Joe Girardi exit stage left...

The obvious choice will be Mattingly, wonder if he wants to leave a great situation in Miami under Jeter for NYC....both destination cities obv and clearly one team is better than the other, not sure the choice is as easy at it seems though
What the hell has Don Mattingly done as a manager to deserve consideration for a step up in job class? Cashman as the GM wants to have a puppet manager in the same way that Jerry Jones wants a puppet head coach. Don't be surprised if it is somebody without a big name who will agree to do anything the GM wants.

I was never Girardi's biggest fan, but he is a top 5 or 6 manager in baseball and did a masterful job with his bullpen usage the last 3 or 4 years. I would bet my last dollar it will be some dipshit suckup who does anything the GM says. Do not expect any big name at all. It is a ferocious job and Girardi has been extremely underrated for how he handled it during his post-Torre days in the Bronx.
Considering they greatly over-achieved this year, it is a bit strange from a timing perspective
Nats for Joe G? That would make sense to me, though they're prob going to lose Harper after next year.
Nats for Joe G? That would make sense to me, though they're prob going to lose Harper after next year.
Seems like a logical fit, Cub. But after having the front office basically dictate how to do his job the last few years, I'd be surprised if he went to DC and worked for Rizzo, who has his hands in everything too.
What the hell has Don Mattingly done as a manager to deserve consideration for a step up in job class? Cashman as the GM wants to have a puppet manager in the same way that Jerry Jones wants a puppet head coach. Don't be surprised if it is somebody without a big name who will agree to do anything the GM wants.

I was never Girardi's biggest fan, but he is a top 5 or 6 manager in baseball and did a masterful job with his bullpen usage the last 3 or 4 years. I would bet my last dollar it will be some dipshit suckup who does anything the GM says. Do not expect any big name at all. It is a ferocious job and Girardi has been extremely underrated for how he handled it during his post-Torre days in the Bronx.
Scarf I hope you got my point...not like he's done anything, but the Yankee way is the Yankee way. He's a shoe if if he wants it, still not sure. They love their own. And if it comes down to Cashman vs public opinion...the public wins now. Has nothing to do with x/o stuff, this is a top job not just in MLB but basically all of sport. It's a CEO. It's an's a face of the franchise. No clue who it is but better be ready to deal with not you or me, but the daily bullshit. That doesn't require a resume, it requires....IT. My take
KJ, there is absolutely 0% chance that public opinion has anything to do with this. The Yankees had George in place for years and years and Cashman did what he was told, while managing the Bronx Zoo as the Yankees were known for years. When George passed and his 2 kids took over ownership of the team, they didn't have the foggiest fucking clue what to do and have basically handed over the "final say" to Cashman on NEARLY everything...the major exclusion being when Hank Steinbrenner signed A-Rod to the 10-year extension that just ran out this year...Cash wanted nothing to do with that at all.

But Brian Cashman is the 3rd longest tenured GM / President of Operations bullshit title behind Sabean and Beane. He has an enormous amount of say in exactly how this organization is now run...and there is zero chance he brings in a guy who isn't exactly everything he wants in a manager for one...and who will "bow down" to what he wants done with more than just the pitching changes....

The Yankee way is great in theory...but the Yankee way is now the Cashman way...and he wants a guy who will do the things he wants, when he wants. He basically wants to play Jerry Jones of the baseball diamond now that there are 2 rich, stupid owners who don't know shit compared to their maniacal father. The New York Yankees franchise is now and has become over the last 10-15 years about being a profitable business and making money. Cashman has total control there and personally to think otherwise is not being realistic.

But I follow the team and have for years since I was a kid...the history and all that bullshit are great...but it's more of a window dressing than anything in today's game.
The obvious choice will be Mattingly, wonder if he wants to leave a great situation in Miami under Jeter for NYC....both destination cities obv and clearly one team is better than the other, not sure the choice is as easy at it seems though

Not a chance in the world, NONE!!
Career years from Judge, Didi, Castro, Headley (after April), Gardner, etc.

This team severely overachieved. What happens if Judge is a .205 slugger for an entire year and Didi regresses from MVP form? The staff relied heavily on Tanaka and CC in the playoffs and both may be gone.

Everyone thinks because Sanchez and Judge are young that this team is on the up but it's more likely to see a monster regression next year.
my wife's friend is girardi's wife's friend and they were out drinking a few weeks back and girardi's wife didn't think that joe would be back...for what that is worth...i believe that girardi did a very good job with the teams he's was handed and i suspect but i do not know that girardi wanted to get paid like others....he was making 4 mil and soscia is getting 6 mil i think....yanks are fucked up just like they have always been and girardi was the calming professional that the organization guess is that they will go right back into the drama days of arod will be interesting to see who they pick.....ausmus maybe
Seems like a logical fit, Cub. But after having the front office basically dictate how to do his job the last few years, I'd be surprised if he went to DC and worked for Rizzo, who has his hands in everything too.
The problem in DC is the Lerners, not Rizzo.
I do not watch baseball as much but why is he getting fired after being 1 play from the World Series and seriously overachieving this year? Obviously more going on than I have eyes for.
I do not watch baseball as much but why is he getting fired after being 1 play from the World Series and seriously overachieving this year? Obviously more going on than I have eyes for.

Harbaugh situation. Ownership and GM dislike him. Players, similarly, don’t love the man despite the results. And he is due for a super raise.

Yankees need to be careful their farm is unproven but deep and they will never get this level of production from the majority of their lineup
Nats for Joe G? That would make sense to me, though they're prob going to lose Harper after next year.

Still good talent there though even without him, can't think of many better jobs, plus if he's just at replacement level he's such an upgrade over dusty that he would get universally praised

Step 1: remember your best players first name

If he wants a younger team and to be close to home white sox aren't a bad option either
i think sox will stick with renteria until they're ready to win, kind of like the cubs did. kind of sucks for him as I think he did a pretty decent job his one year with the Cubs.