Joe Public and other Browns fans...


Montezuma Mesa Survivor
There's a few Browns-related questions I've been pondering over lately.

Q. Did the Cleveland Browns waste a 1st Round pick on Quinn? And this has nothing to do with Quinn's performance at all. Rather, it has everything to do with the performance of Derek Anderson. Is this kid the real deal (not just a one year wonder), and a possible long term QB for the Brownies?


Dear Cleveland,

Thanks for the free first rounder.



P.S. Can you please start losing some games:smiley_acbe:
i agree i would stick with anderson and deal quinn away. Quinn is a solid player that works extremly hard,some may say that he is not as good as advertised and that may be true but we must give him a chance.

DA has developed great chemistry with o-line and skill players if browns deal DA away then they will have to re devlop the same chemistry with quinn.

Looked what happened in San Diego, it is not all on rivers a lot has to do with the coaching staff but teh offense is not as prolific as when Brees was starting there.

If someone else signs Anderson browns will be getting someone's draft picks (1st and 3rd round draft picks because he is a restricted free agent). I would say deal quinn away and keep anderson for the long haul because he is still a relatively young and has the respect and command of the offense.

just my 2 cents.
Dear Cleveland,

Thanks for the free first rounder.



P.S. Can you please start losing some games:smiley_acbe:

When the browns made that deal i was thinking to myself dallas is going to have a top 5 pick. Now not so much. I will be shocked in teh browns do not make the playoffs because their last 5 games they are playing against teams with less than a .500 record who should win at least 3 of 5.

Edizz...just for teh fun of conversation, let's say browns finnished in bottom 5 and had pick #4, who would you want to cowboys to draft and why?
Dear Dallas,

You can suck it. You know all you're going to do is trade that #26 pick away so you can try to trade up for some stiff. Enjoy it while we wallow in our abundance of riches.


The Cleveland Football Browns.
Here's the think on Anderson, it's a tough choice, but one that should benefit Cleveland either way.

First, they're going to ride Bigfoot as far as his size 16 feet will carry them. Then they're going to probably franchise him. This means, if you want him, you're going to have to pay through the nose to get him.

So even if someone does take him away, the Browns benefit.

Now, the question becomes, do you stick with him?

The problem is, what DA is doing can be done, it's been done before. Guys have a great year. And what's really contributing to this guy's success is as much the talent around him as it is him.

Is he proving better than Charlie Frye, yes, but Frye never had this O-line. He never had this OC, and he never had Braylon, Winslow, Joe J., and Jamal Lewis all healthy and on the roster for as long as DA has.

I don't want to just say Anderson is a product of the system. I don't think that's totally true. But I do think the system this year under Chud is vastly--VASTLY--superior to anything they've run in years.

Were it me, I would not trade Quinn. You're not going to get a first rounder for him so what's the point?

I would tender DA at whatever you need to to franchise him and if somebody took him I'd wish him well. Quinn has been bred for this. This is the same situation Kitna had in Cincy. I think you treat it the same way. At a certain point, you turn it over to the kid, you keep the other guy on the roster if you need him for as long as you can afford it should it go wrong and then, when you know it's going to work out, you ship the first guy off and thank him for all he's done.
hat stiff could be darren mcfadden, lol. or does dallas trading up make him a stiff?

No way the Browns pick alone translates into McFadden. Both Cleveland and Dallas are going to make the playoffs. Would you trade the number, what three pick or so for the numbers 25 and 28 picks?

No chance.

If they start throwing in other s**t, that's one thing, but just Cleveland's pick alone, at this point that'll be enough to move Dallas up five or so spots at the most.
joe are you not a dallas fan i take it?

There are only a few true evils in the world. The Dallas Cowboys are one.

(Unless I bet them for the week, then they are an acceptable money making vehicle to be used and then discarded like a used condom at a truckstop.)
hat stiff could be darren mcfadden, lol. or does dallas trading up make him a stiff?

No way the Browns pick alone translates into McFadden. Both Cleveland and Dallas are going to make the playoffs. Would you trade the number, what three pick or so for the numbers 25 and 28 picks?

No chance.

If they start throwing in other s**t, that's one thing, but just Cleveland's pick alone, at this point that'll be enough to move Dallas up five or so spots at the most.

Jones will probaly give up

3 #1's , Julius jones and Terry Glenn for McFadden
3 #1's , Julius jones and Terry Glenn for McFadden

Which could be as dumb a deal as Herschel Walker or Ricky Williams. But it would be interesting to see.

Whoever can take McFadden is in a ton of luck this year because of Adrian Peterson. He has single-handedly jumped the stock on the highly rated RB more than anything else.

Part of me wishes the Eagles had fallen apart and sat in that cat bird's seat so they could stock pile picks and players for that guy.

Lord knows the Eagles need as many cracks at the draft piñata as they can get based on their record.
Well I thought it would be a top 5 after the first game of the season, then this bigfoot character comes out of nowhere. So that dream is lost, but if there had a top pick I would go with D-Mac....the best college football player in the past 10 years.

Now I see the Browns around 22-25 range. There will still be a ton of talented players left. I want Dallas to take a CB and WR. I cant pick just one so ill give my top 4 for each position.

Early Doucet LSU
Limas Sweed Texas
Adarius Bowman Okie St
DJ Hall Alabama

Tracey Porter Indiana
Justin King Penn St
Or either of the CB's from south florida Mike Jenkins or Trae Williams
Terry Glenn could be done in the NFL.....rumor is he isnt even running yet.

