Just a rumor


Pretty much a regular
First of all let me start with the statement that I don't watch NBA basketball. Watching 2 minutes here and there I have probably not watched a complete games worth of NBA action in the last 30 years. I stopped being a fan and watching this "sport" when Earl Monroe, his team (Knicks) leading by 7 points with 5 seconds left and a line of Knicks -6, took an inbounds pass under his own basket and scored a basket in his own hoop to make the final score Knicks by 5. He said "I lost track of the time....."

I also have never read any of the posts in this or any other NBA forum either so what I am about to mention may have already been discussed and I wouldn't know about it. if that is the case please excuse my ignorance. All this preface aside, I keep hearing rumors that Lebron James will be traded back to the Cavs. This isn't just speculation from some fan, reporter, or talk show host. I hear this talk from a number of, shall we say, unsavory sources. People I have known for years and people that don't as a rule spread rumors or joke around. My "friends" say it has something to do with the 1st overall pick the Cavs have as well as other picks as well both next year and future. Plus cash and other concessions.

Now I know he grew up in this area but I also know he didn't leave Cleveland/Akron on the best of terms. "Escaped" is more like it after his moronic announcement. I was just curious if anyone else has heard of this?

Again if you have heard it and discussed it before I am sorry I brought it up. If you have not heard it, it could be interesting to see if there is something to it next year. And no there is not any apparent gain from this rumor I am just bringing it up as something for you all to talk about. GL
I don't know the ins and outs of LBJ contract but I could assume he has veto power on any trade. He is a FA at the end of next year. Why not wait until then so he has more power to hand pick who he plays with in Cleveland?
First of all let me start with the statement that I don't watch NBA basketball. Watching 2 minutes here and there I have probably not watched a complete games worth of NBA action in the last 30 years. I stopped being a fan and watching this "sport" when Earl Monroe, his team (Knicks) leading by 7 points with 5 seconds left and a line of Knicks -6, took an inbounds pass under his own basket and scored a basket in his own hoop to make the final score Knicks by 5. He said "I lost track of the time....."

I also have never read any of the posts in this or any other NBA forum either so what I am about to mention may have already been discussed and I wouldn't know about it. if that is the case please excuse my ignorance. All this preface aside, I keep hearing rumors that Lebron James will be traded back to the Cavs. This isn't just speculation from some fan, reporter, or talk show host. I hear this talk from a number of, shall we say, unsavory sources. People I have known for years and people that don't as a rule spread rumors or joke around. My "friends" say it has something to do with the 1st overall pick the Cavs have as well as other picks as well both next year and future. Plus cash and other concessions.

Now I know he grew up in this area but I also know he didn't leave Cleveland/Akron on the best of terms. "Escaped" is more like it after his moronic announcement. I was just curious if anyone else has heard of this?

Again if you have heard it and discussed it before I am sorry I brought it up. If you have not heard it, it could be interesting to see if there is something to it next year. And no there is not any apparent gain from this rumor I am just bringing it up as something for you all to talk about. GL

damn that's sick
If the cavs got lebron in. A trade and did not have to give up kyrie, it would be the steal of the century
LeBron James Is Right: He Is Underpaid By The Heat And Nike Too

LeBron James underpaid? (Photo credit: Keith Allison)
LeBron James spent two years digging out of the hole he put himself in with his ill-fated “Decision” TV special and “Not two, not three, not four” summer 2010 Miami pep rally where James predicted eight championships for the Heat. James had a historic 2012 when he led the Heat to the NBA title and the U.S. men’s Olympic team to the gold medal in London. He was awarded the MVP award for both the regular season and the NBA Finals. His jersey was the NBA’s best seller and he won Sports Illustrated’s “Sportsman of the Year” award. James was rebounding in the court of public opinion.
But for every two steps forward James and his redemption take, he moves one step back. Friday was one of those days. Speaking to reporters in Indianapolis before the Heat squared off against the Indiana Pacers, James said: “I’ve not had a max contract yet, it’s a story that’s been untold. I don’t get (credit) for it.” He continued to discuss the NBA’s salary structure.
“It doesn’t matter to me, being the highest-paid guy in the league,” James said. “What I do on the floor shows my value. At the end of the day, I don’t think my value of what I do on the floor can be compensated anyway because of the CBA if you want this truth. If this was baseball, I’d be up there.”
via Miami Heat: LeBron James is just the NBA’s 13th highest-paid player. – Sun Sentinel.

