Just for you KJ...

Less. Games.

Why not just make more money off athletes in their primes who can't earn their own livings?
Less. Games.

Why not just make more money off athletes in their primes who can't earn their own livings?

They get a free education. Pretty sweet deal especially if you‘re at a school like Stanford or Notre Dame
They get a free education. Pretty sweet deal especially if you‘re at a school like Stanford or Notre Dame

Yeah knew someone would give the ol cliché. And no, they don't get a free education. They get that education in leu of millions and millions of dollars shaved off the lives of their careers with virtually no choice....a bunch of them. Not free.
Why don’t they have a choice, who is forcing them to play NCAA football? There are definitely legitimate points on both sides of the coin, but that should really be at the core of it.
Well it's the NFLPA of course because they don't want younger guys coming in taking their jobs any sooner than possible. But leave it to the NCAA to exploit it by adding more and more games for institutions and the "non-profit" org to cash at others' expense.

I believe the average age of a running back when he last plays professionally is 23.2 or somewhere in there. So think about it...once you're 18, you're told you have a little over 5 years to make money given your skillset. But you can't really collect a paycheck the first 3 of those years, that's going to this non profit that promotes higher learning (allegedly). Sound good? No? Too bad, deal with it.

And increasingly that "non-profit" organization is seeking to utilize them more and more for their benefit. As corrupt as it gets, not sure how anyone could see it another way. So that they can get a degree valued at how much? Gonna guess plenty of these guys could actually use the money they don't get to make during those 3 years and come back for that education and then some down the road.
Hopefully the put Mich or Sparty back on annually
As a Michigan fan, not in favor of this. Teams need to refuse to play ND so they join a conference. The ACC is on their knees for them though so that will never happen. They bring too much $ in. But they should be required to join a conference if they want to get in the playoffs and the only way the would be forced to is if teams like Michigan Stanford USC every ACC school stop playing them. Make them play shit teams.
Yeah knew someone would give the ol cliché. And no, they don't get a free education. They get that education in leu of millions and millions of dollars shaved off the lives of their careers with virtually no choice....a bunch of them. Not free.

You equivocate on the definition of free with an emotional victim appeal. Its a free education and they choose to accept the deal or not
As a Michigan fan, not in favor of this. Teams need to refuse to play ND so they join a conference. The ACC is on their knees for them though so that will never happen. They bring too much $ in. But they should be required to join a conference if they want to get in the playoffs and the only way the would be forced to is if teams like Michigan Stanford USC every ACC school stop playing them. Make them play shit teams.
Ding ding ding.
replace ND with UCF

Alabama 42 UCF 14 - national championship (game was even worse than the score)
Clemson 30 UCF 3 - national semifinal

Would we ever let UCF play an important game ever again?
Not being able to draw an NFL paycheck until they’re 3 years removed from high school is between the NFL and the players. The NCAA may be a joke but no one is forcing them to play there. Maybe if enough decided to spend those three years doing something else there would be real change.