Joel Klatt makes some very good points

That last point he makes will fall on deaf ears and is 100% spot on, Klatt just hit it out the park
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Last time I checked, I thought Stanford had the most representatives on the committee. But clearly there is a major bias favoring the Big 10 and disfavoring the Big12. It's interesting that Clemson has a "modern" offense and still ranks number 1. But Clemson does have a real defense with some nice metrics like ranking no. 1 in the country in 3rd-down conversion. Ohio State also has a modern offense, now that I think of it. But Iowa is as old-school as it gets.

Of course, Clemson has its AD and an alumnus on the committee.
What Ok State did on defense last week was incredible, and they've been great all season...caught me by surprise
I've made my thoughts on the committee known. However, in regards to this

1. The committee is only 12 people, and they address that. However, 12 people will produce more volatility then the AP poll. Also, the AP poll has a herd mentality. Anyway, we mostly agree the AP is a joke anyway, so why use it as a reference.
2. This is a case of the the conferences that Fox mostly broadcasts (Big 12 and Pac 12) being "under respected", i.e. a higher ranking will give more viewers. I notice Houston wasn't mentioned
3. Anytime that rat faced dickhead appeared on the right of screen I wanted to punch it, and some of those paces he was pulling made me angrier
4. Although I don't agree with the committee, they are mostly made up Type A people that won't get pushed around. Do you think Condeleeza Rice is going to get pushed around by Barry Fucking Alvarez after she dealt with White House ego's and guys like Putin?
5. Points per possession is an excellent point (and is very useful for gambling), and he is right there. For those interested in PpD stats
Joel Klatt is one of the few color commentators I can tolerate when watching a game. His analysis is usually quite good. But he played at Colorado (a B12/P12 school), so no doubt he has his own bias as well.

Stanford and Utah are far more old school football then several teams east of the Mississippi so that analysis is simplistic at best in this case.

I don't care as much about perceived regional or style-of-play biases, I would rather just have clarity around the actual criteria. If its eye test, make it the eye test, if its schedule strength then make it that, if its stats make it stats, just don't pick and choose different criteria as weirdly and randomly as possible each week. I can't imagine a criteria that would have Ohio St in the top 4 right now. So for the committee saying that last year has no bearing on this year's numbers its just a farce.

But whatever, its still better than voting on a champion like we did for 100 years so I'm good with whatever they decide.
Joel Klatt is one of the few color commentators I can tolerate when watching a game. His analysis is usually quite good. But he played at Colorado (a B12/P12 school), so no doubt he has his own bias as well.

Stanford and Utah are far more old school football then several teams east of the Mississippi so that analysis is simplistic at best in this case.

I would add the networks that carry these leagues. Not to mention which network host the playoff committee show. It's a reach, but can't be ignored.
It all seems so arbitrary.

Other than where Ohio State and Oklahoma State are its not arbitrary at all. It's cut and dried - how have you played? And who have you played? That's it. And it's week-to-week. A lot of you guys act as if today's date is Dec 5th.

Baylor wouldn't be in my top ten because not only TO DATE have they NOT beaten a top 25 school, they haven't even played a team with a winning % above .500.

Things change tomorrow. Just win, baby!
I would add the networks that carry these leagues. Not to mention which network host the playoff committee show. It's a reach, but can't be ignored.

I want you TO DATE to name me BOTH the B12 and P10's three best OOC games. Win or lose. What are they so far? We are in like Week 10 or 11 of the season so we have plenty of data (opportunity has been there) to choose from. I honestly don't know the answer to my own question, but I'm willing to step out on the ledge and say there isn't much data at all and/or the results aren't that stellar.
There's a lot to that question and I don't feel like looking anything up, but the nice thing with USC, UCLA and Stanford is that you can rest assured they haven't played an FCS team, because none of those teams will ever schedule one of those. Pac12 only play 3 OOC teams because of the conference schedule, I don't know much about Big12 schools. Top of my head I can only recall Stanford losing to Northwestern, Oregon losing to Mich St, Utah beating Michigan, ASU losing to Texas A&M, USC losing to Notre Dame, Cal beating get the gist.