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LeBron-haters quickly lashed out at their favorite target after James’ remarks. They cited the absurdity of someone implying they were underpaid at $17.6 million a year for playing a game. They pointed to his $40 million in endorsement income from corporate giants Nike, Coca-Cola, Samsung and McDonald’s, as well as his No. 4 position last year on the world’s highest-paid athletes.
But James, of course, is right on all accounts. He has not had a maximum length deal in the NBA, although it is by his own choice. James has never been the highest paid player in the league and his $17.6 million salary ranks No. 13 this year, despite his clear stature as the best player in the world. The NBA’s collective bargaining agreement limits individual player salaries to 35% of the cap in the first year for 10-year veterans, which equates to $19.1 million this season. It is $16.4 million (30% of the cap) for 7-year veterans, which James was when he left the Cavs.
If basketball operated with a real free-market system, James would likely command at least $40-50 million a year. Baseball operates without any salary restrictions and there are 20 current players with contracts that average at least $20 million a year. Alex Rodriguez tops the list with a deal that averages $27.5 million annually.
James has been invaluable to the Heat and the financial benefits to the team will greatly outweigh his current 6-year, $110 million Heat contract. The team’s revenue were $124 million in the season before James arrived. They averaged $154 million the past two seasons with James, as the team made the NBA finals both years. Forbes valued the Heat at $364 million before James and $625 million this month in our annual look at the business of the NBA. The Heat are also in line for a new blockbuster local TV contract that will quadruple their current deal to as much as $100 million a year.
James, arguably, is also underpaid by his biggest sponsor Nike. The Swoosh pays James an estimated $15 million a year, including royalties under his current deal. Nike sold $100 million (wholesale) of James’ signature sneakers in the U.S. in 2012, according to SportsOneSource. Nike likely sold a similar amount of James’ kicks outside the U.S. James also drives sales of apparel and other non-basketball shoe items for Nike. SportsOneSource analyst Matt Powell says most of today’s NBA players do not provide the return on investment in terms of their footwear, but that athletes like James are “more than just shoe endorsers and act as the face of the brand.”
James will make nearly $60 million this year from the Heat and his sponsors. And yes, he is underpaid.
Special Report: The Business of Basketball
Respect the asterisks you laid out - literally a 0% chance the heat trade him anywhere. They have no incentive whatsoever in trading away a top 5 all time player, the most underpaid guy in the league, the league's foremost revenue generator, and the one player who constitutes the NBA's "tier 1".

If he were to ever leave Miami, it would without a doubt be via free agency.
I just hope he doesn't end up being a Laker next summer.

He is the best player in the game right now, but I just don't like him and don't want him to be the franchise player of the Lakers for the next 4 - 5 seasons...
I don't know the ins and outs of LBJ contract but I could assume he has veto power on any trade. He is a FA at the end of next year. Why not wait until then so he has more power to hand pick who he plays with in Cleveland?

I think that would have to do more with Miami, as they want something in return for him if he's planning on leaving anyway after the season. Why wouldn't LeBron just veto the trade is the next question. LeBron wants nothing to do with looking like the villain again (and to Cleveland again of course), so he may just say fuck it and let them trade him since he wants to go back anyway after the season (if his true intention is to go back to Cleveland which many, many 'insiders' have been saying for a little while now).

Of course this is all just speculation on all of our parts, but I can see a scenario where LeBron would accept a trade to Cleveland if it meant not looking again like the worst person in the world.
I just hope he doesn't end up being a Laker next summer.

He is the best player in the game right now, but I just don't like him and don't want him to be the franchise player of the Lakers for the next 4 - 5 seasons...

