Joe P. ... I've decided I would like the Browns to draft Brady Quinn

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(Disclaimer. If you guys don't know it already, I'm a ND backer. I have Touchdown Jesus on my pajamas, and were it not for my wife's wisdom, my son would have been named Knute or Digger.)

That disclaimer aside, this does go against my lifelong NFL draft philosophy. Keep it simple stupid, have good "big uglies" up front and all your warts will be hidden. And I've seen the Browns flop with high pick quarterbacks. You say Tim Couch. I'll give you Mike Phipps, 3rd overall out of Purdue, all it cost them was Paul Warfield.

BUT .... I just think Quinn's a fit. If he wasn't a Domer, I don't think he'd be getting so much negative press. People love it when Notre Dame loses, but let's face it, he really didn't have a hell of team around him. I really don't think any QB could single-handedly have taken ND's talent and beaten OSU, LSU, USC (hindsight being 20-20).

I also think he's better now, today, than Frye or Anderson. The Browns quarterbacks are garbage, we need to admit this.

I look at Peterson, I don't see the next LT. Those guys don't come around very often, and they also stay on the field for more than 6 games at a time. There's a Peterson in every draft. Brownies need a general.

I can live with Joe Thomas if Detroit passes, and if the Browns can trade down and get Quinn at #8, I'm all for it. But the team needs a splash, and the team needs a quarterback. I just can't see Charlie Frye hoisting a Lombardi one day.
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Tip, I think you should occasionally refer to your son as Lil' Digger at times just to tweak your wife.

Though not too much as you probably don't want to saddle him with that nickname for life.

Here's where I agree with you. Right now I look at Brady Quinn and I look at Charlie Frye and I have an easier time seeing the former being interviewed immediately following a Super Bowl victory.

I also agree with you that right now Brady Quinn could be more prepared for the NFL than Frye, if only because one of them has actually had quality NFL QB coaching. The problem is, there's a very real chance neither will get it with the Browns next season given the way this staff is put together right now, and the truth is, they both need it.

I don't know about Quinn, sometimes I think he'll be a great NFL QB, other times I think he'll be a journeyman at best.

So I'm torn on him.

I will say that while I do think the Browns need a splash and something for the fans to hold onto, I think more than that they need some hope that the team is going in the right direction. That means some wins next year and some progress.

Really, at this point, whatever provides that is what I'm in favor of.

Oh, and I can understand why you now hate Winthrop.
From what I read this morning they are heavily favoring Quinn now...meant to copy and paste it for you guys..
They could be doing just that, but who knows at this point. Now is when all the lies start.

I read something the other day about teams not believing one word they were hearing out of either Cleveland or Detroit because they all believe that both teams want to trade down and are now starting the spin machine to try and get people all geeked up about picks two and three.

Hell, I'm now even reading things about how the Raiders might draft Calvin Johnson. Which I believe has almost zero chance of happening. But the rumors are out there.

It's all gamesmanship for the next month.
I don't understand the Browns anymore than I understand the Lions..this shit is why both franchises suck.
please let it not be true. I do not think he is the answer. Signing jamal lewis to a 1 year deal who are they kidding.

I mean next year's draft class for RB is going be be very deep, but adrian peterson or joe thomas should be the selection at no.3. (Joe thomas should be the browns priority right now)
I can't wait for this draft. Browns are going to get a good player. I'm just going to trust Savage to make the right pick, he's basically a best-player-on-the-board guy. Worked well last year.
I really am not that impressed with brady quinn. I mean he was a good college player, i just do not know if he will be equally successful at the next level. If the browns take him i hope you are right.
I too love ND, and I do think it is the right pick for the Browns, assuming Thomas isn't available. RB's are a dime a dozen in the NFL: Jamal Lewis/ Willis McGahee this year, Edge and even Shaun Alexander were available last. It's more important to have a solid QB and Frye is not that. Clearly the Browns won't be ready next year or the year after most likely, so they should draft their QB of the future now, and he should be ready to make a run in a couple years. Quinn works harder than anyone in college, see 24 reps @ 225, and he's smart as hell. If the two QBs were switched at the Sugar Bowl would there have been a difference in the final score?? I don't think so. Plus, I'm sure Weis in in Romeo's ear 24/7 and I'm sure he respects the hell of his opinion of QBs.
Here are Quinn's positives:

1. His size.

2. His experience. He's basically played in huge games every week his whole college career.

3. His college coaching.

4. He wants--really, really badly--to play for the Browns.

Those are the positives, and I agree that Coach Fatty has been in the ear of the Black Walrus about how good this kid is.

That said, I think the Browns need to be in that situation you need to be in when you go into a car dealership. They need to be able to walk away. Meaning, if Detroit is bound and determined to draft this guy, the Browns need to be OK with that. Or if someone is going to trade above 'em to get Quinn, they have to accept that.

Unless you can guarantee me that there is the next Jim Brown in this draft, I think the worst thing the Browns could do would be to trade up.

If Quinn is accepted as a second/third choice in the draft and he falls to the Browns, so be it.

I think they could do more by trading down, because I think this team lacks depth pretty much across the board and I don't see them really competing any time soon with out it. But it's not like he's another short, Tim Couch-like non-leader. He's got some positives, so the reality is they could probably do worse.

But, again, what do I know.
Joe, I do not think he has played in big games every week. But i do think he has played his fair share against top talent. He was given top talent to work with in college ranks and against top teams he didn't fair well.

I do not know what kind of pro he will be, so i am going off his college performance. He didn't play well against better defensive talents. In the NFL as you all know things only get faster and more confusing with the different sets in offenses and defenses get much harder to reconize and audible to.

I think it would be premature to select a QB at this stage if joe thomas is still there, but if he isn't there i believe RB is where the browns should turn their attention to.
Gotti- I agree they should get Thomas if available, but of the positions available at the top of the draft their most pressing need, other than O-Line, is QB. Maybe they can get Carr or something, but if not, its much harder to get a QB than an RB integrated into the offense. I would support trading down, but drafting Peterson doesn't seem like it will matter if Frye is your QB, and if you're going to have to suffer through a couple tough years before you get to the playoffs I don't know if you can count on Peterson to stay healthy especially with the shitty line the Browns have in place as of now.
That offensive line will be improved so much, that even French-Frye will start playing well too...

Oh Yeah...
Unfortunately not lost in the crash. Couple scouting gems in there. I said the Browns needed their general, General Brady Quinn, and that there's a Peterson in every draft. I least I said I "could live with" Joe Thomas.
Quite possibly the worse scouting job I've ever read! Peterson comment was the best gem in the OP. Good stuff! Ha!