JM's weak 2 CFP Plays


Beer and Betting Belong Together
1-3 in week 1, showing that I know nothing about football east of the rockies and only a little more west...record will assume flat betting, but units are what I have going...not unwise to fade me

UW -21 1/2 (1st half).....2 unit
UW/Idaho over 60 1/2.....1 unit
WSU/Boise over 74....1 unit
WSU +10.5...1 unit
USC -16....1 unit
Miami FL -24 (-120)....1 unit....a sure loser

more when drunk tonight I am sure..........tailing a few others here and there for 1 unit plays too......
Enjoy your team jimmy, they really good

and fast......bandwagon won't really begin to fill until they lay 6 or 7 at AZ and win by 20.....

drunkkkkkkkkkkkk and adding.....these 1/2 unit plays so I don't get killed...

penn state +4.5......
Baylor -32
Nebby -25
Michigan -35
UTEP +30 1/2

gross...........just fukkin gross, but that what I bet..