Conference cronies are weird people, usually employed (as suggested) by someone who makes money by pimping the conference. Hell I don't even know who a good team is this year, so trying to claim that beating a good seems a worthless argument, and losing to a bad team is barely an argument, but that's what I'm sticking to.
And fwiw, I think the Pac12 this year pretty much sucks after having a nice run...ACC seems best to me this year, eye test only, but it's much easier to make cases against virtually every team out there than a case for anyone really.
There's a lot to that question and I don't feel like looking anything up, but the nice thing with USC, UCLA and Stanford is that you can rest assured they haven't played an FCS team, because none of those teams will ever schedule one of those. Pac12 only play 3 OOC teams because of the conference schedule, I don't know much about Big12 schools. Top of my head I can only recall Stanford losing to Northwestern, Oregon losing to Mich St, Utah beating Michigan, ASU losing to Texas A&M, USC losing to Notre Dame, Cal beating get the gist.

Conference cronies are weird people, usually employed (as suggested) by someone who makes money by pimping the conference. Hell I don't even know who a good team is this year, so trying to claim that beating a good seems a worthless argument, and losing to a bad team is barely an argument, but that's what I'm sticking to.

my goal or intent is to not say who the best conference is or is not. These CFP is based off of what you have done and who you have already played. We can all agree the outliers in that is Ohio State and Oklahoma State. Ones ranked a bit too high and one is rakned a bit too low. The B12 and P12, don't pass the test so far. It's not a conference bias as Klatt wants you to believe (West of the Mississip); it's just a fact these schools don't have worthy resumes. That's not to say things cannot change going forward. There are games left to be played and every school with zero losses or one loss sans UNC controls their own destiny. Just win. That's it.
I want you TO DATE to name me BOTH the B12 and P10's three best OOC games. Win or lose. What are they so far? We are in like Week 10 or 11 of the season so we have plenty of data (opportunity has been there) to choose from. I honestly don't know the answer to my own question, but I'm willing to step out on the ledge and say there isn't much data at all and/or the results aren't that stellar.

What are Notre Dame's best wins? Their wins against Temple and Navy? 3 loss USC?
Other than where Ohio State and Oklahoma State are its not arbitrary at all. It's cut and dried - how have you played? And who have you played? That's it. And it's week-to-week. A lot of you guys act as if today's date is Dec 5th.

Baylor wouldn't be in my top ten because not only TO DATE have they NOT beaten a top 25 school, they haven't even played a team with a winning % above .500.

Things change tomorrow. Just win, baby!

Ohio State have beaten no ranked team, and have beaten two teams over 500, and one of them was a directional MAC school
maybe you don't know this, but Temple and Navy are ranked in the CFP. Names be damned and all, but the fact remains.

And, of course, that's ridiculous. The committee makes ridiculous judgments and then uses them as bases for further ridiculous judgments.
And, of course, that's ridiculous. The committee makes ridiculous judgments and then uses them as bases for further ridiculous judgments.

What two schools should be in the top 25 CFP that aren't because Navy and Temple are? This ought to be entertaining. these schools are exactly where they would be in the older methods of rankings.
I want you TO DATE to name me BOTH the B12 and P10's three best OOC games. Win or lose. What are they so far? We are in like Week 10 or 11 of the season so we have plenty of data (opportunity has been there) to choose from. I honestly don't know the answer to my own question, but I'm willing to step out on the ledge and say there isn't much data at all and/or the results aren't that stellar.
Win or lose?

Northwestern (Stanford)
Notre Dame (USC)
Texas AM (ASU)
Boise State (UW)
Michigan (Utah)

Off the top of my head..
Klatt can use whatever stat he wants but there is no way I'm ever going to think OK St's defensive performance was better than Alabama's. Call me a homer but that's absurd
I don't either GPS

Interesting discussion would be how would Bama and FLorida be viewed defensively if they played in the big 12, and how would we view Baylor, Ok State and TCU offensively if they were in the SEC.