Lol huh? Lebron will never play for the Lakers. Save it, mark it, download it, whatever. That makes zero sense.
Respect the asterisks you laid out - literally a 0% chance the heat trade him anywhere. They have no incentive whatsoever in trading away a top 5 all time player, the most underpaid guy in the league, the league's foremost revenue generator, and the one player who constitutes the NBA's "tier 1".

If he were to ever leave Miami, it would without a doubt be via free agency.

Well of course they have an incentive. Why would they want him to just walk at the end of the year (if that's what the play is going to be and they know it) where they would get NOTHING in return for him? All of the things you mention is exactly why Miami could easily get "the King's ransom" (no pun intended...lol) for LeBron, and build their franchise right back up again in the aftermath of him leaving.

Why would Cleveland give up that much for LeBron would be the question, when they know he is coming back at the end of the season (again, if that's what's in play at the time). Miami would have all of the incentive to trade him at that point, Cleveland would be the squad with no incentive.
Lol huh? Lebron will never play for the Lakers. Save it, mark it, download it, whatever. That makes zero sense.

Exactly. Funny how the biggest Laker homer out there is not only the one to bring up something so ridiculous, but then to say that he wouldn't want that. lol
Well of course they have an incentive. Why would they want him to just walk at the end of the year (if that's what the play is going to be and they know it) where they would get NOTHING in return for him? All of the things you mention is exactly why Miami could easily get "the King's ransom" (no pun intended...lol) for LeBron, and build their franchise right back up again in the aftermath of him leaving.

Why would Cleveland give up that much for LeBron would be the question, when they know he is coming back at the end of the season (again, if that's what's in play at the time). Miami would have all of the incentive to trade him at that point, Cleveland would be the squad with no incentive.

The incentive for Cleveland is they can resign him for the extra year and max money if he is their property.. If he becomes a free agent Miami can sign him for the extra year and max money.. It's called the "bird rights".. That's why their are sign and trades.. That extra year of guaranteed money..
I am not saying he is or is not going to be traded just going along with the pros and cons of the thread.
I'm saying it, because it's something that I read too much in the last year.
Because next season, Kobe + Gasol's contracts end and many are talking about how Lakers always bring the biggest star in the league and that means that LeBron could be next.

The thought of that just makes me sick to be honest...
The incentive for Cleveland is they can resign him for the extra year and max money if he is their property.. If he becomes a free agent Miami can sign him for the extra year and max money.. It's called the "bird rights".. That's why their are sign and trades.. That extra year of guaranteed money..


My point was really that Miami did have incentive to deal him, but you're right that Cleveland has incentive as well. James would be opting out of his deal with Miami in 2014, his original deal isn't ending. Does that change anything with the Bird Rights? LeBron also didn't take a max deal with Miami when he first went there, so it may not be about the money with him as much as repairing his image and going home to his family.
Divol, u cant be serious that if the lakers had a chance to get lebron that you would not want him, lmao....
He is an amazing player, but I don't like him.

Would you like to see a player that you hate, wearing your favorite team jersey?
Very good points..could see Lebron doing similar Contract wise with who ever he goes to.. Now knowing he needs that extra space to sign quality players to play along side of him...
and repairing his image, family..
Fwiw not saying he will or won't be traded just going along with the thread...
Go bruins!!!!
Different interpretations of "a grip" I guess.

But keep fishing for info before pulling the trigger on that side bet pal lol need the help.
Conveniently ignoring that thread, eh?

Don't get all butt hurt on me...just PM when you pull the tampon out and are ready to take me up on either of the two bets I offered you for "a grip."

I'm not sure that LBJ looks like an asshole if he vetoes a trade and signs as a FA with small market Cleveland

I might be wrong but I think the public puts him on a pedestal for returning to his home town and the people that they perceive were initially wronged
He is absolutely leaving Miami

They are doing nothing to improve their team. For christs sake, the lost a game b/c Chris Andersen was suspended. LBJ is in worse shape now than he was as a Cavalier with Boobie and Varejao
you don't think Riley after next year will say to Lebron, " Hey who do you want here?, You want Paul George and Kevin Love, okay done"..

