Josh Brown

Real sweetheart.

With that being said, and this is for a whole different thread prolly, the effect of being molested as a kid carries over in many ways.
Real sweetheart.

With that being said, and this is for a whole different thread prolly, the effect of being molested as a kid carries over in many ways.

Of course it does. No doubt about it.

There are so many layers to this story.

and IMHO it is much worse than the Ray Rice situation... bottom line is the NFL has fucked up... again

Not as many people care because 1) Brown is a kicker and 2) He's white... yup

the fact that the Giants haven't cut him yet is also appalling.... and looks like he is going to be traveling to London tonight with the team
I literally can't comprehend how in the world this guy is still on the team, it just makes no sense whatsoever.