Jimmy Clausen Possibly Out for Year


Two-Shot Foul
Alright, this has the potential to make me sound like a complete dumbass, but I wanted you guys to know what I know...

My friend writes a blog and he's the first one reporting this anywhere, but a doctor in South Bend that we both know (who will obviously stay anonymous, but not the guy that did the surgery) said that Clausen had surgery on his elbow and is out for the year. I understand that people will think I'm just making this up, but I go to ND and would never want this to happen, I know the family of this doctor fairly well, and have never posted anything ridiculous like this before. The blog is here, there isn't really anything more than I've just said: http://logan-logsblog.blogspot.com/

(mods: Just let me know if posting that link is against a rule, or just delete it, no big deal. I'm not trying to tout my friend's blog, I just think it's completely true)
Thanks for the info

ND say hello to 7-5, not that he would of been a savior this yr anyway, rough schedule
I one of the few who thought that Jones could have beaten him straight up in their QB battle, if this actually pans out, next year's QB battle will be insane... That said, I don't think it will hurt ND that much at all, it was gonna be a rough season anyway, and Jones' legs (he was the #1 rated dual threat QB in the nation out of HS) will help the offense alot
This is very interesting. It also may kill ND lines this year in some ways.

If just the general knowledge that ND lost their starting QB is out there, it may flatten out some of the spreads that might have been inflated simply on their name alone.

Still, I agree with you guys, tough to see them doing much but regressing this year.
Yea Joe, I think ND would be a good bet the first couple games just because Jones is much better than people think

I'd have to see the schedule before I'd completely agree to that. But ND does strike me as one of those teams willing to schedule a cupcake or two right up front. So my initial lean would be to agree with you.
Haha, ND is definetly not one of those teams, they save their cupcakes for the end of the season (pre-USC), they've had one of the hardest opening schedules about 5 years in a row .. they start with GT, then Penn State, and Michigan I believe, but the lines will be skewed either way .. however, it might just cause the lines to be where they normally should be since ND will also have a bad line because they're soo public. I basically never bet on them unless it's just for action.
Yea, GT is definetly weaker, and I know PSU's offense will be better and their D will be worse, probably better overall though. But I wouldn't call either of them cupcakes by any means, ND's cupcakes are the service schools .. I would add MSU, but they they have a little bit of trouble with them, haha
Clausen was most likely only going to see backup duty this year, if any duty at all. If Fats was smart, he'd redshirt him for a year.

The true question is, how will this effect his fan club--the Hotti boys?






Plust there's this:



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Wow that is embarassing, Weis couldn't just redshirt him though, he'd have a fit and transfer ... the validity of this still remains to be seen, but, once again, I believe this guy
Clausen was most likely only going to see backup duty this year, if any duty at all. If Fats was smart, he'd redshirt him for a year.

The true question is, how will this effect his fan club--the Hotti boys?






Plust there's this:




Fucking ****! Clausen deserves ND and Hamburger Charlie. Both are total pieces of shit. Everyone wants to bow to ND's schedule, but it is no harder than a Big 10 or SEC schedule!


Sept. 1 GEORGIA TECH - Iowa is better
Sept. 8 at Penn State - B10
Sept. 15 at Michigan - B10
Sept. 29 at Purdue - B10
Oct. 6 at UCLA - Wisky is better
Oct. 13 BOSTON COLLEGE - 4th, 5th in B10
Oct. 20 USC - Ohio St.
Nov. 3 NAVY - No comment
Nov. 10 AIR FORCE - No comment
Nov. 17 DUKE - No comment
Nov. 24 at Stanford - No comment


Sept. 6 SAN DIEGO STATE - Terrible
Sept. 13 MICHIGAN - B10
Sept. 20 at Michigan State - B10
Sept. 27 PURDUE - B10
Oct. 4 STANFORD - Terrible
Oct. 11 at North Carolina - Terrible
Oct. 18 Open Date
Oct. 25 at Washington - Terrible
Nov. 1 PITTSBURGH - Mid of the pack B10
Nov. 8 at Boston College - 4th, 5th in B10
Nov. 15 at Navy (Baltimore) - No comment
Nov. 22 SYRACUSE - BE bottom feeder
Nov. 29 at USC - Ohio St

I could go into the SEC's comparisons but wont. So what is all the talk about how poor ND plays a rough and tough schedule? ND is a fucking joke. They are so 1980's that it isnt even funny. Play a tough schedule and beat someone then you can moan about how hard a schedule you have. But playing a regular conference schedule like every B10 and SEC school does and you dont beat any of them, stop complaining, you are not on that level.