I read that he was done for the year right after it happened, then I saw Dallas start to spin it and I knew it was bad.

That would really suck to see him done for good, at least to see him go out like this. I never like to see guys end their career due to injury. He was their best WR last year, too. Of course, part of that could have been Parcells feeding his guys.
Well I thought it would be a top 5 after the first game of the season, then this bigfoot character comes out of nowhere. So that dream is lost, but if there had a top pick I would go with D-Mac....the best college football player in the past 10 years.

Umm..... Vince Young, Reggie Bush come to mind before McFadden.
Speaking of the Browns Joe. How do you like the "other" first round pick in Joe Thomas. I have been hearing some pretty good things about him so far. Was he worth the #3 pick in your opinion
Speaking of the Browns Joe. How do you like the "other" first round pick in Joe Thomas. I have been hearing some pretty good things about him so far. Was he worth the #3 pick in your opinion

When i have watced him he has looked good imo. Read some things that he should be in the mix for ROY but AD has that all locked up.

Damn It Gallery why couldnt you be like Joe :hang:
Speaking of the Browns Joe. How do you like the "other" first round pick in Joe Thomas.

Humm, how do I put this into words? He might be the best thing since the sixer of beer. And I don't mean of Keystone Light.

He is already looking dominant at times at his position. I absolutely love that pick in retrospect.

Ask Frankie, we Browns people were all pretty happy on draft day. Had they taken Thomas or Calvin Johnson I wouldn't have been unhappy, but they needed someone good at this spot in the worst way. I'm just happy he's panning out.
How many SuperBowl wins again ?

The Browns and Raiders can't meet in the SB, that's why we have to beat them in the regular season every year.

Umm..... Vince Young, Reggie Bush come to mind before McFadden.

Damn you're all over my ass tonight signal. Do i need to put a disclaimer before every post I make that this is my opinion?

Reggie is overrated, great college player no doubt and that could be because he had an NFL TEAM playing with him at USC.

Vince is a beast, one of my favorite players. Great college player and just a winner, I loved seeing him bring the horns back against USC in the championship game.

IN MY OPINION(there ya go) D-Mac is the best college player coming out the past 10 years. He is a freak and I have never seen a runningback like him. He is like a horse, he can really run and he big and powerful. Oh and he can also throw the ball every now and then. Have you watched any Arkansas games this year?

Put D-Mac behind that USC oline and its a guareteed heisman.
Well atleast we beat your Eagles

27-10. Painful memories. True enough.

Put D-Mac behind that USC oline and its a guareteed heisman.

I agree, Donovan behind that USC line would have been something to behold.
LOL Dizzle sorry about that. Just felt like getting some good discussion going tonight and disagreed with some of your thoughts so I just posted just to disagree.
I loved watching and Betting on VY in college it was so great.


I lost my ass on VY in that championship game against Bush. Thought there was no doubt in my mind that USC was the best college team I ever saw and no way a QB that couldnt throw would come in and beat them..... I was wrong lol
yeah true that If arky had the Talent that USC whole new ballgames

one other thing

Casey Dick lol

Imagine what a true QB could do for him dude see's 8-9 man fronts all day. Felix jones is also pretty damn good and could be better will we find out.
LOL Dizzle sorry about that. Just felt like getting some good discussion going tonight and disagreed with some of your thoughts so I just posted just to disagree.

No prob at all, its all healthy discussion. I thought the same thing about AD at oklahoma last year that I think of D-Mac this year.....except D-Mac is better than AD IMO. And if anyone passes him up in the draft then they need to find a new GM, scouting guy or whoever. He is going to be special in the NFL.
After seeing McFadden toss that 50 yard incompletion against LSU on Friday, Im not so sure hes any worse of QB than Dick is.
I lost my ass on VY in that championship game against Bush. Thought there was no doubt in my mind that USC was the best college team I ever saw and no way a QB that couldnt throw would come in and beat them..... I was wrong lol

If I bet how I did now back then that would have been the game of my life. I knew Tejas was gonna win you knew VY was gonna go off. Cant believe I didnt play ML didnt know much back then about ml's :whip:
yeah true that If arky had the Talent that USC whole new ballgames

one other thing

Casey Dick lol

Imagine what a true QB could do for him dude see's 8-9 man fronts all day. Felix jones is also pretty damn good and could be better will we find out.

EXACTLY!!! He didnt even have a QB!!! D-Mac should be the heisman, it should go to the BEST player in college....and thats what he is.

Good point about Felix Jones, he'll be a stud and a great middle round pick up in the NFL.
EXACTLY!!! He didnt even have a QB!!! D-Mac should be the heisman, it should go to the BEST player in college....and thats what he is.

Good point about Felix Jones, he'll be a stud and a great middle round pick up in the NFL.

Imo him or Chase Daniel

fuck Tebow but he's gonna win it you know it. Sad thing is I liked him last year when him and leak would mix it up but I cant stand him this year. Dude is gonna be a FB in the NFL lol
I don't think Tebow wins it this year, I think McFadden gets it. He's the easy choice.

Tebow's going to come back for another year, that's the way they'll look at it.

Also, I hate to say it, but I think Colt Brennan needs to be in the discussion.
I don't think Tebow wins it this year, I think McFadden gets it. He's the easy choice.

Tebow's going to come back for another year, that's the way they'll look at it.

Also, I hate to say it, but I think Colt Brennan needs to be in the discussion.

Pat White Also