Lebron is probably going go to the team that gives him the best chance to win titles.
Gonna be interesting. I don't think he comes back to CLE yet. But when it's all said and done he'll def be putting on a Cavs jersey at some point again IMO.
you don't think Riley after next year will say to Lebron, " Hey who do you want here?, You want Paul George and Kevin Love, okay done"..

Lebron is probably going go to the team that gives him the best chance to win titles.

Gloria need to re-up on snow. New city, new connects.
I'm not sure that LBJ looks like an asshole if he vetoes a trade and signs as a FA with small market Cleveland

I might be wrong but I think the public puts him on a pedestal for returning to his home town and the people that they perceive were initially wronged

No, he wouldn't look like one after he actually signed with Cleveland, but if he vetoes a trade to Cleveland mid season the shit hits the fan. He can't exactly come out and say he's going to opt out end of year and sign with Cleveland at that point, so Cleveland goes ape-shit once again.
you don't think Riley after next year will say to Lebron, " Hey who do you want here?, You want Paul George and Kevin Love, okay done"..

Lebron is probably going go to the team that gives him the best chance to win titles.

I'm not sure he would (Riley), because with the salary cap the way it is now, it would be nearly impossible to pull something like that off. They're in the position they're in because they spent crazily on 3 guys, why would they do it again and think it would be any different long term?
No, because with the salary cap the way it is now, it would be nearly impossible to pull something like that off. They're in the position they're in because they spent crazily on 3 guys, why would they do it again and think it would be any different long term?

to win titles, why else would they do it?...The Lakers would gladly do it, and I think the Heat would as well
to win titles, why else would they do it?...The Lakers would gladly do it, and I think the Heat would as well

But they did it already and have won 1 title (so far, I know). The only reason we're having this convo is that they are in a financial position that will lead to them losing the Big 3 in one way or another. Paying 3 guys as much as possible and surrounding them with a C-list supporting cast (or worse) doesn't seem the best way to operate a franchise, especially given the different salary cap and F/A rules that now exist in the NBA.
I agree with you to a point.

But I think the Lakers, Heat, and prolly the Knicks operate on a different level. They are willing to pay the luxury tax in order to compete for titles
I agree with you to a point.

But I think the Lakers, Heat, and prolly the Knicks operate on a different level. They are willing to pay the luxury tax in order to compete for titles

You're probably right. I would just question why Miami is pretty much guaranteed to lose Bosh, Wade, and/or LeBron in the first place (could just be speculation on all accounts, but probably not), if they're willing to pay the tax?
STEED;1673071[B said:
]Different interpretations of "a grip" I guess. [/B]

But keep fishing for info before pulling the trigger on that side bet pal lol need the help.
yea nice try...

when you "split" a bet with egg

Ill give you props for paying but lol

Conveniently ignoring that thread, eh?

Don't get all butt hurt on me...just PM when you pull the tampon out and are ready to take me up on either of the two bets I offered you for "a grip."

is this to me? gtfo

***** please stop act like you ballin you bet the same amounts i bet

so when you and your wife egg are taking 3-1 action you lost a grip if anyone else was in line for the free money....please dont be "butt hurt"
Egg wanted the action. Wasn't that big of a deal lol. Clearly a huge hit for you though, so congrats. Buy those kids something nice -- don't be selfish! :)
Not "balling" by any sense...but lets get one thing straight I dont bet for pills like you brah lol

It is free money...so stop stalling and take me up on them again! Or you still "mulling" lol

My goodness.
Not "balling" by any sense...but lets get one thing straight I dont bet for pills like you brah lol

It is free money...so stop stalling and take me up on them again! Or you still "mulling" lol

My goodness.

Haha "bet for pills"
Not "balling" by any sense...but lets get one thing straight I dont bet for pills like you brah lol

It is free money...so stop stalling and take me up on them again! Or you still "mulling" lol

My goodness.
LOL....you all are some funny dudes
LeBron will never be traded, a player like him is never traded.. 0% chance...

This thread is a waste of electricity