June 4th


Pretty much a regular
As a lot of you guys, i love the Giants too.

One and only one player from the Phillies starting lineup is batting over .280 against lefties. That won't be enough against Zito. Barry has one job, and one job only. Keep the ball in the ballpark. If he could do that, Giants will win imo.
I hope the Yanks will go with their A-lineup today. I would like to back them, but i want Canó, Posada, Damon in there.
Yankee numbers vs. Garland:

Abreu 5/11, 3 hr
Cano 5/9, 1 double, 1 triple, 1 hr
Damon 8/18, 2 double, 1 triple, 1 hr
A-Rod 12/28, 1 double, 2 hr

Matsui (1/11), Phelps (0/12) and Melky (1/6) are struggling against him.

Some pretty huge numbers there.
GL tonight Ale. I tend to lean the White Sox here. I think I'll fade both teams after THE series last night.

im not against the play..I am just a Yankee fan and think we should win every game we play..

I have seen enough of Chitown in the last 2 weeks, they aint scaring nobody..gl
Yankees' odds went up all the way to 2.06. I think it's just beacuse the wind is blowing out and people think DeSalvo won't hold the ball in the park.

1. The game is delayed, but it should start in 10 minutes.

2. mlb.com changed the wind, now they have it blowing in with 12 mph

3. Yankees odds is up to 2.11 now.
And a final thing: i think Yankees will take the first 3 from ChiSux, then they will drop the 4th against Contreras.
Two pitchers who can K anyone and an umpire with a high strikeout numbers:

Bedard over 5,5 K @1.743, 3 units
King Felix over 5,5 K @1.915, 3 units