Oh that is right, you ALMOST beat USC.
I don't like UCLA, I think Carl Dorrell is a complete moron, but they're going to shove their entire foot up ND's *ss this year.

They may actually get a high ankle sprain from the depth and impact of the procedure.
I think UCLA could be undefeated come USC time Joe.

Yeah, Dorrell almost can't f**k this year up in some ways (now watch him go do it). They return like the entire team from last year. There's no reason that team shouldn't be good.

That said, I have a feeling Pete Carroll lays a 50 spot on them this year just for fun. And for revenge.
The story is on ESPN. However, they say its just minor and he'll be ready for fall practice.


Yea, of course they're going to downplay this, I'm absolutley shocked they admitted anything. The comments in the blog have been bashing the story .. apparently a huge ND insider came out and said there is 100% nothing wrong with him physically .. now look, this will snowball
Rumor is he is lost for whole season due to recovery time. If Clausen was smart, he'd take a medical redshirt and sit out the year.

But that would leave ND with only two QBs since the #4 is transferring.
2 stories from thewizardofodds.blogspot.com (one of the pillars of CFB news):

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Did Clausen Have Elbow Surgery?

Notre Dame quarterback Jimmy Clausen, who has been bothered by bone spurs in his right (throwing) elbow, recently underwent surgery on the elbow, according to the site Log's Blog.

"I recently found out from a trustworthy source who I cannot name (read: doctor) that ND freshman QB Jimmy Clausen recently underwent elbow surgery. Supposedly he will miss the entire season.

"Whether that means the recovery period covers the length of the season or ND will choose to redshirt him is unclear. With Clausen out the two leading candidates for the job would be Demetrius Jones and Evan Sharpley. I hope this is wrong."

Clausen, regarded as the top quarterback recruit in the country, graduated from high school early and enrolled at Notre Dame in January. His father, Jim Clausen Sr., told the Chicago Sun-Times in March that his son's injury was discovered last summer.

"We've been aware that this was an issue," the elder Clausen said in March. "He played 15 games with the problem this past season, so you know he's a competitor. But I think at the end of the season, he started to lose some velocity.

"At some point, if it's causing that much discomfort, we'll see what other option is best."

Last week, quarterback Zach Frazer, who was upset at being told he was the No. 4 quarterback entering fall practice, expressed a desire to transfer. Miami, Louisville, Rutgers, East Carolina and Connecticut were said to be the schools interested in Frazer.

A link to Jimmy Clausen's website. Thanks to Image of Sport.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Why Crewcut Is in a Pickle Over Clausen

Notre Dame officials fessed up Wednesday and acknowledged that quarterback Jimmy Clausen had a "procedure" on an elbow, although they didn't say which elbow it was. The likely truth is that Clausen, the most celebrated recruit to arrive in South Bend since Ron Powlus, had surgery on his right throwing elbow, first reported by the site Log's Blog.

Thus the question: Why did Notre Dame hide the fact that Clausen had surgery?

Put yourself in the position of Notre Dame coach Crewcut Charlie Weis. Simply put, he doesn't want opponents to know that his prized quarterback is coming off surgery on his throwing elbow. After all, knowing a quarterback has an issue with his throwing arm can change an entire defensive scheme. Weis is no dummy.

You can argue that Weis is looking out for the best interest of the kid and the team, or perhaps even himself. The risk in all of this is that when you are found to be covering up an injury or a surgery, your reputation and credibility suffers.

Weis made his philosophy clear during his spring press conference on March 21, a day after a Chicago Sun-Times report quoted Clausen's dad, Jim Clausen Sr., saying his son was injured. Weis was miffed when asked about Clausen and interrupted a reporter:

Question: "You say everyone is full to go, and last time we talked, you said Clausen ..."

Weis: "He's full to go. Contrary to recent reports, he's full to go, too. By the way, just so we can clear that one up, the only one who will answer for the health of our players will be me. So next time, we can just keep it that way, because I'll do the answering for the health of our players."

So there you have it. Can you believe anything Weis says from now on?

Weis did not make Clausen available to the media during spring practice, so we have yet to hear the quarterback's side of the story.

One last note: We'd like to mention John Walters of NBC Sports.com, who did what all journalists should be doing and properly credited Log's Blog for breaking the story. As for those who didn't extend the same professional courtesy, your credibility — much like Weis' — has been tarnished.

Thanks to Image of Sport.
Yea, Wizard of odds got that from my friends site ... I'm not soo sure Fraser would transfer if this were the case, even though he probably will. He himself said he's just weighing his options and looking at schools, that's what he got permission to do .. not transfer