July 29th


Pretty much a regular

Mia +128
Tor +100

Stl/Sd un 6 -117 (2*)...this is a very high rated play for me only reason it's not 3 units is on account of the #6, not a big fan but runs should be hard to come by with these two on the bump

Chw/Det un 8 -110 (2*)

I had 7 totals pop up on my radar still researching the other 5 games, waiting on weather and ump confirmation before I make any of those plays...back tomorrow
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Really only interested in cubs and dodgers totals...waiting on umps, be back closer to game time...I do have this 2* kickball game going on this afternoon if anyone is interested

BATE Borisov (UCL)/Debrecen (UCL) Under 2*-101 (2*)
thanks BAR...gl to you today

0-0 at the half in kickball, both sides playing very conservative with only 1 shot on goal in the 1st half
Col tt ov 4 +100 (2*)

I will add another unit as long as Randazzo doesn't end up behind the plate...I may not be able to post the added unit as I have a prior engagement...Originally I really liked the over for the game but the more I looked at what Jackson has done recently and with the number you are getting this is a must play...I feel bad for the guy I knew him a long time ago when he was first starting out in the bigs with the Dodgers but in his last 10 starts opposing tt's have only gone under 4 two times and in his last 10 starts vs. Colorado dating back to 2004 the tt has only gone under 4 one time...he is facing a club he hasn't had any success against and has looked as if he is tossing bp his last few starts...not really sure the umpire will even matter, Ed's only chance is if the hit a bunch of at'em balls
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