Browns? Well, who am I to steer you away from such a brilliant idea.

I like Frye. I think he's been dealt a very tough hand this year. Not an impossible one and if Romeo's back I think Frye still has a chance to run this team, but he's had it hard. Carthon sucked from day one, I said it, a lot of people said it, but in Frye's case they guy wasted half a season of his development. Meanwhile, Frye got battered and beaten to a pulp.

If Romeo is back that'll mean Jeff Davidson is back at OC. Should that be the case, Frye will probably have half a season to prove he's the guy, maybe a little more. But to do that he's going to need better coachign than he's had and better protection than he got--and that's going to take spending some money because the line is a mess and people aren't signed either. Chances are LeCharles won't be back for the opener, so that means re-signing Fraley and looking to bring in others.

As for Troy I think it's the Browns worst nightmare that he's on the board when their pick comes. I think they desperately hope he doesn't show well at the combines or that his stock drops to the point where he's figured for the mid-to-late first round. Then their safe. Because Smith may be a player, but he's small. For better or worse, he's small and in the NFL that is something to overcome at the position. It's not impossible, but the Browns don't need risks, they need sure things and because of his size Smith isn't that.

And given what happened with Houston not taking Vince Young, passing on Smith for anything other than a sure thing could be a nightmare for the Browns.
Oh, and not to get completely and utterly off topic, but B-Eazy, as much as I like him, needs to shut his yap and stop dropping the football.