Judge - Hmm, anything to this?

6-0 in the 8th.

Why, then?

He may have been trying to look at the catcher, regardless of what two old dudes up in the press box said. “He definitively couldn’t have seen the C from that position.” Really? Prove it. Even attempt to fucking prove it. And to be fair, he probably wasn’t trying to peek at the catcher…

More likely he’s glancing at the pitch clock. This actually makes the most sense given the new rules. Neither broadcaster even mentioned it did they? It is, at the very least, one of the possible options.

What does he think he’s getting from the dugout with the new pitch calling apparatus everyone uses? How? Are they hacking the Wi-Fi and then giving Judge a quick signal like a 3rd base coach, that he’s about to see whatever pitch is coming?

Everyone slow down and use your brains. That’s why they’re there.
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I just heard about this not long ago, it freaking redic, the dude has smashed how many bombs the last year + and there no evidence of him peaking anywhere. Mfers in both dugouts wouldnt stfu, pretty sure that why he was looking over. I’d be happy to throw shade at any yankees but not gonna jump on board w this nonsense.
He may have been trying to look at the catcher, regardless of what two old dudes up in the press box said. “He definitively couldn’t have seen the C from that position.” Really? Prove it. Even attempt to fucking prove it. And to be fair, he probably wasn’t trying to peek at the catcher…

More likely he’s glancing at the pitch clock. This actually makes the most sense given the new rules. Neither broadcaster even mentioned it did they? It is, at the very least, one of the possible options.

What does he think he’s getting from the dugout with the new pitch calling apparatus everyone uses? How? Are they hacking the Wi-Fi and then giving Judge a quick signal like a 3rd base coach, that he’s about to see whatever pitch is coming?

Everyone slow down and use your brains. That’s why they’re there.

They said on Mlb tonight both dugouts were chirping a bunch bout calls, think he was looking over to say “shut up and let me hit”.
They said on Mlb tonight both dugouts were chirping a bunch bout calls, think he was looking over to say “shut up and let me hit”.

This doesn’t make sense to me, but I guess anything’s possible. We’re taking a fraction of a second of a glance…he’s not letting them get into his head while he’s at the place like that. Who’s he’s “staring down” in less than a second?

Both instances were later on in the pitch clock. I’m sticking with pitch clock.

Also why doesn’t someone just ask him?
This doesn’t make sense to me, but I guess anything’s possible. We’re taking a fraction of a second of a glance…he’s not letting them get into his head while he’s at the place like that. Who’s he’s “staring down” in less than a second?

Both instances were later on in the pitch clock. I’m sticking with pitch clock.

Also why doesn’t someone just ask him?

It was his dugout and from my understanding they kept bitching at ump about call. This what he claims, don’t really see why he lie bout it.

Apparently there was bunch of arguing during his ab thartdelayed middle his at bat and he just wanted it stopped so he could finish ab.
It was his dugout and from my understanding they kept bitching at ump about call. This what he claims.

Gotcha. I didn’t realize he was asked. That still seems really odd to me. He knows their voices, he’s know who was chirping without looking over.
Gotcha. I didn’t realize he was asked. That still seems really odd to me. He knows their voices, he’s know who was chirping without looking over.

Think the look was just to tell them to chill out, said he had words after the game with teammates.
Regardless, the Jays announcers come off as foolish in all of this. Their guess was quite possibly the worst possible. And they seemed to be kinda adamant about it.
Think the look was just to tell them to chill out, said he had words after the game with teammates.

Sure I guess. Guys chirping probably aren’t locking eyes with the dude at the plate though. It’s an odd answer for sure. But if that’s his answer, that’s what happened.
I dunno, when I want someone to stop something or they aggravating me I often give a glare!

By turning your head and glaring, yes. He’s literally just moving his eyes to glare. And again, do you ever do what you’re explained to a group of guys that are 50 feet away from you in a dugout?
By turning your head and glaring, yes. He’s literally just moving his eyes to glare. And again, do you ever do what you’re explained to a group of guys that are 50 feet away from you in a dugout?

I dunno bro, sounded like the truth to me. Again dunno why he lie bout it. He obviously isn’t stealing signs or he wouldn’t strike out this much!! Lol
I dunno bro, sounded like the truth to me. Again dunno why he lie bout it. He obviously isn’t stealing signs or he wouldn’t strike out this much!! Lol

He obviously wasn’t stealing signs because the Jays use pitchcom, so it’s impossible to do so.

He doesn’t have to be lying about it nefariously, maybe it’s a lie to keep hidden whatever he was actually doing so he can do it again and doesn’t give it away. Probably not, I’m sure he was telling the truth…it just seemed odd to me.
German caught cheating today with residue on his pants, yankees base coaches were arguing all game with jays bench

These two hate each other
He obviously wasn’t stealing signs because the Jays use pitchcom, so it’s impossible to do so.

He doesn’t have to be lying about it nefariously, maybe it’s a lie to keep hidden whatever he was actually doing so he can do it again and doesn’t give it away. Probably not, I’m sure he was telling the truth…it just seemed odd to me.

Well it woulda been location he was trying to get. Location bout as good as the pitch, if it down and away good guess it gonna be offspeed. High it obviously a fastball.