My guess is differently. Id really like to see a Bama/Baylor type matchup in the CFP
Klatt can use whatever stat he wants but there is no way I'm ever going to think OK St's defensive performance was better than Alabama's. Call me a homer but that's absurd

I don't think he was saying it was better, but using the comparison to say it wasn't bad
Anyone remember in Star Wars when Luke/R2D2 has that hologram video of Princess Leah asking for Obie One Kanobe's help bc he's the "only one"? Well, Joel Klatt is now prolly saying that about Okie St and his lone Fox Sports school.
Win or lose?

Northwestern (Stanford)
Notre Dame (USC)
Texas AM (ASU)
Boise State (UW)
Michigan (Utah)

Off the top of my head..

Yup, all losses except ucla's 4th quarter comeback against mighty bywho. Solid. anybody have anymore or does it really matter anymore? Like kicking sand on the dead bodies as the Young Guns gave a bad guy a "proper burial".
I don't think he was saying it was better, but using the comparison to say it wasn't bad

His words were "more impressive." I think guys like Klatt are good for the discussion since he doesn't just fall into the ESPN narrative like so many, and he actually attempts to use reasons based on facts to support his claims unlike analysts like Joey Galloway or the guy who's show he's on in this clip.

Two years ago after the kick 6, Cowherd said Saban would never beat Malzahn again because Gus' offense would always be too good. Now Gus' fan base wants him fired
Yup, all losses except ucla's 4th quarter comeback against mighty bywho. Solid. anybody have anymore or does it really matter anymore? Like kicking sand on the dead bodies as the Young Guns gave a bad guy a "proper burial".

Utah pretty much beat up Michigan and knocked em out. Quit trying to make a point that most people already agree with when you don't even know wtf you're talking about. Fuck I'm even pulling for UNC but your bullshit makes it more difficult.
Yup, all losses except ucla's 4th quarter comeback against mighty bywho. Solid. anybody have anymore or does it really matter anymore? Like kicking sand on the dead bodies as the Young Guns gave a bad guy a "proper burial".

UCLA (Virginia)
Washington State (Rutgers)
Oregon (Michigan State)
Cal (Texas)

Stanford (plays Notre Dame)
Judge Smails;2709988[B said:
]UCLA [/B](Virginia)
Washington State (Rutgers)
Oregon (Michigan State)
Cal (Texas)

Stanford (plays Notre Dame)

your honor, with all due respect, no one is hanging their hat on those wins. The ones they could lost. But I will concede you brought me three. I should have said only "wins", but I did not. :shake:
Utah pretty much beat up Michigan and knocked em out. Quit trying to make a point that most people already agree with when you don't even know wtf you're talking about. Fuck I'm even pulling for UNC but your bullshit makes it more difficult.

I apologize for reading one game wrong (Mishitigan v Utah). One game. My bad. i'll try to do better next time (I won't). Anywho, please don't root for UNC. Stay the hell away form them. Shrute gonna need all the help he can get with Clemson on 12/5. Root for them.
Just make sure your team shows up in its own unis for that game. The ones y'all borrowed from Duke are an atrocity. Aesthetically, there's nothing better than seeing Clemson orange and Carolina blue clashing on the field.
Just make sure your team shows up in its own unis for that game. The ones y'all borrowed from Duke are an atrocity. Aesthetically, there's nothing better than seeing Clemson orange and Carolina blue clashing on the field.

There is nothing aesthetically pleasing about orange and blue together
Just make sure your team shows up in its own unis for that game. The ones y'all borrowed from Duke are an atrocity. Aesthetically, there's nothing better than seeing Clemson orange and Carolina blue clashing on the field.

You worry about the uni's we'll worry about the football. We aren't there yet.